Chapter 1 Wuhou Mansion

The mountains are stacked, the majestic peaks are like giant beasts crouching at the Dragon Pass, and the snow clouds like veils are half-covered, covering the fierce side of the mountains. From time to time in the mountains and flowing water, one can hear, Two heart-stopping beast roars, and the sight of remnants of wolves and tigers is always easy to find.

On the Yunfeng Peak, the cliffs suddenly glowed; in a blink of an eye, the mountains and forests at the foot disappeared, and the mountains were covered with greenery, covering the ancient buildings with exquisite carvings. In such a dangerous mountain forest, there is actually a small town located here.

The desolate autumn wind blows across the lake. Although it is a small town, a city wall tens of meters high has been built out of huge rocks on the outskirts of the town. , engraved with three vigorous and powerful characters, Qingshan Town!
Different from the vigorous appearance, the interior of Qingshan Town is much more prosperous. The long alleys paved with bluestones are filled with the faint lights of the ancient city. Occasionally pedestrians walk by leisurely, and the houses next to each other are crowded together. The small town accommodates at least nearly [-] people. With the rising of the first day, hawkers doing business, various shops, and mercenaries entering and leaving the mountains gradually became lively.

Three or five shirtless burly men walked through the street with light smiles, hooking each other's shoulders and talking about vulgar things. They are all people who bet their lives on the edge of a knife and hunted and killed beasts to receive quests for a living. , Maybe he lost his life that day, so he behaved very unruly, including villains and iron-blooded real men.

"Hahaha, I made a profit this time. A piece of animal skin in good condition can be sold for ten taels of silver." A man with a dignified body, several scars on his upper body, half of his face was occupied by a thick beard , Hearty laughter echoed on the street, holding a nine-ringed sword in his left hand, and a bloody tiger on his shoulder with his right hand!

It's hard to imagine, the tiger's cheeks are already out of shape, dripping with blood, but there is no wound on the whole body, it was beaten to death by someone!
"Hush!" The companion next to the big man was not infected by his joyful atmosphere at all. Instead, he tugged on the big man's belt, glared at the back of the big man, and muttered softly, "You don't want to die!" Is it? Where is this place, you dare to yell!"

The big man looked behind suspiciously, his cheeks turned pale instantly, he quickly closed his mouth, and quickly left the street under the pull of his companion.

Wuhou Mansion!
On the gilded plaque, on the wooden board with a red background, the three brush characters of flying and flying are written in ink!
Twelve peach-red wooden pillars support the beams, the magnificent gate stands open, the high wall is deep in the courtyard, and the white powder wall more than ten feet high completely blocks the scenery inside, but you can see its refined appearance just by imagination. Occasionally, one or two branches climbed up the wall from the courtyard.

The only disturbing thing is that at the gate of the courtyard wall, an old man is cleaning the fallen leaves on the ground with a broom.

"Huh..." A gust of cold breeze blew on the face of the old man who was cleaning in the courtyard. The old man slowly raised his head and sighed softly. Those dark brown eyes whispered the vicissitudes of the years, the old man He looked very plain and wise, with black hair hidden in the white hair like silver threads, and a plain gray gown, which made people put the identity of servant or something on the old man at a glance.

"Old Meng... Alas..." The old man whispered a name, slowly shaking his head, the former Marquis Wu's Mansion was revered by thousands of people, and it was the leading family in the entire Qingshan Town, guarding the border, Xiongwo Shanguan, But ever since the first Marquis of Wu, Meng Nanshan was killed in a battle to block the border, Marquis Wu's mansion has completely changed.

The title of Marquis Wu is due to Meng Nanshan's numerous military exploits, and was granted by the court as a hereditary system. Meng Nanshan's eldest son, Meng Xing, succeeds to the title. In the entire Qingshan Town, as long as one hears the name of the young master of Marquis Wu's Mansion, he is like a beast in the forest!
While the old man was sighing, there was the sound of ticking wheels in the distance, and an exquisite and gorgeous carriage jumped into sight. The carriage was wrapped in silk on all sides, and the gold-inlaid Baod window was blocked by a curtain of light blue crepe There are four horses pulling the cart, handsome and strong, and the horseshoes knocked on the ground, splashing sand and mist.


Accompanied by the coachman's yell, the galloping carriage stopped suddenly in front of the Wuhou Mansion, and the leading horse stomped its hooves, let out a loud cry from its nose, exhaled white air, and let out a long neighing sound.

The coachman got out of the carriage respectfully, stretched out his hand and opened the curtain, and a handsome yet tough young man slowly got out of the carriage.

With a smooth and fair face, sharp-edged and indifferent, his dark and deep eyes slowly glanced around. With his tall and perfect figure, he is definitely a handsome young man who only appears in movies and novels.

"Mr. Jiang." The young man got off the carriage, walked up to the old man, and bowed politely. If this scene is seen by others, I'm afraid it will scare the eyes of many people. The third son, 'Meng Che', actually bowed to an old man who looked like a servant?
"En." The old man called Jiang Lao agreed softly, his vicissitudes of eyes drifted over the young man's cheeks, he stopped staying, picked up his broom, and walked slowly towards the courtyard.

"Young Master?" The driver of the carriage was obviously accustomed to such a scene, but the old man's arrogant attitude still aroused his dissatisfaction. He whispered in Meng Che's ear. I'm afraid there will be one more murder case in Marquis Wu's mansion tonight.

"It's okay, if it were my elder brother and them, Mr. Jiang wouldn't even pay attention to them." Meng Che shook his head, looking at the back of Mr. Jiang who was slowly leaving, his eyes were full of puzzlement.

Jiang Lao has lived in Wuhou Mansion for a long time. From the time he remembers, Jiang Lao has been in the mansion. When his grandfather Meng Nanshan was alive, he often played chess with Jiang Lao. Other than that, he never showed any special qualities, but his grandfather mentioned more than once that he should treat Mr. Jiang kindly.

Mr. Jiang pushed open the wooden door of the hut where he lived. In the lonely room, there was only a wooden bed and a wooden shelf full of books, which was extremely simple.With his status in Wuhou Mansion, naturally he would not be arranged here, this was his own request.

"Old Meng... I'm afraid that the Marquis Wu's Mansion is really going to be over. I am an old man, but I really can't help you." Mr. Jiang shook his head and sat on the wooden bed with a sigh. Making enemies, and his father being a calf protector, has offended more than one family. In addition, Wuhou Mansion has been imprisoned in the position of the first family in Qingshan Town, and it is not a day or two.

I'm afraid I won't be able to survive this calamity...

If he is a soft-spoken old man, who will take care of him?Now I just hope that those families that have accumulated strength to prepare for revenge can let him, an old man who lives in a simple life, be spared.

 The new book is released, and I ask for your support. The early stage has been a little bit slow, please read the early stage patiently, I believe you will not be disappointed.

(End of this chapter)

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