After Kuai Chuan was targeted by the villain

Chapter 97 The Imprisoned Little Prince (48)

Chapter 97 The Imprisoned Little Prince (48)

Karma nodded thoughtfully.

"Your Highness, don't worry, I will try my best to find the exit and tell Her Royal Highness that you are here."

Yuan Yuan smiled and nodded, "Well, you go to the original place and look for it, maybe it will appear."


Yuanyuan half-jokingly said: "This thing will flow, it will run to one side for a while, and then run to the other side for a while."

Phil quickly said, "I think so too."

"Then go and have a look."

Phil nodded and said, "Your Highness, I'll go first. Don't be afraid, Her Royal Highness will definitely rescue you."

"Yeah." Karma responded with a smile.

Then walk back to the middle of the room and sit down cross-legged.

Close your eyes as if in meditation.

In fact, he was sorting out the information he just got from Mayfair.

Mayfair ran back to where he was.

Surprised to find that formation really appeared.

She stepped on it quickly, her eyes blurred.

When the sight was clear, he successfully returned to the side room.

"Your Highness the Queen."

Mayfair hurried out.

Almost collided with the queen at the door.

The maid knelt down in fright, "His Royal Highness, forgive me."

The queen frowned and said, "Why did it take so long to pour the water, you can't touch anything in the Witch Doctor Hall."

"Your Highness, I have found the princess." Mayfair said excitedly.

"I just entered a formation by mistake and was sent to the steeple of the Witch Doctor Palace, and the princess was locked in the tower."

"What did you say?" The queen's face changed slightly, "How could the witch doctor imprison the princess."

"Are you sure you saw Ai Yuan?"

"I can't see it, but I can hear Her Royal Highness's voice."

Phil was happy and impatient, "Queen, it's true, Her Royal Highness said that she was locked up by the witch doctor."

Although she didn't understand why the witch doctor would do this.

However, the most important thing now is to save the princess.

Phil said again: "Your Highness, let's go see the princess now."

She turned around, pointed to a formation on the ground and said, "I was transported there by this formation. Really, Phil absolutely did not lie."

The queen stared at the formation for two seconds, her face darkened, "Take me there."

"Yes." Fei'er was overjoyed, and quickly got up from the ground.

After Karma roughly sorted out the information in his mind.

Phil's voice was heard again.

"Princess, the Queen is here."

"Ai Yuan." The Queen's gentle voice was mixed with some worry, "My child, are you alright?"

"I'm fine, don't worry, mother."

Karma stood up and walked over.

The queen said, "Why did the witch doctor do this? What does she want to do?"

The queen's voice was incomprehensible and shocked.

Karma did not speak.

The queen said: "Ai Yuan, my poor child, listen to what the queen says."

"Mother, please speak."

"I saw the previous witch doctor use formations, so I was curious and asked about the solution."

The queen's voice was calm, "She told the queen mother that only a strand of hair from the trapped person can be released."

Karma said: "What does the empress mean, that she needs a strand of my hair so that she can go out from here?"

"Yes." The queen's voice was slightly anxious. "Son, this is what the previous witch doctor told the queen mother. There will be no fakes. Try it quickly."

"But I don't have a knife at hand?" Yuanyuan spread his empty hands.

The queen said: "Take off your princess crown, and cut a strand from the corner of the hair crown."

(End of this chapter)

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