heavy weapon is king

Chapter 94 Crazy Bombing

Chapter 94 Crazy Bombing

Whoosh! Whoosh!call out! ...

Ten arm-thick high-explosive rockets, like ten meteors, dragged their long flame tails, shot out like lightning, and shot straight at the black panther formation 300 meters away.

As soon as the bazooka was launched, a series of strong tail sprays immediately within the fortifications shocked nearly a thousand green forest heroes of Longhu Mountain who were guarding the watchtowers and arrow towers on both sides.

The first black panther battle array came rushing from a distance, and the lieutenant officer who controlled the eyes of the array saw ten rockets firing, his expression darkened immediately, and he secretly felt a little bad.

"All Hegang warriors obey the order and form a wall of Xuangang Qi!"

The captain gave an order, and in an instant, within the black panther battle formation composed of a hundred rune armor elites, light suddenly shone, and in an instant, three light black streaks suddenly appeared in front of the translucent black panther shield. light curtain air wall.

The three air walls have just formed.

In the distance, the ten rockets with their flame tails roared fiercely.

He shot fiercely at the first air wall.

Boom! !

Flames shot up into the sky, and shrapnel flew everywhere.

Ten arm-thick high-explosive rockets hit the targets one after another and exploded.

Immediately, an earth-shattering explosion sounded continuously throughout the Tiger Ridge.

Under the bombardment of ten high-explosive rockets, the three invisible air walls deployed at the front of the panther battle formation collapsed in an instant.

The panther battle formation hiding behind the three air walls was even more violently blasted by ten rockets at the same time. The vibrating shield trembled and its brilliance dimmed.

The entire black panther formation composed of a hundred rune armor elites was hit by the shock wave of the explosion of ten rockets, and the bombardment retreated again and again, and the formation was unstable.

Seeing this scene, all the rune armor soldiers hiding in the battle formation looked terrified and horrified.


What firearms did these dragon and tiger rebels use?Why is it so powerful?Unexpectedly, in just a short face-to-face confrontation, their black panther alliance was almost broken.

You know, the black panthers of the Rune Armor Army are in a great formation, but they are even afraid of the Vulcan spears of the grassland Huns army.

But today, their formation was shaken to the point of collapse by the mysterious firearms of all the rebels.

Facing the mysterious firearms of the dragon and tiger rebels, although the rune armor soldiers were terrified, the captain who controlled the eyes of the formation still had to bite the bullet and charge upwards.

The captain gritted his teeth sharply, and ordered loudly: "All soldiers obey the order, and if we advance a hundred steps forward, our flying tigers and crossbows will be able to cause a fatal counterattack against the thieves!"

"Yes, Captain Captain!"

In the battle formation, hundreds of rune armor elites rushed to respond.

In the blink of an eye, the black panthers that were at the front line regrouped and rushed towards the gate of the village again.

Standing behind the fortifications, Nie Zheng looked at the battle formation of the panthers at the bottom of the mountain, and still rushed towards the mountain at a faster speed. Immediately, he sneered, hum, it is just a daydream to want to attack up the mountain by force!
"All bazooka launchers ready, fire again!"

Under Nie Zheng's order, the ten bazooka launchers just now had already loaded the rockets quickly.

They picked up the bazooka and launched a second round of bombing at the black panther formation at the foot of the mountain.

call out!call out!call out! ...

Another ten high-explosive rockets flew away with a long tail of flame.

At this moment, the captain of the first Black Panther Battle Formation has already controlled the battle formation and is about to enter the firing range of the Flying Tiger Liannu.

However, they had no chance to fight back.

Because, ten roaring high-explosive rockets bombarded their defensive shields in an instant.

Boom! !

There was smoke and flames everywhere.

The entire Tiger Ridge was shaken.

This time, without the cover of the three invisible air walls from last time, the black panther's defensive shield, which was originally dejected, finally burst and dissipated under the continuous bombardment of ten rockets. .

boom!boom!boom! ...

It took only five rockets to break through the defensive shield of the Black Panther Formation.

As soon as the defensive shield of the battle formation was broken, in an instant, the giant black panther ceremoniously above the shield disappeared without a trace.

For a moment, the hundreds of rune armor elites hiding in the battle formation were completely exposed to Nie Zheng and other military bandits.

