Chapter 288 Alchemy Technique

"Fellow Daoists must be aware of this. Yang Yan's identity has been leaked, and that child will soon be targeted by many monsters. If you feel that you can't protect this child, you can hand him over to Poor Daoist. "

The old Taoist priest wearing Taoist robes said Lang Lang, looking like he questioned Jiang Bai's strength.

"Get out." Jiang Bai responded coldly. This kind of naked attempt to rob his apprentice is indeed a bit too much. Of course he can't bear it. You'd better not mind your own business."

"After all... this matter is not trivial, don't blame the poor Taoist for being reckless." The old Taoist hesitated for a moment, and quickly made up his mind.If the monster gets the flesh and blood of Yangyan and is swallowed by the big monster, then with the power of today's human beings, it is impossible to resist.

The war between monsters has lasted for hundreds of years, and humans have always been at a disadvantage. After all, it is difficult for ordinary soldiers to hurt monsters, and there are very few people who can practice Taoism.

"You want to do it? But think about it clearly. After you do it, you can't just walk away." Jiang Bai gradually developed a murderous intention, and wisps of pure white light mist swirled around his body. The Huayun Jue is running.

"Let the old man have a discussion with fellow Taoists first, and make amends afterwards." The old Taoist frowned, and could only grit his teeth when the matter came to an end.Reaching out to pick off a branch, a touch of mana passed over the branch.

"The method of refining, turning wood into a sword!" The branch in the old Taoist priest's hand became like gold and iron in the blink of an eye, with a metal-specific luster, and he slashed at Jiang Bai with a sword.

"Playing swords in front of the old man? Do you dare to break ground when you are too old?" Jiang Bai smiled disdainfully, stepped forward, and pointed like a sword, the supreme sword intent vented from the body, and a raging sword intent greeted him The attack of the old Taoist.


The two forces collided and communicated in mid-air, and all the surrounding trees were cut by neat incisions.A gust of air billowed up, submerging the surrounding woods, and suddenly one by one the ancient trees were blown down by the strong wind.

Jiang Bai stood motionless, looking at the smoky woods.The old Taoist flew upside down for more than ten meters before he managed to stabilize his figure. The branch he held in his hand slowly turned into fly ash and dissipated.

This is the drawback of the Art of Refining, which can easily strengthen an item, but after strengthening, the item will suffer indelible losses according to the degree of strengthening.Naturally, an ordinary tree branch cannot bear the side effects of the Art of Refining Weapons.

"Sure enough." The old Taoist's voice came from the thick smoke. He was confident in protecting Yangyan who was stared at by countless monsters. The old man buried the detonating talisman, everything is to protect Yangyan, please forgive me, fellow daoist."

After the words fell, the old Taoist priest made a gesture, pulling a little mana to detonate these detonating symbols.


The sound of the terrifying explosion spread, and even Mitutoyo stopped practicing, and his eyes fell on the forest not far away.


A burst of white light rose from Jiang Bai's body, and the Golden Light Curse began to run, and this seemingly weak white light became indestructible.The aftermath of the explosion couldn't hurt him at all.

"Tianlei Zhengfu!" But the old Taoist didn't care, he just wanted to test Jiang Bai's true strength.

The talisman in the hands of the old Taoist burst out with a burst of fluorescence, and the sky full of purple thunder slashed diagonally, directly locking Jiang Bai's question.

"Tales? The current Taoist priests only have this strength." Jiang Bai smiled slightly, his fingers also quickly outlined in the high air, and a white talisman also appeared in the blink of an eye, exactly the same as the talisman used by the old Taoist priest.

"Heavenly Thunder Talisman." A bright thunder light shot out from the talisman in Jiang Bai's hand, and instantly locked the old Taoist priest with thunder light.

"Playing talisman with the old man, you can still do it." Jiang Bai's mouth slightly curled up, and he slowly raised his hand, a violent hurricane rose, and the speed of the outline in his hand was doubling, and dozens of detonating talismans had been drawn in the blink of an eye is outlined.

"How is it possible!" The pupils of the old Taoist narrowed slightly, the scene in front of the unbelievable king.

"Farewell, come to the old man when you have the ability to survive," Jiang Bai sighed, raised his palm slightly, and nearly a hundred detonating symbols were all raised and ready to be activated.

"Pindao has surrendered!" The old Taoist sighed and said helplessly.

"Hehe... Is it still something that can be solved by saying that you have to admit defeat?" Jiang Bai's mouth slightly curled up, looking at the old Taoist priest playfully, and with a wave of his hand, he put away all the Tongtianlu talismans floating around him.

"This is a lack of practice, and there is really nothing that can be obtained. This book records the alchemy experience, techniques and experience of the poor Taoist for decades, and I will give it to fellow Taoists." The old Taoist sighed more heavily Now, reluctantly took out an old book from his arms and handed it to Jiang Bai. The colleague asked: "At the same time, the poor monk has a meaning. What is the name of the spell that the fellow Taoist used before?"

"Tongtianlu, practice to a high level, all the talismans in the world don't have an altar, no talisman paper, just come at hand." Jiang Bai didn't hide his secrets, and said directly, reaching out to take the book handed by the old Taoist priest, the rest of his eyes Just glanced at it.

A smile appeared on the corner of his mouth involuntarily. What Jianfeng lacks most now is alchemy. Although most of the elixirs in it are only for healing and prolonging life, they are not at all eye-catching in the Canglan Continent.

But for today's Jianfeng, it's just right!

"It's really unpredictable, and the poor Taoist admires it. Yangyan is protected by fellow Taoists. I think it must be safe, and the poor Taoist will leave first." The old Taoist clasped his fists, couldn't help being a little surprised, but still calmed down as much as possible, packed up his clothes , walked towards the distance.

"Huiqi Pill, Longevity Pill, Essence Blood Pill, Condensing Jade Pill...the shots are generous." Jiang Bai gave a smirk. This robbery and extortion can be said to be a rewarding experience.

"Let's go back first, there is such a big commotion, don't let any monsters take advantage of it, not to mention that if you don't go back for so long, those two little guys should worry about it again." Jiang Bai murmured, and was about to leave , but the footsteps suddenly stopped.

Jiang Bai shrugged his nose. He seemed to always feel that he was staring at himself with a pair of eyes behind him, but every time he turned his head, he found nothing.It's just that after being born, his sense of smell has become extremely sensitive.

"Is there a demon?!" Jiang Bai frowned, although this breath is very subtle, but it is different from the breath of the snake demon last time, but it is very similar.


(End of this chapter)

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