Chapter 363
PS: I recommend a friend's book "The Dungeon System of the End Times: I Am Roaming". Introduction: The end of the world is coming, and Zhu Xiaoneng just wants to lead the system to live in peace and stability. , unearthed a shocking conspiracy in the last days, and Zhu Xiaoneng finally discovered his true identity~~~

Hei Feng felt guilty for a while, after all what he did before, he offended all the bosses he was doing.

Leyna is the god of Sun Star, and he controlled Leyna to blow up the Great Strait, killing Queen Keisha, and none of the three forces were pulled down.

"It seems that you are also clear about what you did before." Jiang Bai smiled contemptuously, patted Heifeng's shoulder, and his voice gradually increased, "I want you to enter Leina's dream again and wake her up. It succeeded. Everything before that is wiped out."

"What if it fails?" Hei Feng shrank his neck and asked tremblingly, glancing at the terrifying black hole from the corner of his eyes, he couldn't help swallowing.

"Do you still use the old man to answer you?" Jiang Bai said lightly, even if he was willing to let Hei Feng go, Angel Yan and Pan Zhen would still wish to kill him.

"Queen, I can only do my best in this matter. Karl's control method is extraordinary, and I am not sure." There is still room for choice, so I can only give it a go.

Heifeng glanced at Leina, whose body was shining with golden light, floating in the universe, and a black mist appeared from his hands, rushing directly into Leina's mind.

"Om~" The dark energy fluctuated slightly, Lena's dark plane was now pitch black, Lena hugged her knees, squatting in a dark corner, her eyes were empty.

From time to time, miserable voices flashed past her ears, and under her feet were ghosts made of souls who died under the explosion of stars, and then asked Leina for debts. Countless ghost hands were reflected in her eyes.

"No, it's not me, I'm not an evil god, I don't mean it." Lena murmured, now she doesn't have the prestige of the sun's light, but she looks like a little girl.

"It's not me! It's not me!!" Reina hugged her head and shouted, but in the endless darkness, no one paid attention to him at all, and the ghosts under her feet still entangled her, asking her to pay off her grandfather's debt.

Suddenly, a ray of light shone in the darkness, and a figure walked out under his gaze, it was Jiawen.The corner of Hei Feng's lips curled up, controlling the dream. He already knew about Lena's character before.

He is not good at other things, but he is good at directing romance films.

"This guy can really wake up Lena?" Angel Yan frowned slightly, looking at Hei Feng, always feeling distrustful, can this kind of person be reliable?
"Don't worry." Jiang Bai nodded. At this time, he couldn't be messed up, so he could only answer like this.But his eyes were fixed on Lena in the distance, and he didn't even dare to blink.

In the past, it could be said that the plane of the Super Seminary had nothing to do with him, and that helping the earth was just a matter of affection, but now, he has established the Jianfeng branch.

"Look, it's working." Pan Zhen shouted excitedly, and couldn't help but take two steps forward. In his sight, Leina's beautiful eyebrows trembled slightly, unexpectedly waking up again.

"What a silly boy, if the sun only represents destruction, who brought the vitality of all things?" Chu Mo shook his head helplessly, and the corner of his mouth couldn't help but glance.

"Boom!!" Lena opened her eyes, and the three moving stars suddenly stopped moving.Reina shook her dizzy head, her memory was recovering little by little.

The stars returned to their positions under Reina's control. As for Karl, the forces from all directions searched several galaxies around him, but he was not found.

Maybe he hid, or maybe he died in the star explosion caused by Di Hongkun, although everyone knows that this possibility is very slim.

Jiang Bai also forgot about one thing, at least the super-extended plane will be safe for hundreds or even thousands of years in the future. Angel and Morgana have reached a consensus to temporarily cease the war, and the four forces still maintain the coalition relationship.

Morgana withdrew from the earth and took the demons to Mars, but the earth forces needed help to rebuild.Mars will become the homeland of demons, but there are also conditions. Morgana must not pass on her degenerate liberalism to creatures other than demons.

In order to reconcile the angels and demons, Jiang Bai also spent a lot of effort in the middle, and the Jianfeng sect suddenly prospered. Not only the earth army, angels, demons, and Lieyangxing sent soldiers to the peak to study.

Of course, there are also Liu Chuang and the others. Surprisingly, on the day Jiang Bai was about to return to the Canglan Continent, apart from Qiangwei, who was worried about the country, Jiang Bai allowed him to stay and help Geraint manage affairs.

Leina, He Weilan, Rui Mengmeng, and Liu Chuang are also going to the Canglan Continent to practice together. They are all named in the Jianfeng branch sect now, although they are Jianfeng children.

Jiang Bai didn't refuse either. After all, let's not talk about the rest, Lena's strength, going to the Canglan Continent, might be able to help him.

When a colorful brilliance lit up, Jiang Bai returned to Jianfeng with some business disciples of the branch sect.The past few months of running around can be regarded as exhausting him.

Hand it all over directly to Han Sheng to arrange the stay of Liu Chuang and others.Liu Chuang and others have just arrived at Jianfeng, and they are full of curiosity about the ancient world.

Especially in the square, the disciples of Jianfeng who were uniformly dressed and walked with swords were very handsome. Jianfeng is also a top sect now, so Han Sheng did not spend less time on the decoration and furnishings.

"Huh~~" Jiang Bai took a deep breath, crossed his legs on the bed, at the top of Jianfeng, where the true energy and sword intent were the strongest, slowly took out a rune, it was the one that helped him The domination rune that turns the tide on the battlefield.

He intends to absorb this rune into his body, and through this, he may be able to directly break through to the Grandmaster's Unborn Stage, which is the third level, not far from the Great Grandmaster.

This is not a joke, although his current cultivation base is only the first level of a master, but the power in this ruler rune is really terrifying.

Especially in the battle of the Milky Way, after absorbing the souls of thousands of Taotie and Hua Ye, Jiang Bai clearly felt that his strength would not only increase to the second level of the master by completely absorbing this rune.

"Boom~~" After adjusting his state to the best, Jiang Bai began to exhale like blue, and wisps of white Huayun Zhenqi spread around his body.

The ruling rune exuded a blood-like scarlet light, illuminating the entire bamboo house and reflecting on Jiang Bai's face.

Jiang Bai seemed to have made a lot of determination, squinted his eyes, and without hesitation, he raised his hand and grabbed the ruler rune in front of him, and put a palm into his chest.

(End of this chapter)

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