In the fast crossing, she relies on beauty and commits murder

Chapter 312: The Beastman’s Favorite Pet (51)

Chapter 312: The Beastman’s Favorite Pet (51)

In fact, Ali really wronged Lin Xiaoyue this time.

Not to mention that her relationship with the Tira tribe is not good, she can't risk her life to serve as an undercover agent for the orcs of the Tila tribe; even if she has officially joined the Tila tribe, with Lin Xiaoyue's character, it is impossible to make such a big sacrifice .

The reason why the rice planted became like this, but there are two reasons.

For one thing, this batch of seeds was originally inferior, but Lin Xiaoyue didn't know it when she stole it, let alone a member of the Raging Fire Tribe;
Secondly, they don't have Usling's experience and knowledge, so they are lucky to finally grow rice, and they want to grow top-quality products?Too unlikely.

The climate, soil, and planting methods here are not comparable to those of the Tila tribe, and they use discarded seeds. Naturally, most of the ears of rice planted are empty shells.There is only a layer of rice husks, but most of them have no rice grains.

Therefore, it is normal to only come up with such a bowl of rice.

It is impossible for Lin Xiaoyue, who is determined to successfully slap her in the face, and even take revenge on the Tira tribe in the future, to joke about this kind of thing.

In fact, she is more eager to see results than Ali, the patriarch of the Raging Fire Tribe!
But in the eyes of Ali and his fellow members of the Raging Fire Tribe, it was entirely a trick of the Tila Tribe and Lin Xiaoyue joining forces to deceive them!
In fact, this "trick" has already succeeded for the most part.

Look, their missions for this year's hunting season have been delayed a lot. If they really want to welcome the cold winter like this, the ending can be imagined.

"Patriarch, what should we do?" Some orcs said worriedly, "Tell me, could it be that the orcs of the Tira tribe knew our plan, so they deliberately slowed down our plan like this, and even wanted to take this opportunity to retaliate? Come and devour our tribe?"

His thoughts coincided with Ali's guess.

Not only this orc, but other orcs have the same idea.

Even if he didn't think so, when he heard this statement, he felt that it made sense, and couldn't help but conspired all of Lin Xiaoyue's actions since she came to the Raging Fire Tribe.

So did the females who had been robbed of their mates.

"Let me just say, this female seduces the males of our tribe everywhere. What is the reason for? It seems that she wants to provoke the relationship between our tribe and make the males jealous and kill each other for her, right?"

"It's too insidious! This female, and the Tila tribe are too insidious!"

"What should we do now? We don't have enough food. If the Tira tribe really comes to our door in the cold winter, we will be in danger!"

A group of orcs began to discuss noisyly, and several females who did not participate in the small team also complained a few words.

The female orcs who planned to hunt secretly before wanted to say that they still have a little food, although the amount is not much, but it can help everyone survive for a few more days.

But before he could say it, the leader of the females made a look and swallowed the words back.

These female orcs who participated in the hunting were all newly married and had no cubs yet.

I originally planned to work hard with my partner for the little orc this winter, but Lin Xiaoyue appeared unexpectedly.

It is also because their partners are younger that it is easier to attract Lin Xiaoyue's favor.

"Since we can't hide, we might as well take the first step," Ali pondered for a moment, then suddenly said, "As long as we are one step faster than them, there is a possibility of success."

"What... what do you mean?"

Some orcs looked at Ali in surprise.

However, he seemed to relax suddenly because of this decision, and then he spoke with a firmer tone: "Anyway, we had already planned to annex the Tila tribe, and now we just moved our action forward for a while. If Tira The Horde really knew about our plan, and we acted ahead of time, didn't we just catch them off guard?"

Ali looked at those tribesmen and tried his best to persuade them to support his decision: "Although Lin Xiaoyue is unreliable, some things may be true. Only by mixing the true and the false in this way can it be easy to deceive us. The rice Although something went wrong, she said that the food in the Tila tribe is sufficient and the housing has improved, which should be true. As long as the Tila tribe is annexed, our losses these days are nothing at all!"

The more he talked, the more he felt that this was the right thing to do: "In order to annex us in winter, wouldn't they store enough food to ensure a smooth operation? Let's work harder, and those things will all be ours!"

Although something went wrong with the rice, but if the Tila tribe is successfully captured, and those resources and the females of the Tila tribe are obtained, his position as the patriarch is still secure, and no one can say no.

Ali finally calmed down.

He knew that apart from agreeing to this plan, the Fire Tribe had no other choice.

Otherwise, they who missed most of the hunting season will have to starve and die in the cold winter.

"Patriarch, should we reconsider this matter?"

At this time, a female voice sounded.

The one who spoke was the very persuasive young female among the females.

"Aye, what is there to consider about this matter?" Ali said without thinking, "You females just need to stay at home. We males have to consider these things."

As soon as his words came out, the expressions of Aye and the young females around her changed.

The reason why these females can get together is naturally that their temperaments are more compatible.

Being able to support themselves, and quietly go hunting and storing supplies when the hunting season is delayed, these females are relatively strong and independent, and hate others to think that they are inferior to males.

On the surface, what Ali said seemed to be concerned about the safety of the females, but in fact, didn't he just think that they had no right to express their opinions!
It is good for them to stay at home, but if something happens, the female still has to bear the consequences of failure?

like now.

Obviously, in spite of their objections, it was the males like Ali who had to allocate most of the manpower to cultivate the fields, but in winter, it was the females and little orcs who were most likely to die of hunger and cold.

If the subsequent annexation fails, although the female can survive, she still has to bear the pain of losing her tribe and the anxiety of joining a strange tribe, trying to adapt to the new environment.

Who would want to be like that if they could?
Ah Ye didn't speak again.

Without her interruption, the other clansmen agreed to Ali's proposal quickly.

A group of males began to temporarily put aside the matter of punishing Lin Xiaoyue, and fully discussed how to annex the Tila tribe.

(End of this chapter)

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