Chapter 108

"Guardian spirit?" Xia Ling and Cao Yanbing said in unison, their voices could not help but raise their voices a bit.

Jiang Bai nodded, looked at Xia Ling, and said in a deep voice: "Xia Ling has never been hunted down by the kingdom organization before she came to Zhenhun Street, I think it should be revealed that Xia Ling is Jiling The identity of the person, and the kingdom organization should have clues, Xia Ling's guardian spirit should be of great use to the kingdom organization, or... it is something in the guardian spirit."

"However, if you come here, you will be safe. This Raksha Street should be safe for the time being, so I don't think you should worry. If Xia Ling can learn a little skill from this old man, she will have the ability to protect herself."

"Thank you, master, I will work hard." Xia Ling said with a smile on her face, clenched her fists, and said seriously.

"Okay, it's getting late, let's take a rest." Jiang Bai nodded, looking at the bright moon in the sky, and said slowly.When everyone walked into the huts, Jiang Bai's footsteps paused for a moment, and he looked up at the burly locust tree. He could feel the powerful energy in it.

"Emperor elm from the east, Lingling locust tree from the west, dragon peach from the north, and hibiscus tree from the south are indeed one of the four sacred trees." Jiang Bai murmured in a low voice, but no one noticed, and slowly walked into the hut .

Cao Yanbing seemed to be really convinced, or had other plans, and deliberately gave up the main room to Jiang Bai.

Although the wooden house is a bit narrow, the sparrow is small and well-equipped with all five internal organs. The mattress is neatly laid out, the gray-brown wooden table is slightly old, the cold wind blows the wooden windows, creaking, and only one light bulb keeps the light on.

"It's no wonder that he loves money so much." Jiang Bai sighed, crossed his legs and went to bed, five-finger knot seal and devoted himself to practicing the third level of reverse life. Since he got this skill, he is now barely getting started. There is still some distance in the first layer, but with such a life-saving magic skill, Jiang Bai still doesn't want to fall.

Huayun Zhenqi flows along the meridians in the body, without the feeling of being blocked at all, it is extremely smooth like a rushing spring, and it has been circulating for three days in a blink of an eye.Time flies like an arrow, in the room, even through the wooden door, Xia Ling's long breathing could be heard next door, obviously exhausted from running around all night.

Against the backdrop of the milky white zhenqi lingering outside his body, Jiang Bai's face looked pale, as if he had lost his color. The triple focus of reverse life is to temporarily transform the whole body into zhenqi, so that once injured, he can use it to recover.

Jiang Bai, who has just started, can only barely treat some skin trauma with the method of reverse life triple.


Jiang Bai tried to spit out a mouthful of turbid air, and even the gas he exhaled was mixed with thick Huayun Zhenqi. This is obviously the reason why he has not yet cultivated the true Qi, but fortunately, Jiang Bai's Huayun The tactic is already in the subtle realm, and it is still obvious for the progress of the reverse life triple.

"System, let's start the lucky draw for the luck package."

The corner of Jiang Bai's mouth curled up, and he accepted the luck gift package that Xia Ling got as a disciple. He has been patient and ignored it, and now he is trying to try it in the dead of night.

In my mind, the colorful brilliance became brighter, wriggled, burst out suddenly, gathered into a colorful disc, densely packed with item names on it, and a huge pointer pointed to the top.

The body of the god of war, the joint work of the gods and spirits, the whiteness of the people's martial spirits, the branches of the dragon peach tree, the jade bodhi, the xumi god beads, the pillar of fire, the supreme fruit, the nine-turn Qingyang pill, the king of the underworld breaking the army seal...


Jiang Bai's expression froze. Obviously, the items in the plane of "Soul Soul Street" are much stronger than those in the plane of "Under One Man". He said slowly, "System, let's start the lottery draw."

The moment the sound fell, the huge pointer spun quickly, like a windmill. After a long while, it began to slow down slowly. The pointer passed through the names of the treasures, and the strength slowed down. Secretly squeezed a handful of sweat.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining the Supreme Fruit, which comes from the Jade Bodhi Tree on the plane of "Soul Soul Street". The Supreme Fruit has the power to break boundaries, and it is the ultimate treasure for setting enchantments!"

Jiang Bai froze for a moment, the colorful brilliance had begun to condense in the palm of his hand. After a long while, it turned into a blue fruit. Fluctuation is bred within it, like a kind of natural repulsion.

"The power of breaking the boundary? Setting up an enchantment?"

Jiang Bai's pupils shrank slightly, and he stared at the supreme fruit in his hand. How could this little fruit have such power?

After hesitating for a moment, Jiang Bai directly stuffed the supreme fruit into his mouth. Surprisingly, the jasper-like fruit was very crisp, with a slight hint of green sweetness that Jiang Bai swallowed into his stomach.

"The power of breaking the boundary? Where is it?" Jiang Bai was stunned for a moment, and looked down at his hands in astonishment. A supreme fruit entered his stomach, and he only felt that it tasted good. The power of breaking the boundary mentioned in the system introduction , he didn't realize it at all.

"It can't be..." Jiang Bai's voice paused, and he slammed his palm on the bed. The huge palm force directly shook the stone slab under the bed and cracked small cracks.A head of silver hair fell down, his face became a little distorted, and he felt that the veins and bones in his body were faintly distorted.

"System, what's going on?" Jiang Bai gritted his teeth and asked the system.

"Ding, the Supreme Fruit has the power to break boundaries and is extremely resistant. The host must refine it, otherwise it will be disturbed by its intrusive space attributes."

"System, you are playing to death!"

Jiang Bai frowned tightly, and was too lazy to complain to the system at this time. Delicate beads of sweat rolled down his cheeks. After barely sitting cross-legged, he unreservedly circulated his Huayun True Qi, aiming at the supreme fruit remaining in his belly. rush.

"System, you haven't told me how to refine it yet!"

"Enter the five internal organs, pass through the spleen, pass through the nine meridians, return to the dantian, and the juice feeds back, and become one with the true energy."

"it is good!"

A simple and neat agreement was made, and the printing method on Jiang Bai's hand changed, and the rich Huayun True Qi erupted like a volcanic eruption, directly shaking the beams of the house, shaking the ground like a mountain.

A light blue energy rushed towards Bai Hai, and collided with Hua Yun Jue, like two magnets of the same sex, constantly repelling.

The repulsion of Huayun Zhenqi and this boundary-breaking force continuously produces aftermath, and the ripples visible to the naked eye spread, directly shaking open cracks in the beams, floors, and wooden chairs, and the light blue energy spreads like a barrier , but the milky white Huayun True Qi was wantonly destroying it forcibly.

 Weakly ask for a recommendation ticket... Although I know that this update speed is a bit shameless, but I don't know myself.a little bit a little bit a little bit...


(End of this chapter)

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