Chapter 163 Laws of War
"Qiang! Qiang! Qiang!"

Swords and swords danced in the air, and wisps of ghost fire turned into evil spirits, rushing out continuously.In the blink of an eye, hundreds of evil spirits have appeared in Jiang Bai's palm, and there is no intention of stopping.These are all evil spirits from Rakshasa Street. They live in the area with locust trees. The world is full of spiritual power. Each evil spirit's cultivation level is not low, and they are not afraid of death.

Crazy evil spirits rushed into the barbarian army, and the battle became more intense.When swords meet, barbarian soldiers die tragically from time to time, or evil spirits turn into spiritual power and dissipate in the world!

"What the hell is this!"

"This must be a ghost, a ghost!"

"The old man is not human at all. He must be a god descending from the earth, and he can ask ghosts and gods to help him."

Some battle-hardened veterans are okay.But those young barbarian soldiers had already started to shrink back, talking in a hurry, the scene in front of them was so shocking that they didn't have the courage to raise the weapons in their hands, and their eyes were dull.

What's more, before he could react, a dark green saber had already sliced ​​across his neck, and his death was unclear.

"Huh..." Jiang Bai breathed a sigh of relief, releasing thousands of evil spirits at once, which consumed a huge amount of his true energy.The angel ring has long been worn on the finger.

The evil spirit opened the way, looking down from the city wall of Hulao Pass, it was as if a dark green war halberd had been inserted into the belly of the barbarian army, stabbing forward continuously, quite invincible.

Jiang Bai paced slowly, walking unhurriedly, towards the frame of the wild dragon.

In front of the animal skin frame pulled by nine golden lions, the wild dragon looked at it coldly, with a calm breath, and kept stroking a sword made of refined iron with its big hand. There were strange and obscure lines engraved on the scabbard. The lower end of the hilt is made of white jade-like gemstones, shining brightly.

"Boss, you retreat to the back of the army first, and the last general waits for someone to kill this man." Several burly and bloody barbarian generals knelt down in front of the Nine Lions frame, and said in a bold voice. firm.On the animal skin battle suit that he was wearing, the hair was all curled up because of the dried blood, releasing a foul smell.

"This is the heart of my barbarian army. Can you stop a thousand little devils? This leader is not going anywhere, just waiting for him here. He Jiang Bai is so old that he wants to take my life. You have to be patient. Has this little trick frightened you out of your guts?"

It has to be said that the wild dragon has its own reasons for becoming the great leader, so he yelled directly.After saying that, he closed his eyes and took a rest. The momentum of the army had been falling again and again, and he was the pillar to maintain the morale of the army. If he left again, the battle would be lost!


When the saber swung up and down, human heads rolled down, blood spurted out, and the strong smell of blood accompanied by internal organs could be seen everywhere.The cruelty of the battlefield can be seen at a glance. If you are a new recruit on the battlefield, you will definitely vomit when you see this scene. This is not only a challenge to the visual sense of smell, but also a torment to the heart.

"Kill!" A barbarian soldier rushed to the front of the team. He looked only about seventeen or eighteen, his young face was full of murderous intent, and his eyes were already red.Just now, his father was split in half by the evil spirit!
The red zhenqi engulfed the blade, and the barbarian soldier roared, unexpectedly bursting out with combat power that surpassed his own cultivation.At the sixth level of Wujing, he killed an evil spirit, broke through the loose defense line, and rushed towards Jiang Bai desperately.

"If there is an afterlife, may you be born in a peaceful age." Looking at the overall situation, Jiang Bai couldn't help but mourn, and whispered in a low voice.But the moment the barbarian soldier rushed over, his eyes suddenly sharpened, and he suddenly struck out, and he had already grabbed the young soldier by the throat!

That immature face was already flushed because she couldn't breathe, and her legs kicked and beat wildly, but she couldn't break free.Jiang Bai's fingertips exerted a little force, and after a crisp bone sound, the young soldier stopped moving, his limbs hung down, and blood flowed from the corner of his mouth and slid across Jiang Bai's palm.


With a flick of Jiang Bai's hand, the young soldier's body was thrown out, and several barbarian soldiers who were trying to rush were thrown away along the way.

Jiang Bai may be sympathetic to his enemies, but he will never be soft on his enemies. This is the law of war, the rule of iron and blood.Those who violate the rules will eventually be punished, and maybe the next time they pay is their own life!
"Woo..." The thick horn sounded and spread far away.The moment the horn sounded, all the beasts immediately echoed.

"Hoo!" "Hoo!" "Hoo!"

Behind the barbarian army are beast tamers blowing horns. They can tame several ferocious beasts in their lifetime and communicate with each other with horns.The ferocious beasts who received the order began to change directions, instead of forcibly attacking the city, they rushed towards the evil spirits.


A golden-haired, blue-eyed ferocious wolf called Wang Chaotian, and a whole pack of wolves gathered behind him.A pair of green wolf eyes stared at Jiang Bai, ready to release.The ferocious wolf king entered the hunting state, sharp wolf claws popped out from his fleshy palms, and faint purple arcs shone all over his body. He was at least a second-tier ferocious beast!

The pack of wolves rushed into the evil spirit, and the strong smell of blood stimulated the beast's instinct.

The Golden Wolf King is one foot tall and has a strong build.There are faint purple lightning falling across the sky between the claws, and it can kill several evil spirits who are overwhelmed, which is extremely brave.

"Are you restless so soon? Then let you show it." Jiang Bai smiled lightly, the black smoke rising from his body seemed to be a little thicker, and a ray of candlelight appeared in his palm again, but it was faint Red.


The Golden Wolf King took the lead, directly breaking through the evil spirit's block, and the purple arcs all over his body exploded.As soon as he jumped up, he rushed to Jiang Bai's back, and purple lightning appeared on the raised wolf claws, crackling!


Jiang Bai's footsteps continued to move forward, and he didn't mean to stop at all, let alone look back.

The moment the Golden Wolf King rushed over, the light red candle in his hand moved and turned into a black awn, which suddenly flashed behind Jiang Bai.The direct red candle flames magnified quietly, and three beast roars stunned people's hearts in a trance. A huge beast appeared in front of everyone, and it threw the golden wolf king to the ground with one blow.

"What kind of beast is that?!"

"Hurry up, manipulate the wolves to help!"

"This can't really be a beast from hell! It's too scary!"

The barbarian army panicked in an instant, the horn blared loudly, and the voice was full of fear.

"It has never been recorded in the catalog of ten thousand beasts. Could it be... an innate, or even a fierce beast in the master realm? No, it's impossible." On the wall of Hulao Pass, even Wuhou Meng Xing was shocked in place, and murmured in a low voice. road.

 The first update, there will be another update later.

(End of this chapter)

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