heavy weapon is king

Chapter 76 The fisherman is behind (2 more)

Chapter 76 The fisherman is behind (second update)

After the banquet, it was already late at night.

Under Qiu Xiaotian's arrangement, nearly two hundred people brought by Nie Zheng and Yi Zixuan temporarily lived in the southwest area of ​​Tiger Village.

Since the grandest alliance meeting in the history of the Longhu Mountains will be held tomorrow, most of the bandit minds who came from various mountains all rested early.

And Nie Zheng was no exception, after a few pleasantries with Mr. Yi, they all went to their respective small buildings one after another.

For these mountain lords who came from afar, Tiger Village was particularly well prepared.

In addition to those bandits who followed Nie Zheng and lived in some collective compounds, Qiu Xiaotian, the master of a village like Nie Zheng, specially arranged a relatively comfortable small building for him to live in. .

Around the small building, several bandits with high martial arts skills were also arranged as guards.

However, Mr. Yi was still worried about Nie Zheng's safety, so he asked Niu Meng to bring a few experts to accompany Nie Zheng to stay with him to protect his uncle's safety.

In an elegant room, there is a big bed, and Nie Zheng is lying on the bed.

In the simple living room outside, Niu Meng and others found a few benches and leaned against the wall, just making do with it so that they can sleep. Anyway, reckless people like them can fall asleep standing up , unlike Nie Zheng, who doesn't pay so much attention to life.

Nie Zheng lay on a high pillow, looking at the dark starry sky outside the window, his mind full of thoughts.

Tomorrow's alliance meeting, I must do whatever it takes to win the position of leader of the dragon and tiger alliance. Only in this way can this trip be worthwhile.

To deal with Qiu Xiaotian’s special electric baton, Jack was able to manufacture it as early as one night three days ago. Today, that electric baton is still stored in the Arms Commercial Street. As long as Nie Zheng needs it, Jack can do it at any time. send it to him.

At the same time, just in case, Nie Zheng spent an extra 1 yuan to ask Jack to help him make an ordinary iron rod again.

And the appearance of the ordinary iron rod is exactly the same as the special electric rod customized last time.At that time, once Qiu Xiaotian uses the special electric baton for several hundred times, if some people on the scene become suspicious and want to come up to check the electric baton, he can secretly order Jack to recover the special electric baton instantly, and then in the blink of an eye In the meantime, teleport out the ordinary iron rod to replace it.

Since we are going to participate in the alliance meeting tomorrow, we will play by ear when the time comes.

Thinking of this, Nie Zheng lowered his pillow and fell asleep slowly.

Tomorrow's alliance meeting is destined to be a day that everyone will never forget!


The next morning, the cold weather that lasted for a week finally started to improve.

Today's weather is very good, the sun is shining brightly, and everyone's bodies are warm and comfortable.

Tiger Village has a large area, with countless houses and buildings covering almost the entire hilltop of Tiger Ridge.

After breakfast, in Tiger Village, in various courtyards and alleyways, bandits wearing all kinds of costumes and armed with all kinds of weapons are constantly flocking to the same place from all directions. ——Juyi Hall.

The Juyi Hall in Tiger Village was built in the most open part of the village, and at the same time, it was also at the top of the village, Hukouping, below a small hill shaped like a tiger's mouth.

In terms of the entire Longhu Mountain, the Juyi Hall on the top of the mountain is the largest, without a doubt, it must be the Juyi Hall in Menghu Village.

One must know that the Tiger Village has a history of more than 100 years since the Tiger King Qiu Wuming built the village. The scale of the cottage is so large and the number of people is so large that it can be ranked among the top three in the entire Longhu Mountain Range.

The other two large-scale cottages are the "Shuanglong Village" at the head of the dragon, and the "Kunpeng Village" at the tail of the dragon. However, these two super strongholds were wiped out by Ao Zhan's Fujia Army ten days ago. All the elite leaders in the city were beheaded to show the public.

Therefore, at present, within the territory of Longhu Mountain, only Qiu Xiaotian's Tiger Village can be regarded as a real super village. As for the Liuyun Village in Liuyun Ridge, although it is among the Southern Tigers, it can be regarded as one of the best. Dazhai, but compared with Menghuzhai, it is still a bit inferior.

