In the fast crossing, she relies on beauty and commits murder

Chapter 234 The Pretty Widow in the Village (37)

Chapter 234 The Pretty Widow in the Village (37)

On the other end, Father You and Mother You each walked out with a wounded arm.

Not long after leaving the Yang family, they met a group of people.

At the head of that group was a young son, wearing satin clothes that were different from peasants, and holding a pendant on a fan, it seemed that villagers like them could not afford it.

Moreover, looking at this outfit, he knew that he would be a rich man.

Farmers like Yaoshui Village who have no money, in the middle of winter, who the hell would have the thought to shake their fans?

That is to say, these rich people need to put on their own posture in order to have this kind of leisure and spare money.

Following the young master were three or five men who looked like servants in uniform.

Father You and Mother You are used to dealing with weak people, and they justifiably give orders, but when they meet powerful and powerful people, they immediately become shrinking turtles.

It's like they treat their daughter with no sense of respect at all.

But as soon as the landlord's family came to the door, let alone helping their daughter to get an explanation, they could even abandon the life and death of their own daughter.

Now, seeing such a group of unfriendly rich people, the two of them would dare to provoke them, but they would avoid these people with their heads down, and go home quietly.

By the way, I have to think about how to treat this injured arm.

It's not good to go to see a doctor, and the cost of seeing a doctor plus medicine is not low.

It's better to find a barefoot doctor and do it yourself.

Who knows, if they wanted to leave, the other party might not let them go just like that.

As soon as the young man with his servant saw the people from the village passing by, he stopped them immediately: "Hey, those two in front, stop!"

As soon as he spoke, two servants immediately stepped forward and blocked them both.

When Father You and Mother You were stopped by them, they didn't have the courage to resist at all. They stood there trembling and didn't dare to move. Feeling that their faces were hurt by the wind, they didn't dare to reach out to touch them.

"You, go over and ask if they have seen those two people." The young son pushed the servant next to him.

The person who was pushed hastily stepped forward, reaching Father You and Mother, and began to describe in detail the characteristics of the two people they were looking for.

At first, Father You and Mother felt a little dazed, but when they heard the appearance of the man and the big red coat worn by another woman, two clear images of characters immediately appeared in their minds.

The appearance might be a coincidence, but that red coat...

Isn't that the clothes worn by their unfilial daughter?
Don't say that there are other people wearing this thing at this time.

At that time, when they went to find this piece of fabric to save money, even the owner of the cloth shop said that it was the last piece, and no one would use this old fabric to make clothes, and asked them repeatedly if they wanted to buy it back. .

The man's appearance matches the woman's clothes, how can there be such a coincidence?
But why did this person seek them?
Although Father You said that he was a bit strange to his daughter, but when he studied the benefits, his mind turned quite quickly.

Seeing the young man's expression of anticipation when he heard the red jacket, and the tone of these people, he had a bold guess in his heart.


This rich young man must have taken a fancy to that unfilial daughter!

"The young woman..."

"You know him?!" Before the servant could speak, the young man couldn't wait to ask.

His performance made Father You more sure of his previous guess.

Father You secretly became excited.

Compared with Qin Chongyuan, of course this person is more in line with his desired interests.

First of all, of course, is money.

Even if the Qin family has a little savings, it's impossible for them to be so rich.Otherwise, why would the kid from the Qin family go back to such a poor and poor place like Yaoshui Village? Isn't it good to stay outside?
And the young man in front of him, just by his attire, made people feel rich and rich.I'm afraid that the fan pendant alone can buy all the things that the You family has accumulated desperately, and there may even be a lot of surplus.

If there is such a son-in-law, wouldn't they receive more dowry as their mother's family than the previous landlord's family?

Thinking of this, Father You couldn't help breathing a little harder.

In addition, Qin Chongyuan was not filial at all, and even led the unfilial daughter to rebel, and dared to disobey him, the head of the family.

Qin Chongyuan even said that the dowry will not be sent to You's family.

And this young man...

Seeing how much he attaches importance to that unfilial daughter, he will definitely not neglect their natal families.

Father You's thoughts just swirled in his head for a moment, and he had already made the final decision.

As soon as he pulled Mother You, telling her to keep quiet and not to interrupt, he said to the young son, "I don't know what is the matter with my little daughter, my son?"

The young man was startled, and looked the couple up and down: "Is she... your daughter?"

That tone seemed to be in disbelief at all.

The woman I saw before was not only extremely beautiful, but also powerful and mysterious.Except for the strange clothes, in this man's heart, there is really no flaw at all.

But the couple in front of them looked like the kind of people who were so ordinary that they couldn't be found among the crowd. They were wearing simple cotton clothes, and there was nothing special about their faces. They were the kind of farmers facing the land and their backs to the sky.

How can they give birth to such a beautiful girl?
Of course Father You also knew.

Over the years, he has also known the difference between his little daughter and their family, otherwise he would not have kept her on purpose to catch the big fish of the landlord's family and make a lot of money.

In fact, if he didn't know that his mother-in-law didn't have the guts, other handsome sons and sisters would also look down on her. Father You would really suspect that the youngest daughter is not his seed.

"Young master, I understand what you mean. People in the village have also said that my daughter is a flower in the earthen nest. She doesn't look like someone from our farm family." Father You said with a smile, "Go If you ask casually in the village, you can get the name of my Si Ling, how can I use this to deceive people?"

Just now the servant described only the man's appearance, and the woman only mentioned the red flowered jacket.

But You's father had already mentioned his daughter's good looks.

The young man believed it a little: "Si Ling? Good name, she... is really your daughter? I wonder if I can meet her?"

As long as you see it, you can be sure if it is true or not.

His eyes, which were a little swollen because of indulgence in love affairs, were a little bright.

Father You also smiled in his heart, but his face showed a bit of difficulty: "This... Young Master, why don't you go to my house and talk about it?"

(End of this chapter)

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