In the fast crossing, she relies on beauty and commits murder

Chapter 299: The Beastman’s Favorite Pet (38)

Chapter 299: The Beastman’s Favorite Pet (38)

In addition to "natural nutrients", of course there are artificial fertilizers.

There are no fertilizer factories here, but there are countless plants.

Lin Xiaoyue has heard someone say before that the field will be burned after harvesting, and the burned plants will become nutrients and return to the land again.

She thought, let the cat orc smell those stinky "nutrients". Of course, she wanted to choose a higher-end method.

Without even having time to ask the opinions of the orcs who were helping, Lin Xiaoyue directly did something to the surrounding plants.

What she thought was that the ash from burning the nearby grass would be just right for fertilizer.

It's a good idea.

Plant ash is the ashes left after plants are burned, and almost all the mineral elements contained in plants are contained in plant ash.Therefore, it is an inorganic farmyard manure with wide sources, low cost, complete nutrients and obvious fertilizer effect.

Not only can promote root growth, but also reduce the role of pests and diseases.


Lin Xiaoyue's mistake was that she was too conceited, eager for success, and acted without waiting to consult the orcs.

The vegetation she chose looks very ordinary, but it is an excellent fuel for combustion.

When people in the tribe make a fire, they will bring a handful of this grass, which can quickly light the fire, and the effect is surprisingly good.

Therefore, Lin Xiaoyue's fire didn't just burn that small piece of grass, it directly ignited a nearby piece of land.

If it weren't for the few orcs who were busy in the fields with a good sense of smell, they rushed over to put out the fire after smelling the smell, I am afraid that the houses near here would be burned down.

Not to mention, there are little orcs playing in the nearby bushes.

Just thinking about it, the clansmen feel scared.

Lin Xiaoyue was also frightened.

Seeing with her own eyes that the fire she lit suddenly turned into a sea of ​​flames, she was so scared that the only lighter she had left fell into the fire and exploded with a bang, and the skin on her arm was burned. A face was even blackened by the smoke.

Fortunately, those orcs arrived, otherwise she would have died after being frightened.

For the convenience of collecting plant ash, she also chose the side near the field.

Of course, the small piece of rice that had just sprouted was also burned.

When the patriarch rushed over, what he saw was a piece of land that had been burned to the ground with only black marks and dead rice seedlings.

Above the burnt grass, there is still smoke curling up, and the heat has not dissipated yet!
He was completely impatient with Lin Xiaoyue, a female.

In the beginning, the patriarch was actually very happy to have such a female join the tribe.

One more female in the tribe means one more clan member with a mate and children.It also symbolizes the further growth of the Tira tribe.

Including members of the tribe, new members are sincerely welcome.

Especially Lin Xiaoyue was injured at the time, and everyone felt sorry for her.

The priest even used rare medicinal herbs on her, just to make this female suffer less.

Otherwise, when the first day came, she would probably be in a coma for several days due to the pain, how could she have time to wake up? After tossing Agu, she began to think about things again.

Unexpectedly, the female who was kindly welcomed turned out to be a scourge.

That's all for Agu.

Although the patriarch said that he felt sorry for the children of the tribe, he was not a small-minded person.

Older and responsible for the entire tribe, he is more tolerant towards younger generations.

Making people stare at Lin Xiaoyue is also for the safety of the tribe just in case.

If you really have a big opinion on her, instead of letting the female stare at her, you should directly send the male to guard her.

Then, Archie got hurt.

At this time, the patriarch was really angry.

But considering that females rarely face dangerous beasts, it is possible that they did something wrong in a hurry.

Lin Xiaoyue was given another chance.

Fortunately, being busy with the rice business during this period, Lin Xiaoyue calmed down "passively", which relieved the patriarch a lot, even the females who had been stalking before were withdrawn.

But just as he was relieved, such a big incident happened.

This time, it was even more serious than the last time.

Before, I could push it to the danger and didn't have time to think about it. I did something wrong by conditioned reflex.

But this time, if the fire is really too big, the Tira tribe will be completely destroyed!
Not just the houses that everyone built, but also the stored food, and those precious cubs.

Seeing that the hunting season will be followed by the cold winter, any loss now cannot be afforded by the tribe members.

Everyone was scared and angry at the same time, and they had no tolerance for Lin Xiaoyue at all.

Lin Xiaoyue obviously also felt the unkind eyes of everyone.

She is still wronged!
If it wasn't for the sake of planting a good field, why would she bother with all this and even startled herself?
The things brought from modern society, except for a suit of clothes, are only the lighter, which is much more convenient than these primitive means of starting fire.

Save it, it will last her a long time.

It's good now, and it's gone.

The burn on the arm was even more painful.

Not only did none of these orcs come to comfort her, but they even showed her face!
Lin Xiaoyue can't wait to have a big fight.

But obviously, she still had some brains. Knowing that this was not the time to fall out with them, she suppressed her temper and showed weakness to the patriarch: "I... I really didn't mean it. I just want to grow rice. In the future, everyone won’t have to go hungry.”

"Take her down." Considering Lin Xiaoyue's female status, the patriarch still restrained himself, but now he really can't back down anymore, "Priest, give her medicine later. When her wound is healed, put her people out of the tribe."

Now, he was too lazy to find out if there was anyone else behind this female.

At least, such a scourge cannot remain in the tribe.

Seeing that the hunting season is coming, he can't bet on the safety of so many people in the tribe.

Lin Xiaoyue didn't even have time to struggle, she was knocked unconscious by several orcs, and she was taken away neatly and locked up, waiting for the time to send people out of the area where the Tira tribe is located.

Fortunately, they deliberately blocked them, and Lin Xiaoyue didn't think too much about other things. She didn't know much about the current situation of the Tila tribe, and she wasn't afraid that she would reveal any secrets to other tribes.

You Siling looked at the mess left by Lin Xiaoyue, and was quite happy.

Although Lin Xiaoyue did this matter too impulsively, there was a lot of ash left behind, which saved her trouble.

You Siling quickly called several females together to collect the "fertilizer" that came to the door.

These are all babies!

She smiled and thanked Lin Xiaoyue in her heart.

It's too polite to leave a gift even though we're leaving.

 PS: More updates are coming~
  On the first day of December, is it reasonable not to come to the comment area to make a fuss?Look at my Kazilan big eyes (⊙v⊙)
(End of this chapter)

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