Chapter 284

"Eh..." Jiang Bai's mouth twitched slightly, what did this little guy do to make the dignified Dragon King so angry?
"Tell me, did you instruct your apprentice to abduct my daughter?" Dragon King snorted coldly, and asked, as if he was going to do it if he disagreed.

After Ah Feng fell into the deep sea, he fell into a coma directly. Because of Yang Yan's special status, he didn't die immediately.Although the sun cannot shine in the deep sea, it is not completely dark.

This is the location of the Dragon Palace in the East China Sea. The sea water was illuminated by a bright blue halo, and a delicate and lovely figure swam towards Ah Feng.

She has short light blue hair, two cute little horns on the top of her head, and is wearing a sky blue robe. She looks only four or five years old.Looking at the unconscious Ah Feng with a happy face, he murmured: "Are you my foster husband?"

This person is the third princess of the East China Sea Dragon Palace, who was also the culprit of the tsunami some time ago.As a dragon girl, she can trigger a tsunami as long as she cries.

Saying that, Princess Long San tapped Ah Feng's cheek with her finger, and the latter didn't respond except to open his mouth to spit out a few bubbles.Princess Long San smiled sweetly, swung her fist vigorously and hit Ah Feng's abdomen, and shouted: "Tong Yang Fu, get up and play with me."

However, there was no response after shouting for a long time, and Princess Longsan came to her senses, thought for a while and said, "Oh, yes, Grandma Turtle said that human beings cannot breathe underwater."

"It doesn't matter, this is for you to eat." Princess Long San took out a blue orb from her arms, and stuffed it directly into Ah Feng's mouth. This is the treasure of the Dragon Palace. Fish are generally adapted to life underwater.

What happened afterwards is self-evident. The awakened Ah Feng was taken by Princess Long San to meet the Dragon King. As soon as Princess Long San opened her mouth, she directly asked for a dowry and wanted to get married, but the Dragon King was naturally unwilling.

It's just that this little princess is quite persistent.

After listening to the Dragon King's description, Jiang Bai couldn't help coughing twice, with an embarrassed look on his face. Can't tell that this little guy, Ah Feng, will flirt with girls at a young age?

"Ahem... Dragon King, this is the disciple who doesn't seem to blame the old man, right? Tong Yangfu... What's the situation, since Princess Longsan is still young, don't let her learn these messy things." Jiang Bai helplessly Shaking his head, he spoke.

"This king knows about this matter, but I want to ask you how to deal with this matter?" The Dragon King waved his hand, and he had already made up his mind to add a thousand-year-old bastard soup at night.

"Taoism is natural, let him do everything naturally." Jiang Bai replied lightly.

"Humans and demons are hard to come to fruition. I am afraid that when the time comes..." Dragon King sighed, a little sad.

"As a Yang-eyed Ah Feng, he is good at cultivation. The old man's disciple should be worthy of the third princess of the Dragon Clan." Jiang Bai smiled slightly and said, "With Ah Feng's talent, it will take ten years at most. The achievements will be limitless."

"Ten years? It's just a moment for the Dragon Clan, but it's a long time for you humans, and accidents may happen at any time. What's more..." The Dragon King's expression gradually became serious, "A dragon is a hundred years old, and a human is a hundred years old. In the first life, when Long San grows up, it will take at least a thousand years, and the limit of life and death is always the weakness of your human race."

"The life and death limit of the human race comes more from the spirit and the body. The old man's kung fu skills are amazing, not to mention arrogant, but he still has a little self-confidence, so that Ah Feng can stay with Princess Longsan forever." Jiang Bai Said it plainly, as if it was just describing a fact.

"It's really an interesting human being..." Dragon King sighed, unable to see whether Jiang Bai was lying or confident, "Forget it, forget it, let her go, anyway, this king can't control her. Human beings, I hope you Can keep promises."

"Then please Dragon King, don't ask about this matter anymore, let those two children go, the place to worry about has already been done." Jiang Bai frankly stated his purpose, he was too lazy to go around in circles .

"This king can't control that little princess. Hey, this king is a lot older, so I won't toss around with you." The Dragon King shook his head and sighed, agreeing to Jiang Bai's request in disguise.


A sky-high water column suddenly rose in the sea, submerging the Dragon King's figure, and when the water column collapsed, the Dragon King's figure also disappeared above the sea.

"Hehe... today's harvest is really good." Jiang Bai murmured, the Canglan Continent's skills, stepping into the Martial Realm can live longer than ordinary people, reaching a hundred years old.Breaking through the day after tomorrow can prolong life for decades, and there are many people who are born strong and live beyond [-] years old.

After the master realm, the lifespan will be hundreds of years. The higher the realm, the harder it is for the true energy condensed in the dantian to dissipate. With the feedback of true energy, the body and spirit will be immortal, and the natural life span will be greatly increased!
Ah Feng is a special positive eye, able to gather the spiritual power of a region, even in a place where the spiritual power is thin on the list of monsters, he can achieve something.Let alone going to Canglan Continent?What's more, there is Jiang Bai's teaching.

"It's time to go back..." Jiang Bai stretched his waist, glanced across the sea, and tapped twice like a sword, and two or three plump sea fish bounced from the sea.Jiang Bai's figure passed by like lightning, took a few sea fish into his bag, and stepped on the sea to return to the wooden house he built on the beach.



Inside the Dragon Palace of the East China Sea, there was a lot of laughter at this time. Princess Long San took Ah Feng's hand and shuttled freely in the sea, having a great time.

"It turns out that I was sent to see the Dragon King to be your foster husband?" Ah Feng looked at Princess Long San and said suddenly.

"Yeah. You have to stay with me all the time. When I grow up, marry me and be together forever." Princess Long San held Ah Feng's arm, sat together on a rock, and said cutely.

"Oh, it looks quite simple, so it's settled." Ah Feng nodded and said without thinking.If Jiang Bai hadn't come, his current promise would become the burden and direction of his life.

Jiang Bai looked at the sea, the seabirds were flying together, and the sparkling light was really a beautiful scene.

The people in the village were a little panicked, because the group of people who went to offer sacrifices hadn’t come back yet. In the end, everyone pushed the matter to the Dragon Lord, thinking that the Dragon Lord was not satisfied with the sacrifice, so the people who went there were also sent to the village. have eaten.

"Hehe, let's play slowly, at least keep some happy memories of childhood." Jiang Bai chuckled and walked back to the hut slowly.


(End of this chapter)

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