In the fast crossing, she relies on beauty and commits murder

Chapter 258 The Pretty Widow in the Village (63)

Chapter 258 The Pretty Widow in the Village (63)

Usling was the first to notice the abnormality in his body.

This mission world is as easy as a vacation for her, except for the hard work on the first day, almost tortured to death by hunger and cold, after that, there is basically nothing for her to worry about.

Even getting married, which was originally thought to be repulsive, became interesting because of the existence of a certain person.

She has never been the type to complete tasks in a hurry, and this time is no exception. Of course, she lives as a rice bug on her own.

The system has long been numb from her torment, and this time she is worried about her retaliation, so naturally she has no intention of intervening in the mission at all.

Therefore, Usling almost forgot that he was in a mission world.

When she found out that a new soul was still conceived in her body, she was completely dumbfounded.

Although the tasks in this world are divided into four steps: eating meat, getting married, having children, and getting married until the old age, You Siling has always been a big-hearted person. After completing the first two steps, the latter will be automatically blocked, as if he does not exist.

Knowing the appearance of this newborn soul broke the calm situation.

She is pregnant? !
The Charm Monster's inheritance is a natural upbringing, there is no such thing as parents.From the birth of the people of the tribe to the final demise, the only thing they worry about is the problem of beauty and beauty. There is no such thing as love, love and having children.

If it weren't for their innate charm skills, coupled with their way of life in the world, they would probably be more cultivated and indifferent to fame and fortune than the most stringent monks.

Even monks, generally speaking, the higher the level of monks, the less likely they are to conceive offspring. This is also a kind of balance constraint of the rules of heaven and earth.

Of course, the monks themselves were not so keen on this matter.

After all, having children is a kind of blood inheritance in itself, but when a monk reaches a certain level, his own life span is immeasurable, so why do he need other existences to continue his blood?
Usling's only impression of giving birth is the swollen belly of those mortal women after pregnancy, as well as swollen limbs, and the hoarse cry of pain during childbirth.

If someone had told her ten thousand years ago that one day she would face such a situation, she would have let out a heck, turned around and given that person a thunderous bang, letting him know that no jokes are allowed.

but now……

You Siling stared at his still flat stomach, as shocked as if he had seen a ghost.

In the eyes of other people, there is no abnormal existence, but in her eyes, it can be clearly distinguished that a weak new soul is being conceived there, and even fluctuates slightly with her breathing and pulse.

Even though he doesn't have a human form yet, You Siling can already feel the intimacy between it and his blood.

This is an unspeakable feeling.

She stretched out her hand to touch her belly in a daze, and for a moment she couldn't tell whether she was happy or angry about the appearance of this soul.

The first few mission worlds left quickly, and it didn't take long for them to develop in depth, so they successfully completed the missions and left, and of course there would be no follow-up troubles.


There is another kind of artifact in modern society-small umbrellas.

Therefore, You Siling has always forgotten one thing, she is not a Charm now, but a real human body.

Even if the demon power in the soul is still there, the physical body is not much different from ordinary people.

It is not uncommon to have the ability to conceive offspring.

But now in this world, there is no small umbrella, and the only way to prevent pregnancy is to use drugs.

No matter how good those medicines are, they still have certain effects on the body.Long-term use is definitely not a good thing.

She and Qin Chongyuan are a legitimate couple, and Qin Chongyuan has no disagreements, so it is naturally impossible to find Bizi soup for his little daughter-in-law.

You Siling has never realized that she will be pregnant, and of course she never thought of going here.

The relationship between the two has always been passionate, and it is inevitable that you will come and go, and it will be very hot at night.

In addition, there are no serious diseases in their bodies, so pregnancy is just a matter of time.

It's just that Usling's ability is a little special. Before the human doctor checked it, she had already sensed the existence of the child.

Thinking of the embarrassing images of those pregnant women, You Siling frowned.

Her palm was still on her stomach.

As long as the demon power is activated for a while, the newly born soul can be completely crushed, and the fetus that has not had time to continue growing can be rendered invisible.

After that, naturally there is no need to worry about other problems.

However, the surging monster power surged in her palm, but she was still reluctant to fight it down.

Not because of the system task of giving birth, but...


Usling couldn't tell either.

She thought of Qin Chongyuan's bright black eyes, and the unique bond after discovering this newborn soul, and she felt a little bit reluctant.

That's right.

She who had vowed that she would never compromise with the system to give birth to a baby, would not be willing to hurt this child!
This discovery made You Siling stunned.

Getting married used to be the thing she hated to mention the most, as if it was a cage that would deprive her of her freedom and confine her soul.

However, she nodded and agreed to Qin Chongyuan's proposal.

Having a child, let alone, this kind of thing has never appeared in her mind, and it is ridiculous to think about it.

However, there is a fetus in her belly now, and she is unable to destroy it.

Usling was shocked by his discovery and did not make any further moves.

She is a succubus, how could she be moved by the truth?

Usling is neither stupid nor dull.

At this point, she couldn't use the previous excuses to convince herself that she was only willing to accept Qin Chongyuan's approach because of her obsession in the previous world.

In fact, ever since she met the bloody earl in the last world, she seemed to be a little abnormal.

Thinking of the sense of familiarity that appeared inexplicably, You Siling rubbed his stomach and thought silently—could it be that she really knew Qin Chongyuan before?
"Dong dong dong..."

At this moment, someone knocked on the door of the room, and Qin Chongyuan's voice came from outside the door: "Lady, are you okay?"

Seeing You Siling suddenly stood up from the chair outside and ran into the house just now, Qin Chongyuan was a little worried, so he quickly sent the others away and chased them over.

As soon as Usling heard his voice, he suddenly retracted the hand on his stomach, paused in place, and then opened the door.

There was a smile that was no different from the past on the face that was originally startled, and he raised his eyebrows lightly and said: "Of course I'm fine, why, do I look bad?"

She has to think about it.

This child, stay or abandon.

(End of this chapter)

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