In the fast crossing, she relies on beauty and commits murder

Chapter 199 The Pretty Widow in the Village (1)

Chapter 199 The Pretty Widow in the Village (1)

"Congratulations to the host for completing the task - let You Beibei feel the fear of being killed by a vampire. The merit points obtained in this world will be directly integrated into the host's soul body, and then you will leave the task world, and some irrelevant memories in this world will automatically Seal it up, please prepare the host..."

"Ten, nine, eight, seven..."

The moment the voice rang in his mind, You Siling's body froze, and then he left this world directly.

The interval between leaving this mission world and entering the next mission world is her alone time with the system.

You Siling didn't even have time to take another look at Qin Chongyuan's face.

The enthusiasm that was still boiling just now left her body along with the process of leaving the world, and the whole person seemed ignorant again, as if she was hung up and down on the bed just now, wishing that it wasn't her who spoke immediately .


Although she didn't feel so uncomfortable physically, it didn't mean she was also comfortable in her heart!

It's indescribable to feel aggrieved by the slow pace of the man first, and finally become the master on his own, only to be tricked by the system.

Anyway, You Siling really wished that he was a man at this time, so he simply grabbed the system and let it do nothing good all day long, just to make trouble for her.

But when the ball of light trembled and floated in front of her, You Siling gave up this plan again.

It's just such a thing that can't even tell the gender, let alone the beauty, she doesn't seem to have a strong taste to the point of wronging herself.

That Guang Tuanzi was trembling with fright at first by her hot eyes, and now he was aggrieved by her disgusted expression.

Is this its pot?

Doesn't it want to be a host, gentle and considerate, understanding, the best system in the world?

But its life is also very sad!

Met with such an unreliable host as You Siling, who completes tasks in a small and fresh love department, and any random passage can become a textbook-like youthful memory.

And Usling...

Every mission world, she goes to... ahem, fortunately, the zombie world left before it could do anything, otherwise its eyes would be blind.

As for whether a system has eyes or not, it said that it does not need to delve into this deep-seated systemic issue.

And this time...

It's obviously the fault of that vampire, why should it be carried by an innocent Xiaotong?
It is very sad, very desperate, and wants to look at the sky sadly at 45 degrees!
"Host..." Seeing that Usling might be about to resort to domestic violence against it, the system feels that a system that won't bow its head is not good at all, and sometimes it still has to learn to back down, "It's really not my fault this time." , after this task is completed, you will automatically leave that world, and I can't change the things that have been stipulated!"

At best, it is an administrator, responsible for manipulating certain functions.

You are not the owner, you can adjust these established settings at will.

Don't Usling know?

Of course she knew.

Even if she doesn't remember many details before, she still understands the general situation.

Every mission world will automatically leave after completing the mission, and will not stop because of special circumstances, and wait for the time to pass before proceeding to the next step.

Of course, she wouldn't just wipe her mouth and pull up her pants and leave just because she was having sex with someone on the bed and got stuck in the middle of the way.

However, who made Usling unable to find anyone else to vent his anger on? Besides the system, who else could be responsible for this?
"You Beibei is dead?"

The task this time is to make You Beibei feel the fear of being killed by a vampire.

The premise is - kill, fear.

These two elements should be indispensable, right?
"Yes, just when you..." The system paused suspiciously, and changed its words, "Just... Well, shortly after dawn, she was killed by the vampire Duke Jules. She was terrified when she died, so you The task is accomplished at that moment.”

It actually wants to say that just when you are tired of lying in bed with someone and are about to get to the point, Yubeibei hangs up.

However, the system always felt that it would really be beaten to death by Usling after saying such words.

Therefore, it is still a wise choice to put it another way.

But it didn't say, wouldn't Usling think it himself?

That feeling of not being able to go up, not going down, is so fucking tantalizing!
If the vampire was still here, she would have gone straight to him without saying a word.

If I had known earlier, I shouldn't have wasted so much time just to tease him.

The regret in You Siling's heart made his complexion darker than before.

"Come here." She waved towards the system.

Not only did the system not approach her, but it backed away a little.

Even if it looks like a glowing ball without any facial features at all, you can still feel its shivering.

You Siling showed a malicious smile towards the system: "Are you coming here by yourself, or let me catch you?"

The demon power in her soul is ready to move.

The return of power made her feel more relaxed about the capture system.

"I... I'll come here by myself."

The system hesitated for a moment, but still struggled to make a decision.

Usling stood where he was, waiting for it to throw itself into the trap.

She can't abuse this little ball, but it's always okay to ravage it in her hands, right?

Who made this little thing really want to be rubbed?

"Don't worry, I... ah!"

Before You Siling could utter her words, she felt an impulsive force attacking her.

The next moment, her soul body had left this "transfer station" and lost all consciousness.

This is obviously being sent to the next mission world.

At the last moment before "coma", Usling gritted his teeth and stared at the little ball of light——

Wait for me!

When this mission world is over, don't crush your little ball into a cake when I come back, my surname is not You!

The little ball of light found her sight and flinched back.

Even though Usling's figure had disappeared and he had successfully entered into the mission world, he still felt scared.

Damn, there is such a host, what evil did it do in its previous life!
Why did it do such a big thing on impulse just now?
Once the mission world is over, will its life also end?
It wants to cry without tears.

But when I thought about it, if I hadn't done this just now, maybe I was being rubbed by the host now.

and so……

Can escape for a while, just for a while.

Anyway, at least it still has some happy life to live!

 PS: A transitional chapter~ The new world is coming!The Story of the Widow and the ButcherO(∩_∩)O
  By the way, I would like to ask in advance, what do you want to see in the next world?

(End of this chapter)

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