Chapter 141 White Tiger
The clear green is as clear as clear, and a round of golden sun is inlaid on the unstained sky, and the white clouds are like solitary sails on the sea, floating slowly.

It is autumn now, the autumn wind is cool, and it is hard to find a piece of green mountain forest scenery, more dead leaves are all over the ground, and lonely branches hang from the treetops. A winding path is like a gray snake lying on the ground, extending to distance.

Jiang Bai and Meng Che hurried on the road, their figures shuttled between the ancient trees and the hanging mountains, performing the body skills recorded in the Huayun Jue, as ethereal as clouds and smoke.In a few breaths, the figure traveled a hundred meters longitudinally, and the shadow continued to lengthen and shorten.

The ten-mile vast mountain is indeed full of dangers, poisonous snakes that attack unexpectedly, and insects that hide flowers and plants.At night, remnants of wolves and tigers will move upon hearing the wind.

Time flies like an arrow, quietly passing between the fingers. After traveling for seven days and seven nights, the road was full of wind and dust, and encountered a few powerful first-order beasts. Jiang Bai did not intervene, and let Meng Che handle it by himself. use!
"According to the current speed, one day, we should be able to pass through the mountains and reach Hulao Military Pass." Jiang Bai stood on the top of the mountain, overlooking the majestic scenery, standing with his hands behind his back, whispering lightly.

"En." Meng Che nodded, equally agitated. His father left home to guard the border and often did not return for many years. Silai really missed him a lot.What's more, as a hot-blooded man, how many people have never dreamed of living in the army!

At this moment, a loud roar came.Jiang Bai frowned, and even when he looked up, he saw that the mountain was trembling, smoke and dust were everywhere, huge boulders rolled down from the top of the mountain, and in a rugged barren mountain not far away, thick smoke billowed and ancient trees kept collapsing.


The roar of the tiger shook the mountain, at least it was the ferocious power of a second-order beast!

"Master? Someone seems to be fighting with a fierce beast there." Meng Che said slowly, his eyes narrowed together, secretly startled.The second-order ferocious beast is a powerhouse comparable to the Houtian realm of the human race. Fighting desperately, the impact caused is indeed terrifying and shocking. Almost an ancient tree with a radius of [-] meters has collapsed!
"Yeah. Let's take a look as a teacher!" Jiang Bai nodded, his body was dyed with a layer of faint white light, and the white light slowly spread out, wrapping Meng Che beside him.Then Jiang Bai jumped up and took Meng Che down towards the [-]-meter-high cliff.


The oncoming cold wind tore through like a blade, and was completely blocked by the Huayun True Qi. The speed of the two descended rapidly, and the protective True Qi continued to swirl around and surge!


There was another roar of a tiger that shook the sky, a huge black shadow rushed out, raised the tiger's claws, and five sharp golden lights shot out, directly cutting a towering ancient tree several feet high into pieces. Six cuts!
"Huh...that damned beast." A middle-aged man narrowly escaped the attack. He is about 35 or six years old, but his short hair at the temples has already turned white. He has two thick black sword eyebrows and a pair of The eyes are full of energy.Wearing a black armor with a tiger head battle pattern on the chest, strands of blood flowed between the iron plates of the armor along the gaps, holding a long halberd, judging by the luster of the metal, it is probably an extraordinary weapon!
The black shadow attacking him was a white tiger, more than five meters long. Its fur was black and white, and the tip of its claws protruded an inch long.Although at this time, its hair was stained with blood, and there were no less than ten knife marks all over its body, obviously seriously injured.

But even so, as the king of beasts, the aura of this white tiger can still be maintained at the peak of the second order. Obviously, it was at least a third-order ferocious beast in its heyday!Enough to speak out and understand spirituality!
"Roar!! Human, you are not my opponent, I advise you to withdraw quickly!"

The white tiger roared angrily.The big mouth was exposed, and the canine teeth were as sharp as awns, and he uttered words directly, saying!

"I have lost so many soldiers, how can I let you go? If you are willing to submit to this general, An Neng will spare your life. You are already seriously injured and you are at the end of your battle!" frightened.

"you wanna die!"

The anger between the white tiger's brows became even heavier, and he jumped at the man, and the tiger's claws swept across, smashing another boulder!
And the moves of the middle-aged man are open and closed, more like they are used to kill the enemy on the battlefield. The clouds and smoke rising all over his body turned out to be the Wuhou Mansion's Huayun Jue, but obviously he didn't understand enough, and he didn't even comprehend the first level of nuances. .

When the blade of the halberd collided with the claws of the tiger, there was a burst of violent buzzing. The aftermath of the spread caused the old trees to sway, and the vegetation everywhere rolled and fell!

"Human, you've worn away my little patience!" The white tiger roared suddenly, exuding a dazzling golden light all over his body. The supernatural powers of comprehension are naturally still there!

Shen Xi radiated from the white tiger's body, and the rich zhenqi gathered in the air, and suddenly opened the blood basin, roaring loudly!


Accompanied by the noisy whistling, the true energy merged with the sound waves, and circles of golden sound waves spread out like ripples!The power is so great that vegetation will break when touched, and boulders will shatter when touched.

With a whistling sound, all directions were shaken, and mountains and rivers were destroyed!
The middle-aged man was clearly prepared. The moment Baihu gathered his true energy, he quickly pulled back and stomped on his feet repeatedly, exploding like thunder, and he escaped a hundred meters in the blink of an eye!

However, the speed of the sound wave was not as fast as the speed of the sound wave, and the first heavy sound wave hit in the blink of an eye. The middle-aged man gritted his teeth, and simply performed the exercises with all his strength, condensing an incomparably solid qi gauze on his body!

The moment he touched the sound wave, the middle-aged man was sent flying more than ten meters by the golden light, smashing an old tree before barely stopping.The second stressful sound wave followed, and the supernatural powers of the third-order ferocious beast were indeed terrifying!
At this time, Jiang Bai and Meng Che had just resisted the barren mountain when they heard the terrifying roar of the tiger.Along the way, the more I walked, the more frightened I became, and at the same time, the more I walked, the more anxious I became.Starting from the outskirts of Huangshan, the river has been stained scarlet with blood, corpses are lying on the ground, and broken weapons and armor are scattered all over the place!
And Jiang Bai can naturally recognize that these are the soldiers of the Longwen Empire, who are responsible for guarding the Hulao Military Pass!

Hearing Huo Xiao, Jiang Bai was just about to protect Meng Che behind him, when he saw a middle-aged man flying upside down and crashing into an ancient tree beside him.

"Father!!" Seeing this scene, Meng Che couldn't help but exclaimed, and hurried to help him.

"What nonsense!" Jiang Bai yelled angrily, looking at the coming golden light ripples, his whole body was suddenly dyed with extremely intense white flames, and the golden light curse was cast to the maximum, wrapping the figures of the three of them!

 The first one, the more lazy and tired, the more tired and lazy, the old me is speechless to myself.

  Let me tell you the good news, PK has advanced, now it is the second round, please recommend, please collect.


(End of this chapter)

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