Chapter 304
"As long as you let me out, Karma, let alone ten officers of the Mi Army, even twenty is not a problem."

"I, Bardo, also agree to your conditions."

"Franza obeys Your Excellency's orders."

"Pathos has absolutely nothing wrong with it."

The people imprisoned here, more or less have some real skills, and because of various reasons of hatred, they are not willing to submit to the United States. At this moment, as soon as Zhou Yang's conditions were uttered, they agreed without hesitation.

Of course, whether they will really fulfill the agreement after going out, only they themselves know.

Zhou Yang doesn't expect them all to be trustworthy, as long as one-third of them do this, it will be a huge blow to the United States.

With a slash of the ice blade in his hand, he violently broke open the cage holding many prisoners. After a while, hundreds of prisoners escaped.

"Whether you can go out or not depends on your own. Remember the promise you made just now, otherwise you will know the price of cheating a strong man."

After coldly warning these prisoners who were excited because they were out of trouble, Zhou Yang's figure moved, and he left Area C and went to Area B for scientific research.

Area B is the essence of Area 51. The various secret experiments carried out here are rarely known to the outside world, but it is undeniable that each of the scientific research results taken out from here can greatly enhance the strength of the Mi Army. enhanced.

At this time, because of Zhou Yang's intrusion, the gate of Area B has been closed tightly, and the scientific researchers inside are stepping up the transmission and destruction of all kinds of invisible materials.

However, none of them expected that the alloy gate, which could withstand the bombing of ordinary missiles, would burst without being able to hold it for even a minute under Zhou Yang's attack.

Da da da!
The 12.7mm machine gun was frantically swallowing flames, and the machine gunner's eyes were full of madness and fear. They had all seen the video of the death of their comrades in area c earlier, so they had already given up their will to survive.

However, the huge gap in strength made it useless for them to be crazy no matter how crazy they were. Zhou Yang walked up to them in a hail of bullets like a demon god killed in hell, and then waved his ice blade to harvest them Fragile life.

When all the soldiers who dared to resist died, the remaining scientific researchers who were helpless became Zhou Yang's next slaughter target.

Puff puff!
The sound of flying heads resounded throughout the area, and after Zhou Yang walked around the big area B indifferently, dozens of scientific researchers who were hiding turned into headless corpses.

After his knife rested on the neck of the last young man, the poor guy who had been frightened into a fool finally knelt down and begged for mercy: "Spare me, spare me, I don't want to die, I don't want to die!"

Looking indifferently at the young man kneeling on the ground, Zhou Yang said hoarsely to himself: "I thought you would really rather die than speak."

Hearing this, the young man couldn't help feeling cold, and quickly said: "My lord, please forgive me, I'm just a new graduate student a few days ago, I didn't participate in anything, I swear to God, I never participated in any real experiment .”

But he didn't know that he could understand Huaxia language, but Zhou Yang couldn't understand his bird language.

So he will die with peace!
Without even looking at the headless corpse of the young man who was also doomed to die after begging for mercy, Zhou Yang began to look around in area b as soon as the ice blade in Zhou Yang's hand was scattered.

I saw that most of the huge area B was occupied by various instruments and equipment, and Zhou Yang didn't know the names of any of these instruments.

However, this did not prevent him from guessing the usefulness of these instruments, because the specimen objects present in each culture fluid tank intuitively and clearly explained what the main experimental topic here was.

Gene biochemical weapon research!

From the well-preserved human organs and animal organs, as well as the frozen corpses of humanoid creatures with scales and hair, it was not difficult for Zhou Yang to guess what was being studied here.

"It's no wonder that the former detainees were so excited when they heard that they could leave. They also knew that if they continued to be detained, it might be their turn to be the next test subject."

Just thinking about it, Zhou Yang understood the thoughts of those prisoners. At the same time, he also understood why few of those scientific researchers begged for mercy. They must have thought that he was here for revenge.

"It deserves it. If these guys are doing normal genetic engineering research, it's okay to say that doing this kind of biochemical experiment with living people, killing them with a single knife is easy!"

After being severely criticized by the man who occupies the moral high ground, Zhou Yang has no desire to stay any longer, but before he leaves, he takes photos and videos of all kinds of evil evidence here, and then sets fire to all of them. All the instruments and equipment were burned to ashes.

When Zhou Yang returned to the ground from Area 51, there was a violent explosion sounded deep underground. It was he who ignited the piled-up explosives such as rockets and grenades before coming up.

On the ground, many people from the supernatural world released by him before are now fighting the Mi army who came to suppress them. Stray bullets and shell fragments are flying everywhere on the battlefield.

"If you don't even have the ability to break through, then you should just die here."

After muttering a few words in a low voice, Zhou Yang ignored the cries for help from some unlucky fellows, and directly turned into a black light and shot out of the battlefield, quickly disappearing behind Mi Jun and those supernatural beings. in the field of vision.

After all, the liberation of Area 51 was just a matter of convenience during his trip to the United States. It is gratifying to get good results, but if it doesn't work, he has nothing to lose.

But after his troubles like this, the Americans suddenly became extremely nervous, and the alert level of various important military bases was instantly raised to the war level.

At the same time, the CIA and other intelligence agencies also began to operate rapidly, trying to find out the identity of the man in black through the images transmitted from Area 51.

It's not that no one doubts Zhou Yang. After all, since the battle in Mobei Kunlun, there are only a few people with such strength in the world. It just so happens that Zhou Yang has revealed his water attribute ability.

But doubts are doubts. In the absence of definite evidence, no one would dare to trouble him because of this suspicion.

Of course, Zhou Yang also knows that once the Americans are given some time, they will definitely find some evidence, and then he will really face a thunderous blow.

Therefore, after he left Area 51, he went to the location of the Pentagon non-stop, and he must not give the Americans time to recover.


In the air above the Pentagon, to the Americans, the sound of dragon chant like a succubus suddenly resounded through the sky, and then clusters of sky-blue flames, like flaming meteors, flew towards the huge building complex below. fell down.

(End of this chapter)

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