In the fast crossing, she relies on beauty and commits murder

Chapter 296: The Beastman’s Favorite Pet (35)

Chapter 296: The Beastman’s Favorite Pet (35)

Seeing that her credit was about to fall to You Siling, Lin Xiaoyue suddenly became anxious.

Moreover, judging by Usling's appearance, it doesn't look like someone who knows how to farm, otherwise, in order to get credit, she would definitely tell her how to farm right away, right?
Lin Xiaoyue quickly said: "I found this. Patriarch, you are willing to let her waste things with females, why don't you want to listen to my suggestion? In this way, I will give her half, and you can find a few males to try with me." How about the next half?"

She also saw that Usling's status was different from hers. If she refused completely, it would be impossible for the tribe to agree, so she took a half step back.

Lin Xiaoyue thought well.

Farming, of course, depends on young and strong men, otherwise why are farmers all strong and old?

Women, who cook and embroider, how can they grow any fields!
When the rice was distributed later, she only gave this Ayu a small half.

At that time, she led a few males to successfully grow rice, but the other party failed in disgrace. Wouldn't it be better to show her success?
The patriarch was really annoyed by her pestering, so he simply pointed to a few males and said, "It's just you guys! After the usual hunting is done, go and help."

He was referring to those clansmen who left the tribe after Lin Xiaoyue and Archie today.

The patriarch also had plans in mind.

These boys saw Lin Xiaoyue pushing Archie with their own eyes, so they must be more defensive. They will not be so easily seduced by this female. Compared with other tribesmen, they are more suitable.

Moreover, it is better to give this Lin Xiaoyue something to do, than to cause trouble for her and hurt the orcs in the tribe.

The relationship between those males and Archie is still good.

The males are like this, although they will not give up in the fight for the female, but aside from these are good brothers.

Archie was injured because of Lin Xiaoyue, the female didn't even bother to take a look, she was still thinking about those things.Moreover, at first glance, this look does not seem to be for the sake of the tribe, but for some benefit.

They are not willing to help at all.

If they really want to farm, they are willing to spare time to help Ayou.At least she is good-looking and has a good temper. The house she came up with made a great contribution to the tribe's winter, and she is the benefactor of their Tila tribe.

And Lin Xiaoyue...

Even if the food was really edible in the end, they would not be able to treat her as a guest of honor.

Archie was the one who got hurt looking for things, and they were the ones who farmed the fields. Lin Xiaoyue's only contribution was to mention a few words. This attitude is still chasing the benefits. It's no wonder that people are sincerely grateful!

But they had to listen to the patriarch's words, and they also wanted to stare at Lin Xiaoyue to prevent her from harming other clansmen. Therefore, several young orcs still lowered their heads and agreed.

Lin Xiaoyue didn't notice their reluctance.

The strength of these orcs is not bad, otherwise they would not have successfully escaped under the attack of a group of cuckoo birds.

Compared with the female on Usling's side, she definitely has an advantage in terms of physical strength!

Lin Xiaoyue immediately became happy.

Seeing that this matter has been resolved, the patriarch said to Lin Xiaoyue with a serious face: "We will not pursue today's matter. But I want to remind you, female, we are all members of the Tila tribe. The reason behind the attack on the family. If there is another time, we can only ask you to leave."

He paused, and then said: "Of course, it's a good thing to correct your mistakes. As long as you really want to join the tribe and live in harmony with us, the Tila tribe is also your home, and we will not treat any of our tribe members badly."

Whether as a male orc or as the patriarch, how could it be possible to really reject a rare female?

If it weren't for Lin Xiaoyue's successive problems, the Tila tribe would not have targeted her like this.

After the patriarch finished speaking earnestly, he glanced at her, then turned and left.

The others were not in the mood to interact with Lin Xiaoyue, and turned and left one after another.

It's a pity that the patriarch's heart-to-heart words are obviously for Lin Xiaoyue's good, and he wants her to feel at ease and stop doing wrong things again.

But Lin Xiaoyue understood it as a threat.

She thought indignantly: If there is really another choice, when she wants to see their faces here!When they ate rice, these backward tribesmen knew that she couldn't offend her!
Thinking about it, Lin Xiaoyue took a hard look at You Siling, and pushed a small half of the rice to her: "This is yours! If you break it, I don't care about it. If you want more, there will be nothing!"

The orcs who were still here frowned.

This thing was obviously obtained by Archie and them all the way, so why is she so confident?
You Siling didn't care at all, took the things and nodded to those orcs, then called A Yuan and left.

She has lived in Yaoshui Village for a period of time, and lived in Yaoshui Town for decades, how does she know how to grow rice?
Even Mrs. Yang and his wife often talked about the few acres of land in the village.

It's just that the rice variety in the Wilderness Continent seems to be slightly different, and the grains look fuller, like an enlarged version.Moreover, the soil quality and climate of the fields here are unknown, so she still has to figure out how to plant them slowly, and it is impossible to give a result overnight.

Farming is not as simple as one might imagine.

What's more, it's not like Lin Xiaoyue thought, as soon as she touched her lips, others would help her to test it out in a day or two.

You Siling doesn't care what Lin Xiaoyue will do here, as long as she ensures that there are no problems here, it is enough to help the Tila tribe solve part of the future food problem.

As for the mission...

When the food is abundant, it can be regarded as a link in the strength of the tribe.

And get rid of Lin Xiaoyue...

You Siling thought, this person himself is a killer, she doesn't even need to dig a hole, she just needs to watch from the side.

Lin Xiaoyue thought that Usling was as ignorant as she was, and she only cared about succeeding first, gaining the right to speak in the Tila tribe, taking revenge on those orcs who looked down on her, and driving Usling out of the tribe.

For her, planting rice is not for her fellow tribe members, but for her own self-interest.

This point, for the orcs who have already developed a defensive attitude, they can see it too clearly.

They are straightforward and straightforward, but it doesn't mean they have no brains.

After putting aside the desire to chase females, his eyes look good!
The orcs already had thorns in their hearts, and now they were even more dissatisfied with Lin Xiaoyue. They didn't even pay much attention to her orders, so they answered a few words casually and made excuses to leave.

As for when to come?
Coming is coming, after all, it is related to food and the order of the patriarch.But in terms of enthusiasm, of course there is no such thing.

Compared with this Lin Xiaoyue, they believed more in Ayou's progress.

(End of this chapter)

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