The strongest dragon cultivation system

Chapter 7 Golden Dragon Eel

Chapter 7 Golden Dragon Eel
Zhou Yang used to fish rice field eel when he was a child, and there was really nothing interesting about it, so people in the city would be more curious about this job, so Zhou Yang said goodbye to the two of them soon, and hurried home.

After returning home, Zhou Yang didn't explain to his parents why he didn't go home for lunch, and the elders didn't ask. He was such a grown man, so he definitely wouldn't starve himself, although the fact is that he was indeed hungry.

After eating the Chinese food and dinner together like a starving ghost, Zhou Yang returned to his room with the mutated eel and locked the door behind him.

Even though he hasn't eaten for more than a day, the mutant eel is still alive and well. If Zhou Yang didn't store it in a stainless steel bucket with a height of [-] to [-] centimeters and put the lid on it, it would definitely come out of it. Suspect.

Looking gloomy at the mutated eel swimming around like a dragon and a tiger, Zhou Yang roared ferociously, "Damn it, it's best that you can help me pay off the debt, otherwise you'll be light if you boil it!" .”

With a thought in his mind, his body turned into a dragon and appeared in the bucket, and then directly activated the talent of dragon power.

Fortunately, a system is a system, and a dragon is a dragon. Although the mutated eel is a mutated creature, under Longwei, it is no different from other creatures, obediently accepting Zhou Yang's enslavement.

After enslaving the mutant eel, Zhou Yang's face suddenly showed a smirk. He looked at the mutant eel fiercely and ordered: "Bump the barrel hard for me."


As soon as Zhou Yang gave the order, the mutated eel's head slammed into the iron bucket hard, causing a loud echo, which also made its head dizzy and limp in the bucket for a while.

"Silly roe deer—"

Zhou Yang smiled complacently, and his mood improved a lot in an instant. He finally took revenge for being bitten.

The matter was important, and Zhou Yang didn't play with this poor mutant eel too much. After staying for a while on the talent of dragon transformation transformation on the attribute panel, Zhou Yang gave an order to transform the mutant eel.

As soon as the modification order was issued, a three-dimensional projection of the mutated eel appeared in Zhou Yang's mind, and then information on how to modify it naturally appeared in his mind.

It turned out that this kind of modification is like using a modifier to modify the attributes of a character in a game, but there are many restrictions on the attribute points that can be modified.

Now that Zhou Yang is transforming the ruling creature, he can only transplant some of his abilities to the transforming creature, but cannot conjure other things out of thin air. For example, it is absolutely impossible for him to make the rice field eel grow the shrimp claws of the pippi shrimp.

After understanding the transformation method, Zhou Yang looked at the mutant eel projection and gave the first command: "Strengthen the defense!"

Following his order, a layer of light golden fine scales appeared on the smooth surface of the mutated eel's skin, very similar to the scales on his body.

The mutated eel covered with a layer of pale golden scales looked extremely mighty and majestic, but when Zhou Yang saw it, he shook his head repeatedly and said, "No, don't show the scales. Change the surface defense enhancement to physical fitness enhancement."

He didn't want people to think it was a snake and not an eel.

Under the latest instruction, the scales on the surface of the mutated rice field eel immediately disappeared, but in Zhou Yang's sight, its fleshy structure became tighter, and the layer of skin was much thicker.

Zhou Yang was already satisfied with this, so he immediately issued another order: "Strengthen the bite force of the teeth!"

Under his order, the horny teeth in the mutant eel's mouth instantly turned into shark-like sawtooth, and the mouth was slightly enlarged, making it more suitable for biting.

After the two orders were issued, Zhou Yang found that he could no longer operate the eel projection, which meant that with his current ability, he could only carry out this level of transformation, so he immediately nodded and said: "It's ok, that's it , and now template implantation."

In an instant, blood flashed in Zhou Yang's eyes, and the projection of the mutated eel in his mind instantly submerged into the mutated eel in the bucket, and then the whole body of the mutated eel writhed and twitched violently. It could be seen that this transformation made it very painful.

When Zhou Yang saw this scene, instead of showing any sympathy, he laughed arrogantly: "Tremble, fear! The more you suffer, the happier I am. Who told you to frighten and bite me. "

After three to five minutes, the mutated rice field eel stopped convulsing, and its appearance was exactly the same as the projection that Zhou Yang had sketched in his mind earlier.

At this moment, Zhou Yang suddenly felt a tremor all over his body, as if something had just left him.

With a thought in his heart, he immediately looked at the attributes. Sure enough, he was at level 7, but he fell back to the attributes at level 6 again, and even the dozens of evolutionary points he had accumulated after level 7 were all cleared.

Seeing this scene, Zhou Yang couldn't help cursing secretly: "Damn, the system really doesn't allow people to take advantage of loopholes!"

He originally thought that if he only lost level after the transformation of Longhua, then as long as he accumulated enough experience to advance to the next level before the transformation, he would be able to return to the level before the transformation immediately after the transformation.

As a result, it seems that those evolution points are also counted in the transformation consumption by the system!
"Grandma, let me see now, what kind of thing did I get out of sacrificing so much evolutionary value." After a few curses, Zhou Yang turned his eyes and looked at the attributes of the mutant eel

Golden Dragon Eel: Level 5
Attack: 22
Talent: Entanglement, the golden dragon eel has the ability to entangle and strangle as much as snakes.

Bite, the mouth of the golden dragon eel has a powerful bite ability.

(Remarks: The mutated rice field eel that has been transformed with dragon blood has a certain evolution potential, and the transformed dragon creature will unconditionally obey the control of the host Longwei.)
Well, even the name has become a more attractive "Golden Dragon Eel".

As for the attribute, although it is ten points lower than when it was at level 6, once it returns to level 6, it will be doubled and it will be 8 points higher than before, and the remark is very clear that level 6 is no longer the end of its evolution.

Generally speaking, Zhou Yang was satisfied with the modified golden dragon eel, so he finally let the poor guy go and didn't continue to torment it.

After casually sprinkled some feed into the bucket, Zhou Yang covered the bucket again, then picked up his mobile phone and called an old classmate.

"Brother Yang, what can you do with me?" A young male voice came from the phone, it was the voice of Zhou Yang's high school classmate Xie Jun.

After Zhou Yang heard this, he immediately became angry. Every time this kid talked to him, he wanted to get some money from him. Did he really think that he opened a bank?
Immediately rolled his eyes, and said unceremoniously: "Ah Jun, you kid is really looking for money, can I not come to you if I have nothing to do? Don't talk nonsense, aren't you selling computer equipment? Find me a set for anchors. High-definition camera, I will use it tomorrow."

"Anchor camera? Brother Yang, you don't raise eels anymore?" Xie Jun's words were full of question marks.

"What do you care about me? Don't worry, I won't lose your money." Zhou Yang didn't want to say more, lest this big mouth would talk nonsense again, and immediately hung up the phone.

 This book has a cover, what do you think of the cover?If everyone thinks it's not good, I'll find someone to redo it!Continue to ask for recommendation tickets, ask for five-star praise, and ask for rewards with a thick face

(End of this chapter)

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