In the fast crossing, she relies on beauty and commits murder

Chapter 186 The Vampire's Sweetheart (20)

Chapter 186 The Vampire's Sweetheart (20)

If it was before, You Beibei would definitely have noticed Usling's attitude.

But now she lost a lot of blood, and she was already a little dizzy.

When her life was threatened, only Yusling, the lord and her cousin who was treated specially by the vampires, could be her only hope of escape. Youbeibei didn't think too much about it.

In the final analysis, the original Flora took too much care of her, and the preferential treatment she received during that time made Youbeibei feel confident.

Usling's neglect of her was only for one day, and it was not enough for her to overthrow her previous impression. She always felt that Usling would continue to tolerate her and agree to her request.

Hearing Usling's response, You Beibei was even more happy, and she quickly said, "Flora, who was that vampire just now? Do you know him?"

Thinking of the powerful man who made the previous vampires bow down, a gloomy thought flashed in You Beibei's heart.

It would be great if she could replace Flora by that one.

But thinking of Masi's face, You Beibei felt a little tempted again.

It's just that this kind of tempting becomes a bit insignificant when facing the threat of life and the strength of another vampire.

Especially those blood-taking servants acted because of Mas's orders, and Mas actually took care of Anne's humble servant instead of her, a relative of the lord!
Noticing the change in Ubebe, Usling should have been interested in the change of heart between the man and the woman in the original plot.One took care of Annie repeatedly, while the other averted his eyes and discovered Qin Chongyuan's existence. Isn't it interesting?
However, she didn't find it interesting. Instead, she felt an inexplicable unhappiness, as if her things were being coveted by others. She almost didn't want to continue watching the show and complete the task by the way. broken.

You Beibei didn't notice Usling's cold eyes.

She withdrew her attention from the vampire.

Before being drawn blood a few times, she might still have thought about it.

But now, the faint tingling and numbness left on her neck, as well as the cold and weak body, made her feel that her life was in danger at any time.

At this time, You Beibei didn't dare to expect that vampire to look at her and protect her.

From the perspective of the probability of success, it is easier to ask for Flora.

She looked at Usling.

As early as when she looked over, You Siling returned to his previous smiling appearance, as if he was not angry: "I don't know him. Why, do you want to get to know him?"

Her fingers flicked lightly across the table.

At an angle that You Beibei couldn't see, the nails on his fingers had already made a deep mark on the hard table, but there was no sound.

It is conceivable that if You Beibei really dared to show some crooked thoughts towards Qin Chongyuan at this time, the same marks on her neck as on this table would appear.

However, the human neck is not as stiff as this table.At that time, it will not be as simple as breaking a mark.

Youbeibei didn't know that she had passed the danger. She just knew that she had little hope and was more eager to save her life, so she didn't have the energy to plan those things at all. She said to Yousling:

"No, that's a vampire. Why would I want to know him? Flora, have a good relationship with him, right? Can you help me, I can't be blood drawn anymore, or I will die sooner or later !"

When You Siling said this, the fingernails that had changed due to the demon power of the riot shrank back, and his mind calmed down, and he returned to the state of watching a movie before: "Oh?"

She just answered briefly, and Youbeibei couldn't wait to continue: "Those vampires are not good things, Flora, don't be so naive and believe them easily. While the vampire is still interested in you now , we should unite and find a chance to escape!"

Fearing that You Siling would not believe it, You Beibei pulled down the neckline of his clothes a little, pointed to the already shallow wound and said, "We are food in their eyes! You should have heard what they called us, right? Blood Pig! When those vampires come back to their senses, you, Flora, will die too!"

You Siling's eyes glanced over her neck, but he didn't show any panic and fear as she wanted, and he didn't agree to her request to save her from the predicament at this time and escape from the manor.

Funny, so funny.

These words, although the words are different, but the meanings in the words are clearly the original Flora's persuasion to You Beibei.

It's just that Flora was really concerned at the beginning, worried that You Beibei would lose her life after being deceived by the vampire, so regardless of the situation where she was already unable to protect herself, she tried her best to remind You Beibei to be careful.

And You Beibei?

But he just wanted to use Usling to escape, and it was not sincere at all to say these things.

What did Flora get in return for her persuasion?
It was You Beibei's seemingly naive answer, and there was a deliberate or unintentional leak to Mas afterwards.

What did You Beibei say?
You Siling thought about it for a while, and then made a disapproving expression:
"You Beibei, how can you say that? Although they are vampires, they also live in this world! We humans want to eat meat, how is it different from them wanting to suck blood? Moreover, apart from taking some of your blood Besides, they didn't hurt us, didn't they? You Beibei, can you stop being so narrow-minded, vampires are actually not bad."

Seeing You Beibei showing a suffocated expression, the expression on You Siling's face did not change, but he chuckled in his heart.

See how fun it is to be choked up with your own words.

Yu Beibei bit her lip angrily.

She stared at You Siling, wishing she could bite off her neck for this cousin!

What do you mean I just married you with some blood?It wasn't You Siling who dared to have her blood drawn!It's not her, You Siling, who is so weak that she is shivering from the cold!So, can she stand and talk without back pain?
Ubebe trembled with anger.

But she didn't know, weren't these words the exact words she had answered Flora back then?

At that time, she was moved and proud of her cross-racial love with Mas, and turned a blind eye to her cousin's weakness and danger.Even Flora's advice was regarded as the other party's jealousy and provocation, and she didn't think it was too much when she said these heart-wrenching words in front of the other party.

At this time, the two of them just changed their situation, and she felt that You Siling had done too much?
All I can say is, deserve it.

After finishing these words, Usling stood up contentedly: "Don't worry, I won't tell the vampires. Although they are very kind and don't want to kill us. But I don't want them to think you are bad either. You Beibei, I will come to see you later."

When she walked out the door, You Beibei's eyes widened, her body twitched, and she was so angry that she passed out.

 PS: There will be an update tomorrow night O(∩_∩)O
(End of this chapter)

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