Chapter 275

This place is under the Atlantic Ocean. Apart from the Americans, Zhou Yang couldn't figure out who else could have the ability to get the Dark Tyrannosaurus out of this underground world located at an unknown depth.

And when he thought of the possible cooperation between the two sides to deal with him after the American guy rescued the dark tyrannosaurus, he felt a chill in his heart, and felt the pressure of possible death for the first time.

He looked at the direction he came from with cold eyes, and muttered to himself in a low tone: "If the Lord of Thunder gets in again, then even if I play all my cards, the chance of surviving is not more than [-]%. "

After hearing his words, Grand Wizard Maggie was speechless for a while.

What kind of person is this? With so many associations, it would be a pity not to write novels and become an editor.

Just when she was extremely speechless about Zhou Yang's neurotic sensitive thoughts, Zhou Yang's eyes flashed, and suddenly a bolt of lightning knocked her out.

After knocking out Grand Wizard Maggie, Zhou Yang killed the immobile Fengshen pterosaur with one claw, and then turned his gaze to the dark underground world ahead.

"Let me see where the exit of this shortcut is."

As soon as he moved, he flew towards the shortcut exit in the mouth of the dark tyrannosaurus at full speed.

Flying all the way, Zhou Yang witnessed a series of tragic situations that shocked him.

This is a passage made of bones, and the ground of the dark passage is covered with bones of prehistoric creatures.

These white bone corpses have a common feature, that is sharp minions.

But when they died, their sharp claws had long been broken, and countless uneven claw marks were left on the upper, lower, left, and right stone walls.

These skeletons and the traces on the stone wall undoubtedly explained to Zhou Yang the origin of this passage.

"I just said, since this underground world can give birth to holy beasts as intelligent as humans, how could it be possible that they haven't tried to go to the surface world for tens of millions of years, so the truth is here."

Yu Gong Moves Mountains!

In the past, Zhou Yang only thought that this was something that would only appear in myths and legends, but now that he witnessed the bones and corpses spread all over the floor, he just realized that the wise words created by the ancients were not just spoken casually.

This channel formed by the accumulation of countless biological lives for tens of millions of years is even more shocking and amazing than Yugong Yishan!

The deeper the tunnel went, the fewer bones and corpses Zhou Yang saw, which proved that with the passage of time, the number of creatures supported by this world began to become scarce.

When Zhou Yang flew more than 30 kilometers away and came to the last passage where he could fly, the bones and corpses that existed here had become extremely sparse.

After examining one of the skeletons that seemed to be the closest to the present, he found that the skeleton should have been left three to five years ago, which meant that the last tunnel was excavated three to five years ago.

He couldn't help laughing at himself and said: "It seems that I came here at the wrong time. If I came here a few years earlier or later, then the amount of evolution points harvested should be doubled."

When the passage reaches this point, it is impossible to fly, and the road behind it is two or three times larger than the mountain crevice that Zhou Yang and the others passed through when they came, and even a fear cat cannot pass through.

"See where it leads."

As soon as he flicked his tail, he turned into a human body and continued to run along the passage.

After running for nearly ten kilometers all the way, Zhou Yang finally saw the light, although it was very faint.

The appearance of the bright light lifted Zhou Yang's spirits, and after walking thousands of meters along the light, he appeared in a large cave.

Interestingly, this cave was occupied by a huge wild boar. When Zhou Yang emerged from the crack in the cave, the huge male wild boar was taken aback.

A lightning bolt knocked the poor wild boar unconscious, and Zhou Yang walked out of the somewhat dark cave with an excited expression on his face.

Outside, the sun is scorching hot, and all animals use their own methods to prevent heatstroke and cool down.

But for Zhou Yang, who had just escaped from the oppressive and oppressive environment full of bones, this bright sunshine was so intoxicating and enjoyable.

He lay quietly on the grass under the scorching sun, enjoying the scorching sun that he once hated so much.

After basking in the sun quietly for half an hour, Zhou Yang started to get down to business.

He needs to determine where he is now, which is extremely important.

However, to Zhou Yang's surprise, after he lifted off to search for nearly an hour, he did not find traces of human activities within [-] kilometers around the cave!
"How many places on earth are still so deserted?"

Zhou Yang's heart skipped a beat, and he suddenly became worried about his current situation.

He no longer searched carefully, but flew at high speed in one direction at full speed.

After flying hundreds of kilometers like this, Zhou Yang finally found a small town that was smoking. This made him overjoyed, and quickly landed outside the town.

Fortunately for Zhou Yang, the familiar scientific and technological items in the town and some English signs that he could not understand proved that this is still the earth, not a foreign world that he was most worried about before!
What surprised him was that there were a large number of yellow-skinned and black-haired people of yellow race, or Chinese, in this small town.

The town looks a bit isolated from the outside world. Although Zhou Yang stayed in the underground world for a while, his clothes were not damaged. It was obvious from a glance that the black clothes were made of special materials, which made him quickly become the leader of other people. Curiosities in the eyes.

"Hello, where is this place?" He caught a curious middle-aged Chinese man and asked in Mandarin.

However, when the other party heard the words, he looked at him blankly, obviously not understanding what he was saying at all.

Seeing this, he had no choice but to let go of them and set his sights on other Chinese.

"Young man, are you from China?"

Just when Zhou Yang was thinking of asking someone to ask again, a Chinese language with a strong Sichuan flavor suddenly came out from the mouth of an old vegetable seller on the ground to his left.

"Master, can you speak Mandarin? Then can you tell me, which country is this?" Zhou Yang looked at the old man happily, as if meeting an old friend in a foreign land.

Hearing this, the old man looked at him in surprise and was puzzled by his low-level question, but he still answered Zhou Yang's question: "This is French Guiana, why don't you even know which country you are in?" have no idea?"

Zhou Yang is also familiar with geography. Many Chinese people may not know where French Guiana is, but he does know that it is a small country located in the northeast of South America, an extremely backward small country.

"Have you already arrived at the Guyana plateau? It seems that Marsol and the others' guesses are still a bit inaccurate!"

After muttering to himself, he thanked the old man who told him the address, and in a flash, he had already returned to the forest outside the town before the town guards arrived, and then returned directly to the wild boar cave.

(End of this chapter)

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