In the fast crossing, she relies on beauty and commits murder

Chapter 279: The Beastman’s Favorite Pet (18)

Chapter 279: The Beastman’s Favorite Pet (18)

Lin Xiaoyue's fingers holding the wooden board were so hard that they turned white.

Agu's temperament is a carefree boy type, and he has no experience in taking care of females before.Although he is very rare in his heart about the partner he has settled on, but of course he doesn't understand how to do it.

In his opinion, eating is a very simple matter. Prepare the meal, serve it in front of you, eat it in your stomach, and it's over.

It's that easy.

Therefore, he naturally did not consider the beauty of the female eating such a large piece of meat, as well as the problems of teeth and digestion.

After eagerly delivering the food to Lin Xiaoyue, he happily ate his portion.

There is already a female who is willing to be his future partner, and there are delicious food to send, this life is really beautiful!

He is beautiful, but Lin Xiaoyue is unbalanced.

If Usling is like her, then it's fine.

But seeing that orc who was more handsome than Agu treated Usling so carefully, even the meat was carefully divided into small pieces that were easy to chew and delivered to his mouth, as if she was the only one left in the whole world.

Looking at the Agu beside her who was eating happily but not paying attention to her, Lin Xiaoyue suddenly became unhappy.

Lin Xiaoyue was even more aggrieved when she saw those orcs who were very enthusiastic about her and Usling all around Usling at this moment, but ignored her existence.

The physique of orcs is much stronger than that of ordinary humans, and even their bite force is very strong.

It is very strenuous for Lin Xiaoyue, an ordinary person like Lin Xiaoyue, to eat the meat that they are fine to eat.

Seeing that You Siling was eating deliciously, and she was hungry, she took a big bite without caring about anger.

Unexpectedly, this blow almost broke the teeth.

This meat was not stewed carefully, but was quickly roasted by several males with increased firepower.

You Siling now has the physique of an orc and has demonic powers running, so of course he doesn't think there is any problem.Not to mention that Qin Chongyuan divided it into small pieces for her in advance, so the food was naturally delicious and sweet.

But Lin Xiaoyue's teeth were not that good, so if she took a big bite, wouldn't she be suffering?

She almost burst into tears as soon as she burst into tears, she took a few bites aggrieved, but at least she ate some into her stomach bit by bit.

Lin Xiaoyue has an ordinary appearance and an average figure. She loses weight a lot on weekdays, and what she pursues is skinny beauty.In the long run, the appetite is of course not a big deal.

It's just that compared to ordinary girls, she eats very little, let alone compared with the orcs who eat so much.

This small amount of food was only available after she was very hungry. Among ordinary people, at most it would be delicate.But in Orc...

This is because the physique is not good enough.

Can the body hold on to such a small amount of food?Even the energy of the mother's body can't be supplied, let alone the breeding of cubs.

Moreover, there are many other crises in the Wilderness Continent, such as beasts, enemies, and natural disasters. If the physique is too weak, how can they survive it?

If there is no comparison, they certainly won't care, after all, this is a precious female.

At the beginning, Lin Xiaoyue was not injured, and deliberately weakened the existence of the cat orc, and went directly to Agu's house as soon as he came. Of course, none of these things happened.

By the time other people got to know her, she had roughly learned some habits of the Wilderness Continent from Agu.Even if you can't actually do it, you will learn to fake it.

but now……

With Usling on the side for comparison, her shortcomings are magnified.

Not to mention that the food was brought up by other orcs, eating clean like You Siling would be a compliment, but like Lin Xiaoyue...

A trace of disappointment flashed in the male orc's eyes, but he couldn't bear to blame the female. He just silently decided to improve the level of barbecue in the future, so that even the female would not feel disgusted.

Agu's rough nerves didn't realize that Lin Xiaoyue was unhappy at all.

He quickly finished his share, and found that Lin Xiaoyue still had a lot left. After asking several times to confirm that she couldn't take it anymore, he didn't force it. I patted my stomach.

Lin Xiaoyue didn't show it on the surface, but she felt even more disgusted in her heart.

She didn't think that Agu was being close to her by eating what was left of her, she just felt that doing so was careless, even a little disgusting.

Lin Xiaoyue didn't even think about it, this place was not the place where she lived before with plenty of food.

The food on the Wilderness Continent is not abundant, and every piece of meat is the harvest of the clansmen who risked their lives fighting wild beasts.

Orcs don't do anything to waste food.

Not to mention that she is Agu's partner at this time, which is equivalent to the existence of a family. She only moved less than half of such a large amount of food, and it is normal for Agu to take care of the rest.Besides, it's not about letting her eat other people's leftovers, so what right does she have to dislike?
You Siling had already finished his share, so of course he had the energy to notice Lin Xiaoyue's situation.

She thinks that Agu is not bad.

If you were another woman, if you talked to him well, you would gradually know how to be considerate of your partner.He happened to meet Lin Xiaoyue.

People like Lin Xiaoyue who have been in a state of low self-esteem for a long time, once they have a chance to stand up, they will care more about face than others.She didn't say anything clearly, she had to be taken the initiative to please her, otherwise it was that person's fault.

It's a pity for Agu's sincere heart.

You Siling still takes good care of this kind of good-looking and simple guy.

Originally, I wanted to let nature take its course and wait until I had enough fun before starting to complete the mission. about destroying the original plot?
Anyway, there are two parts to the task, and there is no rush.

For people like Lin Xiaoyue, it is better to harm those who are enemies of the Tila tribe.

Before she could think about it, she felt her eyes go dark.

But A Yuan stretched out his hand to cover her eyes: "A Gu is not as good looking as me, don't look at him, look at me."

As he spoke, he turned Usling's face towards him.

There was a little grievance in that look, which was obviously because You Siling was jealous of Agu and Lin Xiaoyue's actions just now.

The patriarch, who was watching the fun with the priest, almost choked on his own saliva.

What kind of experience is it to hear this brat, A Yuan, acting like a baby with a female?
Probably as scary as the old man suddenly turned into a little female, right?

But those young orcs looked at A Yuan with envy.

They also want to touch the female's face like A Yuan, it must be very comfortable to see her white and tender, right?
(End of this chapter)

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