Chapter 201 Black Dragon Jewel
"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The dragon-burying swords fell to the ground one after another, and the black dragon, which was the first to bear the brunt, hit nearly a hundred swords in a row.The sharp blade pierced through the membrane wings, and the black dragon raised its head and roared, spraying dragon blood.

Thousands of monsters were slaughtered, where the sword fell, there must be monsters dying!

The body of the Dragon Burying Sword pierced through the sky, arriving one step behind.It shot directly into the black dragon's left eye.The purple blood was dripping, and the roar of the black dragon echoed across the sky, like a lament.


But the roar was just a roar after all, and the damage caused by this blow to the black dragon was too great.Heilong tried his best to support the ground, trying to get up, but fell down again.

The black dragon gem on the chest glows faintly, exuding a purple and charming light, maintaining the vitality of the black dragon.

"Geraint!" Jiang Bai yelled, and his figure dropped rapidly.The Chaos Dragon spread its wings and caught Jiang Bai's figure.


The golden dragon waved its wings and hovered in the air for a week, absolutely not giving the black dragon a chance to recover.

Fiery dragon's breath burst out continuously from the dragon's mouth, as if trying to submerge the black dragon.The figure swooped down, directly onto the black dragon's chest, and bit the black dragon's precious jade.

Heilong's scarlet eyes turned hard, and he was about to stand up while enduring his injuries.Once the black dragon treasure jade is dug out, he will also perish completely.

Jiang Bai was panting heavily, the consumption of true energy was a bit huge, and he was quite tired.After patting the Chaos Dragon, the latter rushed directly towards the Black Dragon.


The black dragon raised its head and roared, shooting out its breath, but it was much weaker than the previous overwhelming momentum.


Not to be outdone, the Chaos Dragon fought back. The gray dragon's breath and the purple dragon's breath collided in the air, and they were evenly divided. Before the flames dissipated, Jiang Bai had already jumped down.

At this moment, the black dragon barely supported his body, raised his huge dragon claws, and was about to shoot the golden dragon flying in front of him.

"Fury Dragon!" Jiang Bai shouted, the second card has appeared in his hand, kill!

The Dragon Burial Sword, which was inserted deep into the black dragon's left eye, trembled. It had been refined into a magic weapon by Jiang Baiji before. After several months of nurturing, it could barely be manipulated by the sky!

The Burial Dragon Sword turned into a streamer and flew into Jiang Bai's hands.

The "killing" character card full of killing breath emits blood-colored fluorescence, and the bits and pieces fit with the body of the Dragon Burying Sword. The terrifying breath reverberates, and Jiang Bai's silver thread dances like a killing god at this moment.



The Dragon Burying Sword sliced ​​through the sky, forming a huge blood-colored sword shadow, which slashed straight across, as if it wanted to cut off the sky.


The dragon claw that the black dragon had just raised was cut off by a sword, and the dragon's blood swayed down and gathered into a purple stream.The severed dragon claw hit the ground, splashing smoke and dust.

Everyone was stunned, this method was like a ghost.As strong as a black dragon, he was seriously injured first and then beheaded!

The severe pain made the black dragon lose his mind, roaring and struggling.


The black dragon treasure jade that was pinned tightly to his chest finally loosened. The golden dragon roared and swung its dragon claws, pulling out the black dragon treasure jade forcefully.


With the last low cry belonging to the black dragon, the scarlet eyes dimmed rapidly, the powerless dragon claws hung down, and fell towards the ground behind it, shaking the ground to crack.

"Gulu..." Lambert looked at the mountain-like corpse of the black dragon, and still hadn't recovered from the fact that the black dragon was actually defeated.

The soldiers of the coalition army, the dragon slaying regiment, fell silent.

The next moment, there were cheers like landslides, and weeping with joy.

"We are victorious!"

"Quick, run quickly."

"Master Black Dragon, you have been defeated."

"Withdraw troops, withdraw troops."

Hundreds of thousands of monsters dispersed in a rush, and once the black dragon died, all the monsters lost their resistance and began to flee in all directions.The battle situation collapsed instantly.

"Charge, destroy the monsters!"

Cook waved the warhammer in his hand, roared excitedly, took the lead, and chased after the fleeing monsters.

Behind is the mighty coalition army, a hundred thousand troops went deep into the Black Dragon Valley.

"Huh... still a little bit of a level, little guys." Jiang Bai's mouth curled up, and his pale face recovered a little.A big battle finally ended, and everyone fought very hard.

"Master, I got the Black Dragon Jade." Geraint recovered his human body, his long golden hair fluttering, and his golden wings hung behind him, but he was a little weak.

"Good job." Jiang Bai nodded, looking at the precious jade in Geraint's hand.

It presents a deep purple color, shaped like a crystal, at least the size of a water basin.While beautiful and charming, it is also full of danger and evil.

Everyone in the Dragon Slaying Group cast their eyes on Baoyu, the meaning is self-evident.Having seen the power of the black dragon, no one is tempted by Baoyu, even though he knows it is dangerous.

"For this war, the Holy Heaven sent [-] troops, and the Black Dragon Jewel should belong to the king." Tramay stood up while supporting the boulder beside him, and said with no refusal.

"Do you want to count it as sending troops? Can an army of [-] defeat the black dragon?" Jiang Bai asked lightly, the chaotic dragon flapped its wings, and suddenly landed behind Jiang Bai, the dragon's eyes stared at Tramayi .

"But, this is a war in the name of the king, Bethkind!" Tramay roared angrily, reminding Bethkind that it was time to make a statement.

"King? That stupid guy is gone." Jiang Bai said indifferently, and stretched out his hand to Geraint, "The power of Black Dragon Baoyu is powerful and dangerous. If you want to use it, you must have control its strength."

Jailante nodded, and respectfully handed the Black Dragon Jade to Jiang Bai.

Instead, Tramay reacted, the staff in his hand suddenly lit up, and shouted, "You killed the king?!"

"No, if the old man wanted to kill him, he would have done it in the palace." Jiang Bai shook his head, looked at Tramay and said, "The old man also appreciates loyal people, but it is definitely not you, Tramay .”

"You love your country deeply, but you are foolish and loyal. If you have time, you can visit more holy paradises. How many people in this country are troubled by diseases, how many people are worrying about food and clothing, and support a person who only knows how to drink and enjoy himself. It is the greatest disloyalty to this country to be king by such an idiot."

"I...!" Tramay just wanted to argue, but couldn't answer, and lowered his head and fell into deep thought.

"Huh..." Jiang Bai smiled lightly, looking at the black dragon jade in his hand, he could detect the emotional fluctuations just by feeling it at a close distance.Definitely an evil item.

"Geraint, this is your trophy. When you reach the fourth round of Nine Transformation Dragon Art, you should be able to practice with Black Dragon Jade."

"However... now, it is safest to put this thing away." As he said, Jiang Bai stretched out his hand and put the black dragon treasure jade into the ring.


(End of this chapter)

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