heavy weapon is king

Chapter 83 Single-handedly

Chapter 83 Single-handedly
After leaving the Mountain God Cave in Menghuzhai, Nie Zheng gently closed the cave door, then carefully walked out the alleyway behind the statue and came to Juyi Hall.

The body of Wei Jindao in the distance was still lying motionless on the ground, and the atmosphere at the scene seemed a little eerie.

However, Nie Zheng didn't care about other things.

As a matter of urgency, he had to find a way to leave the Juyi Hall, and then secretly hid outside to observe the situation.

The main entrance of Juyi Hall was firmly closed, and Nie Zheng didn't have clairvoyant eyes, so he couldn't tell if there were guards from Wei Jindao outside the gate.

"Hey, if I was in the third block just now, I would have bought a weapon with a thermal imaging display. In that case, I can easily find out the reality outside the Juyi Hall."

Thinking of this, Nie Zheng sighed secretly, thinking, next time he opens the Arms Commercial Street, he must buy some thermal imaging display devices, whether it is a sniper or a sneak attack, it is an absolute auxiliary artifact.

Since he dared not go out through the gate of Juyi Hall, Nie Zheng had no choice but to find another way.

Standing in the huge Juyi hall, Nie Zheng turned around and looked around, hoping to find a suitable exit.

After searching for a while, as expected, Nie Zheng found a small door under the wall on the left side behind Juyi Hall.

This small door should be the passageway for serving food left by the tiger village when it usually holds banquets. The outside of the small door, as expected, should be the kitchen leading to the back mountain of the tiger village.

Logically, there should be no guards here.

Thinking of this, Nie Zheng immediately held his breath, and walked towards the small door cautiously.

He came to the small door lightly, Nie Zheng did not open the door in a hurry to go out, but came to the wall, leaned against the crack of the door, looked out and listened vigilantly, until he confirmed that there was no abnormal movement outside the door After that, he gently opened the wooden door, and rushed out like a cat.

Outside the wooden door is a clean bluestone path, which winds and leads directly to the kitchen below. Fruit trees and green bamboos are planted on both sides, just for Nie Zheng to use to hide his figure.

Nie Zheng hid in the bamboo forest next to the corridor, poked his head out cautiously, looked around, and found that there was no trace of an enemy beyond the left wall of Juyi Hall.

After thinking about it carefully, Nie Zheng felt that it was normal.

Now, the entire Tiger Ridge is completely under Wei Jindao's control. Although Qiu Xiaotian also sent out some patrolling horses outside the Tiger Ridge and at the foot of the mountain, the strength of those people should not be much stronger.

Besides, since Wei Jindao dared to choose to launch an attack today, he naturally laid a foreshadowing to deal with those patrolling horses in Tiger Village.

Now in the Tiger Village, all the elite men and horses from the hilltop village gathered on the playground, all of them were poisoned and fell to the ground, with no power, their acupoints were sealed,
Faced with such a group of prisoners who had no resistance and could not escape, Wei Jindao would not be particularly worried. He would leave at most hundreds of elite guards until Ao Zhan's rune armor army arrived.

Thinking of Ao Zhan's Rune Armor Forbidden Army, it is very likely that they have been hiding around Tiger Ridge for a long time.

However, they should not be too close to Menghu Ridge, otherwise, the group of patrolling horses in Menghuzhai are not vegetarians, and once they found something unusual, Qiu Xiaotian probably would have noticed something was wrong long ago.

Suddenly, Nie Zheng remembered that Wei Jindao seemed to have given an order to a confidant before taking him into the Juyi Hall for interrogation alone.

It seems that the confidant Fei Ge passed a letter to Ao Zhan and the others, telling them to come to Tiger Ridge quickly.

Thinking of this, Nie Zheng lowered his head and pondered for a moment. He felt that Ao Zhan's soldiers and horses should be quite far away from Menghu Ridge. Otherwise, if it was only a dozen or twenty miles away, Wei Jindao would just shoot a loud arrow into the sky to report the news. Why bother? Send out the pigeons to convey the message.

Since there are pigeons to send messages, it is estimated that Ao Zhan's soldiers and horses are at least a hundred miles away.Because within a hundred miles, they are all within the inspection range of Tiger Village, so it is easy to be found.

If Ao Zhan's soldiers and horses were hundreds of miles away, even if their rune armor army of the Great Song Dynasty was powerful and marched at an amazing speed, it would probably take at least a few hours to reach Tiger Ridge.

Nie Zheng lowered his head and calculated the time. Almost an hour had passed since Wei Jindao brought him into the Juyi Hall for interrogation. Based on the time calculation, he estimated that he still had two hours to act.

Time is running out, he has to hurry up and kill those elites of Liuyun Village, and rescue everyone as soon as possible.

Thinking of this, Nie Zheng poked his head out again and looked towards the playground ahead.

Through the tall corner of Juyi Hall, Nie Zheng could clearly see that on the playground hundreds of meters away, from time to time, there were some elites from Liuyunzhai, among the captives holding weapons, patrolling around. .

At the same time, Nie Zheng also discovered that within the area of ​​their Black Wind Village, Niu Meng, Mr. Yi, Zhang Dazhuang and others were all lying on the ground at this moment, unable to move. It seems that the toxicity of Chi Liandie It is indeed very strong, especially for those who practice martial arts, the poison is more violent.

After roughly observing the situation on the left side of the playground, Nie Zheng decided on the spot to find a commanding height immediately and use his AWM sniper rifle equipped with a silencer to snipe and kill the enemies on the playground one by one.

This should be the most beneficial strategic plan for him at present.

In the face of those Liuyunzhai elites who act quickly and have high martial arts skills, they must keep a distance and give full play to the advantage of their long-range weapons and weapons. Only in this way can I fight them single-handedly.

As for close combat, sniper rifles are basically useless, not as practical as shotguns.

Thinking of this, Nie Zheng immediately turned his head to observe, and finally placed the commanding height of the sniper on the hillside behind Juyi Hall.

After selecting the area to ambush, Nie Zheng carefully left the bamboo forest next to the corridor, and quietly climbed towards the back hill of Juyi Hall.

The back mountain of Juyi Hall is also the edge of Tiger Village.

And the mountain god cave in Juyi hall was excavated and built out of the smooth stone wall at the foot of the back mountain.

Panting up the hillside, Nie Zheng looked down and found that the height of the hillside was limited, and a large part of the field of vision was blocked by the huge roof of Juyi Hall below.

Immediately, Nie Zheng moved forward by nearly a hundred meters, and found an ambush point with a relatively good view.

After choosing the commanding heights for sniping, Nie Zheng removed the AK47 and guns from his body and put them aside. After running for so long with them on his back, Nie Zheng was so tired that he almost passed out.

After unloading the equipment, Nie Zheng quickly took a few breaths, and when he regained some strength, he immediately sent a message to Jack: "Jack, hurry up and send out my AWM sniper rifle, remember to install the silencer... ..."

(End of this chapter)

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