Chapter 145 Jiang Bai Gets Angry

The three of them headed towards Hulao Military Pass along a trail formed by mountain sergeants who often transported supplies.

Just climbed over two barren mountains, standing on the peak, you can already see the majestic shadow of Hulao Military Pass. Between the two towering ancient mountains, a majestic city gate stands in the middle, bordering the world. According to the dangerous mountains, it is indeed easy to defend but difficult to defend. Attack, the land that military strategists must seize.

"It's still the same, nothing has changed."

Jiang Bai murmured, and his mind was a little agitated for some reason. After all, it was the place where the soldiers had spent half their lives.

"Master, let's hurry up." Meng Che said slowly, his eyes fixed on the majestic Hulao Pass, and his blood was drawn.


The cold wind howling on the top of the mountain is extremely cold, and some towering cloud peaks can even freeze on the top of the mountain, covered with white snow, not to mention that it has already entered autumn.Jiang Bai, Meng Xing, and Meng Che, who practice martial arts and Qi, are naturally fine.But it disturbed the little white tiger in Meng Che's arms.


The little white tiger let out a low growl, opened its blurred eyes sleepily, and burrowed into Meng Che's arms, trying to avoid the wind and cold.

"Well, let's go." Jiang Bai nodded, glanced at the little white tiger who had just woken up, and set off first.Like a dragonfly touching water, every time the toes are lightly tapped on the ground, they can fly more than ten feet, and rush to the bottom of the mountain in a flash.

"Master, this little guy seems... hungry?" Meng Che hesitated for a moment, but still hesitated to ask.Since just now, the little white tiger has been barking non-stop. The little white tiger is only ten days old, but it hasn't even weaned its milk, let alone hard dry food.


Jiang Bai was stunned for a moment, and stopped his advancing figure.Even though it was him, he couldn't help but twitched the corners of his mouth, feeling embarrassed, "Ahem...Xing'er, go hunt a living female beast in the forest and come back."

"Mr. Jiang? This..." Meng Xing smiled awkwardly. The majestic Marquis Wu went to help a cub find a nurse. Wouldn't it be ridiculous to spread such a thing.

Jiang Bai glanced at Meng Xing coldly, and said lightly: "If you don't go, is this old man going? Or do you plan to let Che'er go. With his strength, entering the mountains and forests is not enough for fierce beasts to get in between their teeth of it."

"Yes, my nephew obeys." Meng Xing reluctantly agreed, and could only turn back and rush into the forest behind him.

"Let's take a rest on the spot." Jiang Bai ordered, Hulao Pass is not far away, but he is not in a hurry.

"Yeah." Meng Che nodded. The little white tiger in his arms might be tired from screaming, but it was also rare to become clean. Tigerpaw fiddled with the hair on his cheek.

Jiang Bai sat on the ground, closed his eyes, and comprehended the three stages of inverse life in his heart. This practice is indeed a means of life-saving.Therefore, Jiang Bai's comprehension and practice of the triple reverse life has never been broken!
Jiang Bai now has the source of Qi in his body, which increases continuously for 24 hours.Moreover, there is also the combination of spleen and qi into one, not to mention the deep foundation, the angel ring has a [-]% increase effect, and in the same realm, the strength and reserve of zhenqi are several times higher!
After practicing for a while, Meng Che took the opportunity to catch a few fish by the river and started barbecue.Suddenly, he was disturbed by the sound of loud footsteps.

Not far away, a group of soldiers in light armor was approaching in a row, with neat steps, and the iron plates of the armor collided with each other, making the sound of clang and thunder.Holding the same weapons, all of them are iron halberds shining with cold light.

The leader was a young man who looked to be about 23 or [-] years old, with a Baofeng similar to a Han sword and a waist plate on his waist, and the armor he was wearing was much more refined than the soldiers behind him.

"Both of you, leave quickly! This is the security range of Hulao Military Pass, no fire is allowed!" The young captain in the lead pointed to the fire in front of Meng Che, with an arrogant look and awe-inspiring aura.

"Hehe...Young man, old man, can't he be accommodating?" Jiang Bai slowly opened his eyes and looked at the young captain. He was not angry because of the latter's arrogance and domineering appearance. Instead, he smiled kindly and asked.

"Huh... I don't care how old you are, this is a military order. I am the patrol captain of the third battalion of the Hulao Army. This is my patrol area. If something goes wrong, can you take care of it?" The youth captain snorted coldly. , kicked over the fire, the grilled fish fell to the ground, and said unceremoniously.

"What are you doing!" Meng Che stood up abruptly, and asked the latter with an angry look on his face.

"Oh? Little friend, you still seem to be unable to do it. Behind me is the Hulao Military Pass. Be careful, I will charge you with disturbing the patrol and lock you up." The youth captain rolled his eyes, as if he didn't care.The eight or nine sergeants who looked equally young behind them also took a flattering step forward, erected their iron halberds, and surrounded Meng Che.

Jiang Bai frowned, a little displeased, although there was nothing to say about the execution of the military order, but the method of execution was a bit too much.

"Hey...Captain, look, what is that!" At this moment, a sergeant who looked a bit cunning approached the young captain, fixed his eyes on the white tiger in Meng Che's arms, and whispered in his ear. What.

The youth captain frowned, and immediately set his eyes on the little white tiger in Meng Che's arms, his eyes gradually brightened.

A ferocious beast cub, not to mention other benefits, even if it is eaten with flesh and blood, it can save at least ten days and a half months of cultivation.He only has a mere cultivation of the seventh level of the Martial Realm, how dare he go hunting in the mountains alone, this cub was sent to him.

"What? If you still don't want to leave, then follow this general." The youth captain's words became even more domineering. With a wave of his hand, eight or nine soldiers under him walked towards Meng Che excitedly, and even threatened him.

"Hand over the ferocious beast cub in your hand, so that you can avoid being imprisoned!"

"Captain, it's not right for you to do this!" Finally, the only non-commissioned sergeant said slowly. Compared with other young people, this sergeant was already gray at the temples, at least four or fifty years old. Aged, but still tough and extraordinary.

"Yo? Han Sheng? Brother Han? Do you even dare to question my words?" Hearing the middle-aged sergeant speak, the youth captain was obviously a little displeased, turned his head and looked over, and said jokingly.

"Don't think that you are capable because you are old. After so many years of cultivation, you are still at the fourth level of the Martial Realm. In this life, this general can overwhelm you."

"Are you considered a general? A mere captain, his tone is louder than Marquis Wu." Jiang Bai, who had been silent for a long time, finally spoke, took a deep breath, and the anger between his brows was obvious.

 Third update.Ask for a recommendation.


(End of this chapter)

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