After all, the heritage of Tiger Village for more than a hundred years lies there.

Whether it is financial resources or the strength of bandits, they are much higher than other cottages.

Today, not counting the more than 3000 people in Menghuzhai itself, the remnants of the Southern Tiger and Northern Tiger forces, large and small, add up to dozens of groups.

The total number is close to [-].

Although the people from all the mountains are gathered in Menghu Ridge, they can still be accommodated in the huge building of Menghu Village. From this we can see how huge the scale of the Tiger Village is.

It is said that this is not the peak period of Tiger Village. In the most glorious peak period of Tiger Village, there were as many as 2 people in the cottage. At that time, Tiger Village was not a cottage, it was simply a small city.However, Tiger Village was not called Tiger Village at that time, it was called "Tiger King City".

Because the Tiger Village at that time was too powerful, too busy, and the people in charge were too rampant, they were finally beaten and disabled by the elite army sent by the imperial court.

At this time, outside the Juyi Hall of Tiger Village, many people came bustlingly.

Outside the main entrance of Juyi Hall in Tiger Village, there is a huge playground.

This playground has a large area. It is said that during the heyday of Tiger Village, Tiger King Qiu Wuming used to train tens of thousands of horses on this playground at the same time, which was impossible for other cottages.

However, this is also related to the special terrain of Tiger Ridge.

The terrain of Tiger Ridge is very special, it is steep at the bottom and flat at the top.

From a distance, it looks like the whole mountain has been flattened by a huge sword. Not only have countless houses and courtyards been built on the mountain, but also a large area of ​​land can be reclaimed on the flat slope of the back mountain. The barren land is planted with crops such as wheat and upland rice. Therefore, when the tiger village encounters some famine years, it can rely on its own geographical advantages to be self-sufficient.

Therefore, the Tiger Village was able to develop such a large scale entirely because of its unique geographical advantages.

As for why this place is called Menghu Ridge, you have to ask Qiu Wuming, the "Tiger King" who has died for nearly a hundred years, because he took this mountain name when he established his village here.

Dozens of areas were divided into the huge martial arts playground.

In each area, some tables, chairs and benches were set up, and the leaders representing various mountain forces who came to participate in the alliance meeting entered their respective areas one after another, waiting for the start of the alliance meeting.

Nie Zheng and the members of the Shen family also entered their area under the guidance of the Tiger Village staff.

The areas of Heifengzhai and Shenjiazhai belong to the left side closer to Juyi Hall, and as the organizer of this alliance meeting, Qiu Xiaotian, the owner of Tiger Village, has a special status. He is on the steps of Juyi Hall, There is a wooden platform with a huge tiger skin chair on it.

As for Qiu Xiaotian, he sat on the tiger-skin chair that looked very majestic.

Judging from the overall layout of the alliance meeting place, Qiu Xiaotian seemed to intend to elevate his position, which vaguely implied that he was superior to all the counterfeit forces.

Obviously, in this alliance meeting, he has long regarded himself as the leader of the dragon and tiger alliance.

Although the grand ceremony of fighting for the leader of the alliance has not yet started, except for Nie Zheng and a few other copycat leaders who came here with ambition, most of the other hilltop forces already think that there is no suspense in this alliance meeting. .

The position of leader of the dragon and tiger alliance must belong to the fierce tiger Qiu Xiaotian.

The so-called martial arts competition is just a formality. How many of the tens of thousands of green forest heroes present can compete with Tiger Qiu?

Nie Zheng was sitting on a grand teacher's chair, holding a tea cup in his hand, gently picked up the lid, and fiddled with the tea leaves floating on it, looking calm and breezy.

Looking at Qiu Xiaotian who was sitting on the top chair on the high platform, he looked proud at this time, and his eyes flickered with enthusiasm and excitement from time to time.

Obviously, Qiu Xiaotian wanted to be the leader of the dragon and tiger alliance for more than a day or two. Seeing that his wish is finally fulfilled today, why don't you tell him not to be excited?How not to be complacent?
Seeing Qiu Xiaotian's pretending to be an overlord, Nie Zheng pursed his lips in disdain, and secretly sneered in his heart: "Qiu Xiaotian, Qiu Xiaotian, since you like to pretend so much, later, I will let you completely pretend become****."

(End of this chapter)

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