Immediately, the remaining five high-explosive rockets followed closely and shot fiercely into the crowd, blowing up the hundred rune armor elites who had lost their protection, flying flesh and blood flying everywhere.

In an instant, under the bombardment of five rockets, more than half of the hundred Rune Armor troops that formed the formation were killed or injured.

The rest of the soldiers were all screaming and wailing, running around.

Seeing this, Nie Zheng loudly ordered to Zhang Dazhuang and others: "The machine gunner fires, and the archer shoots!"

Da da da! !

call out!call out!call out! ...

All of a sudden, ten light machine guns fired at the same time, and the blood of the remnant soldiers was splashed and rolled around on the mountain road.

At the same time, within the six arrow towers on both sides of the gate, hundreds of dragon and tiger heroes who had already bent their bows and set up arrows shot powerful arrows into the sky.

The rain of arrows all over the sky, accompanied by hundreds of bullets, poured out in a violent storm, completely killing the remaining troops in the remnant formation.

After the first Black Panther Combined Formation was destroyed by Nie Zheng.

Immediately afterwards, the four panther formations following behind panicked.

But the flag order under the mountain is still waving, indicating that they will continue to attack.

Seeing this, the four generals who controlled the four black panther formations had no choice but to grit their teeth and continue to rush up the mountain.

Undoubtedly, the four Black Panther battle formations that stormed up from behind ended up just like their companions in front, all of them were destroyed by the fierce bombardment of rocket launchers, and suffered heavy losses.

Due to terrain constraints, the five panther formations could not charge up side by side at the same time, but could only follow behind one after another.

From the beginning to the end, Nie Zheng did not allow the enemy's Hegang battle formation to enter within 200 meters of his own side.

Because, he knew very well in his heart that those rune armor troops hidden in the shield of the battle formation all held strange black steel crossbows in their hands, although until now, they have not seen the counterattack power of this group of rune armor troops.

However, since you can fight against them, why take the risk and give the enemy a chance to fight back?

It has to be said that the powerful bows and crossbows stored in today's Tiger Village have come in handy.

Because, whenever Nie Zheng ordered the rocket launcher to blast through the enemy's battle formation, he ordered the light machine gun and the archer to jointly fire and projectile.

For those rune armor troops who broke the formation, they will suffer the backlash of true energy after breaking the formation, and the strength of all people will be greatly reduced, like those arrows that are usually difficult to stab them, but at this moment, they can cause damage to them. deadly threat.

The hundreds of archers deployed on both sides of the gate of the village can take dozens of lives away with each round of throwing.

In short, today, all the heroes of the dragon, tiger and green forest guarding the fierce tiger village, with the help of the black wind village's mysterious firearms, they are completely proud of the coercion of the rune armor army this time.

In the past, the Rune Armor Army led by Ao Zhan always suppressed them and kept killing them and chasing them down.

Now, under the leadership of Master Nie, they were able to beat the arrogant rune armor army, screaming and wailing non-stop, without the power to fight back.

In short, today's defense by the dragon and tiger is a joy!
At this moment, Nie Zheng was standing inside the fortifications, keeping his eyes on the movement at the foot of the mountain.

The [-] pioneers who fought in the battle just now were almost wiped out by their own troops. It is estimated that the battle in the battle must be furious at this moment.

The reason why Ao Zhan ordered the vanguard to attack so frantically was probably because he wanted a quick victory, even if some people were injured, he didn't care.

At the same time, he never imagined that Nie Zheng's rockets would be so numerous, almost endless.

Although the five black panther formations in Ao Zhan had just been broken, more than 100 high-explosive rockets were used.

However, Nie Zheng still has more than 500 coins left.

In the next time, as long as Ao Zhan dared to continue to lead the army to attack, Nie Zheng would give them a taste of the remaining 500 high-explosive rockets without hesitation.

As for other light machine guns, shotguns and assault rifles, Nie Zheng must control their consumption and minimize the waste of ammunition.

In case Ao Zhan sent a group of special forces with powerful martial arts to kill them from various areas, then the power of the bazooka would be tantamount to nothing.

After all, the bazooka can only exert its powerful power against the enemy's cluster targets. It's better to save it when dealing with individual targets.

They can easily evade any rune armor army with high martial arts skills.

Therefore, light machine guns and AK47 assault rifles are the weapons that are really used for defense and are also used to protect oneself.

(End of this chapter)

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