Chapter 237 Super Seminary
"Of course." Jiang Bai assured.

"That's fine, I'll go with you." The crocodile nodded, rubbed its belly, and said contentedly.

Jiang Bai smiled helplessly, "Is this what you pursue?"

"It's enough if you can eat enough. When you go back to the river, you have to eat fish every day. It's not as delicious as sheep." Thorton squatted beside Jiang Bai, his huge body was taller than Jiang Bai, but he looked like a little bullied. Looking like a daughter-in-law, she said slowly, "But I still have dreams, can you help me?"

"What?" Jiang Bai frowned, but he really didn't see it, "Your dream is not to eat buns, is it?"

"It's not this, old bun. I want to conquer the world." Thornton's tone was rarely serious, and he nodded seriously.But paired with its simple and honest appearance, it is surprisingly cute.

"The world? Conquer the earth?" Jiang Bai was stunned. He really couldn't see that this three-dimensional reptile, bearing the name of a god, but making a living by selling cuteness, had such an ideal.

"It's not so exaggerated. I just want the Nile River Valley... Wait, no, the Yangtze River, the Yellow River... as long as it's a river, I want them all." Thorton shook his head and said solemnly.

"You don't want the sea so much? There are too many things." Jiang Bai shrugged and asked suspiciously.

"I've been in the sea, but it's not as good as the river. It's too salty. I won't go if you give it to me." Thornton complained, disgusted.

"Follow the old man, I will give you more, as many rivers as you want." Jiang Bai promised, he planned to bring Thorton back to the Canglan Continent, and he will eventually reach the top of the world in this life, just a few small rivers , he still doesn't pay attention to it.

"That's fine." Thornton nodded sharply.


The Command Center of the Great Strait.

Ducao clutched his forehead, he didn't expect that a roasted whole lamb would fool a god and join the Super Seminary.Moreover, the crocodile's strength is obviously not low, and it can't help being a little elated.

At the same time, I have a deeper understanding of Jiang Bai's strength.

As the night darkened, the Super Seminary was finally established, and the first batch of students were already in place.There were several people sitting in twos and threes in the classroom, Ge Xiaolun, Liu Chuang, and Qilin were all sitting inside.

On the big screen on the blackboard, a piece of midday news is being played.

"At noon today, unknown armed forces descended from the sky and tried to capture a crocodile-like humanoid creature. The Huaxia Sword Immortal appeared in the urban area and wiped out this group of unknown armed forces. The video only stayed at the scene of the sword immortal chasing. Eyewitnesses said , the whole process is like a science fiction movie, shocking."

"The incident is under investigation and the police have intervened. Fortunately, there were no casualties. Please read the report..."

"This, isn't this the same old man from last time? Damn, I said he was a master, but I didn't expect to be a sword fairy...Isn't it, like in the novel, Wan Jian returns to the clan?" Ge Xiaolun recognized it at a glance. The identity of the sword fairy on the screen exclaimed.

"Hey, have you read the news? I think that group of unknown armed forces are aliens."

At this moment, Xin Zhao, who had neatly combed his hair and was wearing a red leather jacket, also broke into the classroom and said in a hurry.

"What's the matter with the aliens, isn't Huaxia's Sword Immortal more powerful." Ge Xiaolun cut his head and said disdainfully.

"No, what does it have to do with us being a sword fairy? We're not sword fairy. Isn't it that we were called here to fight aliens?" Xin Zhao said anxiously.

As soon as these words came out, the classroom was silent.Everyone's face changed slightly.

"Damn it, am I here to fight aliens?" Liu Chuang sat cross-legged on the table, sitting in a very casual posture, wearing a dark red shirt, full of scorn, and swearing, "I, I am the boss of the underworld!" .”

"Damn, you're here too." Hearing Liu Chuang's voice, Ge Xiaolun turned his head to notice him, and said.

"How could there be a gangster?" It was a cute girl who spoke with a scared tone. She had short black hair and a cute face. It was Rui Mengmeng.

"Hmph... At most, he's an older social youth." Qi Lin, who was wearing a police uniform, said slowly, with a disdainful tone.

Hearing this sentence, Liu Chuang was unhappy, kicked the chair away, and stood up, "Hey? I am a standard black brother. There are dozens of brothers outside, do you know?"

You mean the kind in the movie, fighting with guns?Or the one in the news, the sneaky type? Qilin also stood up, turned around and walked towards Liu Chuang, her eyes sharpened.

As a policeman, she hates Liu Chuang very much.

"Oh? It's you again, Sister Qilin. What's the matter, some big girls are mixing with our men? What do you mean, isn't it tiring to work with men and women? Hahaha, this black silk long leg." Liu Chuang laughed out loud, revealing his previous habits.

"Liu Chuang, let me tell you, don't think that I can't cure you here!" Qilin was also angered by Liu Chuang's words, and said angrily.

The atmosphere in the classroom became tense.

"Treat me? I've been the big black brother for so many years, I'm afraid of you?" Liu Chuang yelled with a Northeast accent, without showing any weakness, "In my eyes, you can't be called a policeman, you can only be called a girl, you Did you know?"

Sitting in the corner was a beautiful woman in a black windbreaker with long hair draped over her shoulders.Seemingly unable to hold back his emotions, he stood up and walked towards Liu Chuang step by step.


Before Liu Chuang could react, the woman in black grabbed Liu Chuang's neck with one hand, and said coldly: "What is Brother Hei? Compared with God, will it be a bit difficult to get out?"

"Big sister, big sister, who are you?" Liu Chuang grabbed the woman's arm before he managed to catch his breath and asked in embarrassment.

"Your goddess, the light of the sun, Reina!"

"Oh, that's what you are, the sun is shining." As soon as Liu Chuang's voice fell, a burst of golden light emerged, the wall collapsed, and smoke and dust rose everywhere.A figure flew out backwards and fell to the ground. It was Liu Chuang.

Leina walked towards Liu Chuang step by step, and every time she took a step, there would be a metallic clang, black smoke swirls around her, and the armor clings to her body.

"I'll tell you a secret. In fact, I'm also an alien, the God of Blazing Star, and I'm here to protect you for friendship." Lena's voice became serious, her helmet closed, and her black armor had a Roman medieval style.

"But you still lack a little education."

"Upbringing?!" Liu Chuang got up from the ground, his face turned ferocious, full of anger, "You aliens have bullied the earthlings, and you still talk about upbringing with me?"

After saying that, Liu Chuang rushed towards Leina, raised his fist and punched her.


However, at the next moment, a black shield emerged from Leina's hand, directly knocking Liu Chuang into the air, and the strength of the two was not directly proportional.


(End of this chapter)

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