After Kuai Chuan was targeted by the villain

Chapter 86 The Imprisoned Little Prince (37)

Chapter 86 The Imprisoned Little Prince (37)

Forget about the pain in the ass.

My mind is full of the disappearance of Her Highness the Princess.

Her Royal Highness is gone.

She hastened to see the queen.

Her Royal Highness is about the future of the Kingdom of Las Lasas.

Absolutely nothing will happen.

Phil was so frightened that his face turned pale, and he even managed to climb the wall neatly.

Out of the castle, she let go of her legs and started running.

The night is getting darker and darker, under the seemingly quiet appearance, undercurrents are surging.

In the castle, the little prince watched the maid Phil run away like a whirlwind with eyes covered by night.

What Phil said played back in his mind.

A little bit of analysis, understanding.

She said her sister had come to see him.

But he didn't see his sister.

She said that after her sister left, she never went back.

So Phil came here to find his sister.

Well, my sister didn't come to see her, and didn't go back.

It means that my sister is gone.

The figure in the dark night froze suddenly, and the thick and curly eyelashes trembling slightly like a feather fan.

"elder sister……"

The young man murmured softly.

My sister didn't lie to me, she didn't miss the appointment.

She is coming.

It came yesterday.

But...he didn't see her.

Where did she go?
What did Phil's last sentence mean?
What do you mean something happened to your sister?

Something happened?

What's wrong?

The little prince can't understand things for himself.

For the first time, he showed eagerness and helplessness.

Phil left in a panic.

So something bad must have happened to my sister.


The little prince suddenly ran out of the castle.

Run to the fence covered in vines and thorns.

This is his first attempt to get out of here.

When he was very young, Molsang would come to him from time to time.

He must be living in another castle.

The same castle as he lived in, only on the other side of the woods.

When Molsan heard what he said, he smiled and nodded.

"Can I go to you?" The little child asked with clear eyes.

"You Li is too young to climb over the fence."

Moersang had a kind face, "So, Moersang came to see You Li."


The little prince accepted this reason.

He is too small to climb out, but Molsan is tall enough to climb in.

From then on, he got used to Molsang coming to him.

Molsan brings something with him every time he comes.

Teach him some common sense of life, life skills.

Until, one day when I was four years old.

Molsan is sick, and he says he can't come see him again.

"When you are cured, you will come," said the little prince.

"No, I'm going to die soon."

"What is death?"

"Death just doesn't exist, and Molsan, who lives in the castle on the other side of the forest, will disappear."

"Then can you still come to see me?"

"My poor Highness, I can't, just like the flowers at your feet."

"It used to bloom beautifully, but now it has withered, which means that it is dying and will never bloom again. It will turn into mud and disappear from your feet."

The little prince half understood.

"Your Highness, remember, don't try to climb out of the fence when you grow up, you will die if you go out, and you can live here."

Since then, Molsang never came to him again.

The withered flower is gone.

No matter how hard he looked, he couldn't find it.

Is this what Molsang said about disappearing?

Has Molsang disappeared too?

The little prince remembered his teaching and remembered his words.

He hasn't been to the fence for a long time.

He was tall, and he never thought of going over the fence to see it.

Under the subtle influence of Molsan.

In the consciousness of the little prince, this castle belongs to him, and the outside is someone else's place.

If you go to someone else's place, you will die.

 The update time is getting later every day, and I am crashing.

  Post a chapter first, and I'll write it later
(End of this chapter)

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