In the fast crossing, she relies on beauty and commits murder

Chapter 264: The Beastman’s Favorite Pet (3)

Chapter 264: The Beastman’s Favorite Pet (3)

"Why did you come back again?" You Siling knelt down and rubbed the black panther's head again.


She was originally a bold character, and the performance of the black panther even indulged her behavior. Thinking of the feeling just now, she stretched out her claws again.

This time, the panther finally did not run away.

Its body still froze suddenly after touching Usling's palm, but it still couldn't control its instinct, and tilted its head to rub against her palm.

Like a coquettish big cat.

In other words, leopards seem to be cats?
You Siling smiled, and said to the black panther: "Okay, I'm going to a place first, if you want to follow, come with me."

With that said, she stood up, identified the direction, and walked towards the path she just came over.

The panther circled around in place, its long black tail slightly curved into the shape of a crescent moon, swayed, and still followed behind Usling.

The closer to the destination, the more obvious the surrounding traces.

From time to time, the trees and grass will be overwhelmed, and even the smell of blood in the air becomes clearer.

You Siling's movements were also more careful.

As a cat orc, she has a slender and dexterous figure, and under intentional restraint, she can't hear a little sound between her actions.

Compared with the petite her, the black panther following behind was obviously a colossus, but unexpectedly her movements were also very flexible, not much worse than Usling's.

It's just that the pair of golden and copper-colored animal pupils kept staring at Usling from behind.

If it was another person, maybe there would be a feeling of thorns on the back, and I would not even know how to walk.

Usling was very at ease.

Her race, like a big star in human society, has always been the focus of everyone's attention, why would she feel embarrassed because of other people's sight?
Finally reached the destination.

What came into view was the figure of a huge beast lying in the clearing.

The overall size of this beast is three to four times the size of Usling's, even more exaggerated than the black panther behind her, with huge fangs sticking out of its lips, even as long as Usling's forearm. There are still some blood stains, and it is not known whether it is its own or the enemy's.

However, the small half of its body was gone, apparently cut by some sharp weapon.

"This knife is good, but there is no..."

Who is better?

You Siling was taken aback.

She seems to know someone who is very good at wielding a knife?But who it was, I can't remember how.


The black panther next to her rubbed against her leg, and then nibbled the beast skirt around her body, which brought Usling back to his sanity.

She rubbed the black panther's head lightly, then looked at the dead giant beast again.

The amount of meat on this giant beast is very rich. Under normal circumstances, it is impossible for that orc to leave without such good food.

With the physical strength of the orc, it is not impossible to fight back the corpse of such a huge beast, although it is a bit troublesome.In the wilderness continent, food is an extremely important existence.

Under what circumstances would that orc be willing to abandon the corpse of this giant beast, and leave after only cutting off the most valuable piece of meat?


Usling walked around this place, and soon found what she wanted.

In the grass not far away, there is a small red mark, which has been mixed with that piece of soil and vegetation at this time.

But You Siling has already identified it, it is the breath of human blood.

In this world, who can be called a pure human being except that Lin Xiaoyue?

You Siling thought for a moment, and then figured out what was going on.

In the original plot, the cat orc came in. While the male orc was dealing with the beast, he led Lin Xiaoyue to hide with his agility, and waited until the battle was over safely.

This time, after hearing the movement of the beast, You Siling not only did not approach, but also avoided this direction and ran away. Only Lin Xiaoyue and the male orc who rushed to help were left in place.

Lin Xiaoyue is just an ordinary person, with neither skill nor fighting consciousness.

On the contrary, when she encountered danger as soon as she arrived in the Wilderness Continent, she was almost frightened and foolish, and she was affected if she couldn't avoid it in time.

Female orcs are very precious in the wilderness continent. In order to hurry up and take her back to the tribe to heal her wounds, it is normal for the male orc to give up processing the remaining animal meat.

I wonder what Lin Xiaoyue's injury looks like now?

Usling tapped a few times with his fingers, turned around and looked at the remaining half of the beast's body.

Bringing such a big gift to the door, the possibility of being accepted is higher, right?


She looked down at her hands.

I don't know if the cat orc's claws can do it.

She consciously controlled her hand.

Soon, that slender and beautiful hand turned into a furry animal claw.

However, although this claw is sharp, it is more of a cute feeling, and it has no lethality at all.

Compared with the giant beast corpse lying next to it, the difference is even bigger.

You Siling looked sadly at the black panther next to him, and ferociously channeled the demon power onto the beast's claws.

The original snow-white and beautiful animal claws remained unchanged, but an edge flashed inexplicably on the tip of the nails.

She nodded in satisfaction, and grabbed the beast's corpse.

When this claw went down, the mark left was even more neat than the wound cut by a sharp weapon.I don't know if she moved too quickly, or the beast had been dead for a while, and the blood froze.It took a while for the wound to ooze blood, as if he just realized it now.

The previous mission worlds are basically normal planes, and the identity represented by Usling is also a normal human being, constrained by the planes, she rarely uses demonic powers, otherwise she has to listen to the nagging of the system.

There is nowhere to use the recovered monster power, which is also very boring.

After finally waiting for such a world, I found that the demon power was running freely, and the system did not come out to twitter after using it. You Siling seemed to have opened up a new world and started to operate again.

The huge beast carcass, within a short time, was packed into neat large pieces of meat by her.

Even if it has been cut up, the weight of so much meat is not light.

Usling didn't seem to feel the weight at all, and quickly used the big leaves found nearby and other plants to wrap the meat on his back.

The thing behind her was bigger than her whole body, but she looked very relaxed.

With the power of the demon, this little thing is really not a difficult task.

If she didn't have to pay attention to the identity setting, she still wanted to take these things away in the air!
(End of this chapter)

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