In the fast crossing, she relies on beauty and commits murder

Chapter 189 The Vampire's Sweetheart (23)

Chapter 189 The Vampire's Sweetheart (23)

As the time for the banquet approached, the vampire servants in the manor also got busy.

I don't know what Mas and the others did, or what Usling said to Alicia before going to Nar City had an effect. The Lord's Mansion did not make much noise, and the nobles in the city barely maintained With the surface calm, no vampire hunters were sent to search.

Annie has both Usling and Mas's double guarantees. Although she can't be as free as Usling in this manor, there is no need to worry about basic security issues.

Masi is really special to her, and he will go there every once in a while.

But because Annie has no intentions for him, even if she can follow Usling's instructions to make that pure and innocent appearance, she will not follow Ubebe's style, intentionally or unintentionally get closer to him in innocence, and develop into a man and a woman. Feelings.

Of course, Mars will not take the initiative to offend the "brightness" in his heart, he is satisfied just looking at her from a distance, instead of becoming the same lover as Yu Beibei with Annie as in the original plot.

To prepare for the banquet, the selected blood pigs will not be bled during this period, but will be raised well and put into use on the day of the banquet.

The three of Mas and the others are members of the secret party, and they are not too hostile to humans. The blood pigs raised in this manor are either to win the favor of vampires, and one day they will be transformed into the same kind to obtain immortal humans; or The original human "blood pig" was born and raised by servants in the manor.

These subjects who belonged to the manor had a relationship with these vampires, and there was nothing to do to save their freedom.

As for the three of Usling, if it wasn't for the interference of the original plot and the influence of the original bond between Ubebe and Mars, they might not have been brought here.

Of course, You Beibei didn't know why she hadn't been drawn blood all of a sudden, and she even offered delicious food and drink, as well as clean clothes of good quality for washing.

Although it was not as comfortable and beautiful as when she was in the lord's mansion, it was much better than she originally thought.

Unlike the original plot, she did not get the love of Mars, and of course she would not have the special care of the servants, and naturally no one told her about the banquet.

In the current situation, it was clearly fattening. From Youbeibei's point of view, it was what he said to Yousling before that had an effect. It must be Yousling who pleaded with the vampire.

You Beibei, who was so angry because of You Siling's performance and thought that he was really going to die here, suddenly regained his spirits.

Since she thought that her life was no longer in danger, and she didn't have to worry about the danger of being blood-taken, she started to think about other thoughts.

The words Yousling said to her that day were also attributed by Youbeibei to the other party's deliberate intention to deceive the vampires who might be eavesdropping in the dark.Otherwise, how could Usling specifically get rid of the vampire and let her cousin go?
In this way, Flora may have been persuaded by her and was willing to escape from here?
You Beibei's heart beat wildly.

When her life was at stake, of course she wanted to run away, as far away from these horrible vampires as possible.

but now……

If that stupid cousin Flora escapes and angers the vampires, nothing will end well!
At that time, she will take the opportunity to express herself again. The vampire who was originally attracted by Flora may be...

Although Mas was the first vampire she fell in love with, Mas let his servants take her blood and defended Anne, which made You Beibei feel unwilling.

And Qin Chongyuan's more handsome appearance, and the status that made Ma Si and the others bow their heads, made You Beibei even more fascinated.

Since there is already a better existence, why does she have to condescend to a Mars?

If he could get the love of this vampire, Mars, who was seduced by Annie's lowly servant before and ignored her, could only look down at her vamp in the future!

Whether it's Usling or Annie, she can do whatever she wants!

That vampire looked cold, if he hadn't thought about her a little bit, even if he was willing to spare her life because of Flora's persuasion, it wouldn't be better than offering food, drink and clothes.

Maybe it was just because of Flora's presence that day, the treatment these days was his order without telling Flora?
You Beibei looked at his hands excitedly, as if he had already grasped a bright future.

In her expectant mood, suddenly one day, several vampire servants walked in with trays.

Those vampires happened to be the ones who came to get blood on the first day.

As soon as You Beibei saw them and those trays, his expression changed immediately.

what happened?

Had that idiot Flora suddenly backed off and even denounced her to the vampire?
You Beibei was trembling with fright, and she didn't dare to think about her previous plans.

Unexpectedly, You Beibei didn't realize the difference until these vampire servants approached.

What they brought was not the blood-taking tools from last time, but the clothes and jewelry, and even some scented things, which were women's favorite things.

However, most of the styles are relatively simple, and the neckline of the clothes is even wider, which should reveal the neck and shoulders.Whether it is fabric or texture, there is a kind of gorgeousness that belongs to vampires.

This is?

"Is this someone inviting me to a banquet?" You Beibei couldn't control her beating heart and asked courageously.

She came from an ordinary background, but she also stayed in the Lord's Mansion for a period of time.

This cousin Flora is very kind to her, and she will be brought with her to any banquet.

Therefore, You Beibei has a shallow understanding of these aristocratic things.

As soon as she saw these clothes and accessories, as well as the posture of the servants, she thought of this.

Those vampire servants were taken aback when they heard her words, an inexplicable look flashed in their eyes, and they actually smiled back: "Yes, there is a banquet."

Their tone sounded a little weird, as if they were referring to something else.What he said did not directly answer the "invitation" You Beibei mentioned, or mentioned that she should attend, but only affirmed the existence of this banquet.

If it was You Siling, or the keen-minded secret guard Annie, they would definitely notice the difference at this time.

But You Beibei has already attracted all the attention from the possibility he thought of. When he thinks of the scene where he wears this dress and shines at the banquet and gets what he wants, how can he have time to distinguish others?

She immediately lost the fear she had just now, and a smile of hidden excitement appeared on her face, and she stood up proactively and cooperatively.

come on!

She is the protagonist of today!

 PS: Is school starting tomorrow?It feels like the holiday is over in a flash~
  There is another chapter after that, the old rules, everyone can go to bed first, and watch it tomorrow morning O(∩_∩)O
(End of this chapter)

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