In the fast crossing, she relies on beauty and commits murder

Chapter 318: The Beastman’s Favorite Pet (58)

Chapter 318: The Beastman’s Favorite Pet (58)

"Ayu, are you going back?"

"Ayou, I'll call you tomorrow, let's go out together!"


All the way back, Usling could see people from the Tila tribe smiling and greeting her.

She didn't put on airs, and responded to everyone with a smile.

When I got home, it was considered quiet.

Today A Yuan and the hunting team left the tribe.

This is their last hunting activity of this year's hunting season, and then they will face the arrival of winter with all their strength in the tribe.

Not only has the temperature dropped, but most of the prey outside have also found a hiding place to sleep peacefully. In recent days, the prey is not as easy to find as it was in the past. Sometimes after going out for a long time, I can only bring a small game with me when I come back. .

Fortunately, the food stored in the tribe has already exceeded the standard, and now the extra hunting is just extra snacks.Dispensable, not so much value for them to worry about.

Therefore, the orcs of the Tira tribe were not discouraged by the upcoming hunting results in the cold winter, and the smiles on their faces were more than before.

How could they not be happy that good days came when they thought it was bad?

The orcs who already have a partner have even started to plan. This year's cold winter with the female will make a few more troubles for the cubs.

Single orcs without a partner are also actively stocking up. The richer the family, the higher the success rate of finding females in the future!
Because prey is hard to find these days, and the males are not going to stay at home until the hunting season is over, they still go out hunting as usual, and for an extended period of time.

These days, almost all of them would come back when it was already dark.

It's just that these orcs came back earlier today.

Not only was the time advanced, but even the prey was beyond everyone's expectations.

They've brought back two adult tusks!
The tooth beast is the kind of beast that Lin Xiaoyue encountered when she first came to the Wilderness Continent.

This kind of animal is huge in size, especially an adult beast, and one head is bigger than a house.Moreover, their meat is very delicious, even if they are cooked without seasoning, they are very fragrant, which is a rare delicacy.

Before eating cured meat, the favorite food of orcs was roasted animal meat.

However, this kind of animal is extremely aggressive, and adult toothed beasts are not easy to deal with.

The one Lin Xiaoyue met back then was not too old, and her attack power was not particularly strong, so that Agu could save her smoothly by himself.

If it was an adult toothed beast whose combat effectiveness was at its peak, they would both have to finish playing.

Although it is difficult to deal with, the amount of meat of a tooth beast is enough for the tribe to eat for several days, not to mention the taste is very good.

Therefore, everyone still hopes to hunt the toothed beast.

Many of the sausages and bacon stuffed in front are animal meat.

It was the end of the hunting season recently, and there were no larger prey to be found. I didn't expect to catch two adult tooth beasts today, and no one from the tribe was injured or died. This is really gratifying.

"Where did you find this big guy?" The patriarch said happily, "Is everyone okay?"

Even if the food is already sufficient, it is a good thing to have more!
Be prepared.

The other clansmen also came from home, gathered around and watched the two toothed beasts talking.Even You Siling, who had just returned home, was here, watching the fun with the clansmen.

A Gu quickly replied: "Patriarch, everyone is fine. This end was hunted by us together, and the other end was managed by A Yuan alone. Hehe, our luck today is really good!"

As he said that, he and the other orcs in the hunting team told me about today's hunting process.

A Yuan, who hunted and killed an adult tooth beast alone, was not interested in showing off. He just walked silently to You Siling, who came to watch the fun, took her hand, and held her hand tightly in his palm , as if afraid that she would catch a cold.

You Siling felt the warmth from his palm, smiled at him, tugged at his arm and asked softly, "Aren't you hurt?"

Although A Gudu had already said that it was all right, she still wanted to hear from A Yuan himself to reassure her, even if she didn't smell his own bloody smell from this guy except for the smell of the tooth beast.

"Don't worry." A Yuan shook his head at her, and a smile appeared on his calm face, obviously enjoying her care.

The single orc in the hunting team over there was talking about hunting the toothed beast. He wanted A Yuan, who had killed a toothed beast alone, to say a few words, but saw him and Yousling smiling at each other. Immediately turned his head away.

Alas, guys who have a partner are different from single beasts like them.

When will they have female concern...

Ignoring A Yuan, they quickly talked about what happened today.

Usling followed suit.

Today, the orcs of the Tira tribe thought that they would not find any valuable prey as in recent days.

It's just that this is the last day of the hunting season, and they decided to search for more time and go back later, and they even made plans to rush back to the tribe in the dark.

Unexpectedly, it happened to meet an adult tooth beast.Moreover, the toothed beast was still injured!
This made them very happy.

This is simply meat delivered to your door.

Without saying a word, a group of people quickly gathered together and started to attack.

Unexpectedly, at the critical moment, the toothed beast let out a fierce neighing, and even called another adult toothed beast of similar size to help.This pair is obviously a male and a female.

The combat power of adult tooth beasts is several times that of juveniles.

It is impossible to bring all the tribesmen with you when you go out hunting, and you have to leave a part of them to guard the tribe to protect the females and cubs, just in case.

These people must have no problem dealing with a toothed beast, let alone a wounded one.

But the two ends are a little bit reluctant.

The end that came out later was not only intact, but also more irritable and irritable than the previous one, and it attacked very ferociously.

I thought that even if I managed to bring back the prey today, many clansmen would be injured.

Unexpectedly, at the critical moment, A Yuan turned into a black panther and bit it directly.

From a distance, the black panther's size can't be compared with the huge toothed beast at all, but it has a flexible body, sharp claws and teeth, and even stronger strength than the toothed beast, so it successfully held it back.

At the same time that the clansmen finally dealt with the injured tooth beast, A Yuan also jumped up and directly bit the neck of another tooth beast.

With such two prey, naturally there was no need to delay outside, and they rushed back without stopping.

(End of this chapter)

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