heavy weapon is king

Chapter 74 Arriving at Tiger Village (2 chapters merged, 5 words)

Chapter 74 Arriving at Tiger Village (two chapters combined, [-] words)

However, since he was going to Tiger Village to attend the alliance meeting, Nie Zheng felt that he must know more about the situation there.

Thinking of this, Nie Zheng drank the shochu in his cup in one gulp, and asked lightly: "Uncle Yi, you said that this time Qiu Xiaotian held the Dragon-Tiger Alliance Conference, is he really confident to win the position of the Dragon-Tiger Alliance Leader? Dragon-Tiger Within the mountain range, there are many bandit forces, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, among them there are many people with high martial arts skills, so is it true that apart from Qiu Xiaotian, no one really dares to compete with him?"

Yi Zixuan smiled slightly, and said: "Of course not, there are many truly capable people in the Dragon and Tiger Mountain Range, but there are not many capable and ambitious people, and they are brave and resourceful and able to lead everyone to resist The number of people in the Xipinghou army is getting rarer and rarer. If we only talk about personal bravery, there are many people in Longhu who are stronger than Qiu Xiaotian. If you dare to be interested, besides, if you have reached that level of martial arts, you can do it alone. As long as you don't confront the Tiangang Nine Formation of the Rune Armor Army, it is not too difficult for you to escape the killing by yourself.

Judging from the current situation, there are only two people who can compete for the position of alliance leader with Qiu Xiaotian, one is Hongyu, but Hongyu's skill is damaged now, it is already impossible to defeat Qiu Xiaotian for the position of alliance leader.If Hongyu hadn't been injured, she would have been able to fight for you. "

Hearing this, Nie Zheng's heart moved, and he asked curiously: "In terms of martial arts strength, Hongyu is as good as Qiu Xiaotian, who is better? Have the two of them fought against each other before?"

Yi Zixuan lowered his head and pondered for a moment, then said: "In terms of true qi and internal strength, Qiu Xiaotian is superior, after all, decades of cultivation is there, but in terms of martial arts skills, no one in Longhu Mountain dares to compare with Hongyu , Hongyu and Qiu Xiaotian have never fought against each other, so it's hard for me to say which one is stronger."

Nie Zheng never imagined that this cheap woman of his own would be so powerful in martial arts, that even Qiu Xiaotian from Nanhu No. Is it possible for Hongyu to defeat Qiu Xiaotian?"

Yi Zixuan shook his head and said: "Hongyu once told me that she may not be able to defeat Qiu Xiaotian, but if she really wins with her life, Qiu Xiaotian will definitely die."

Domineering, this girl is domineering, she is worthy of being my wife, Nie Zheng.

Thinking of this, Nie Zheng continued to ask: "Besides Hongyu, who else has the strength to compete with Qiu Xiaotian for the leader of the Dragon and Tiger Alliance?"

Yi Zixuan thought for a while and said, "The other person is Wei Jindao from Liuyunling."

"Wei Jindao? Wei Jindao, the leader of Liuyunzhai, who ranks second in Nanhu Jiudazhai?"

"It's this man!"

Yi Zixuan said slowly: "Wei Jindao is only 30 years old this year. Although he is not very old, his martial arts cultivation has won the true inheritance of his father, Mr. Wei, especially their Wei family's Fenglei Saber technique. It is said to be unique in the world, if the only person who can threaten Qiu Xiaotian in this alliance meeting is this Wei Jindao, apart from him, few others would dare to challenge him."

Nie Zheng's heart moved, and he said, "How strong is Wei Jindao?"


Yi Zixuan nodded, "According to the rumors in the world, Mr. Wei used to be a mighty general on the border of the Song Dynasty. Because he was framed by treacherous ministers, he was forced to have no choice but to lead a group of confidantes and generals to become bandits. Back then When Mr. Wei was alive, even Qiu Xiaotian was jealous of him, and Qiu Xiaotian was inferior to him when it comes to martial arts and tactics. Now that Wei Jindao has inherited his position, he might become famous in a few years. better than blue."

"Wei Jindao, this guy should be someone."

Nie Zheng muttered a few times, and secretly put this person in his heart.

Everyone drank wine and ate food in the wild boar forest, and their bodies became warm.

Looking at the sky, it was getting late, so Nie Zheng didn't want to take a break anymore, and Dang even said to Yi Zixuan, "Uncle Yi, it's getting late, let's hurry up, Tiger Village is still far away. It's a few days' journey, we have to arrive as soon as possible to be at ease."

Hearing this, Yi Zixuan nodded, "Well, the weather has changed in the past few days, I'm afraid it will snow, the sooner we can get to Tiger Village, the better."

After saying that, Nie Zheng stood up and extinguished the fire, and told the bandit elite guarding behind him: "Everyone pack up your things and get ready to go."

"Obey, village master!"

"Yes, uncle!"...

A moment later, a team of bandits led by Nie Zheng and Yi Zixuan left the wild boar forest in a mighty way, and headed straight to the other side of the valley.

Menghu Ridge, Menghu Village, is located in the central mountain area of ​​Nanhu Jiudazhai, northeast of Heifeng Ridge, hundreds of miles away from Heifeng Ridge.

If Nie Zheng and the others hurry up, it will take at least five days for them to reach Tiger Ridge smoothly.

And the dragon and tiger alliance meeting held by Qiu Xiaotian will be held in Tiger Village seven days later.

Therefore, from the point of view of time, Nie Zheng and others still need to speed up the pace of their journey.

In this way, under the leadership of Nie Zheng and Yi Zixuan, Heifengling and the Shen family had a total of nearly [-] people. When it was dawn the next day, I immediately set off on the road.

Anyway, except for the time to rest and eat every day, at least ten hours of driving on the mountain road.

For those bandits who have been in the mountains for a long time, it is not difficult, but for Nie Zheng, it seems a little hard.

However, he was still able to hold on. After all, after going up and down the mountains for the past few months, he was basically getting used to the pace of life in these mountains and forests.

I walked for three full days on the way to Tiger Ridge.

That night, while everyone was camping and resting, Nie Zheng made up an excuse for Yi Zixuan, Zhang Dazhuang and others that he wanted to go to the toilet, and then left the resting camp quietly all the way. In the secluded woods, a withered cave was found.

Standing at the entrance of the cave, Nie Zheng listened and looked around for a while. After confirming that there was nothing abnormal around the forest, he quietly got into the cave, quickly escaped the super chip from his chest, and lightly pressed the transparent button in the middle. .

In an instant, a door of time and space shining with dazzling light appeared in the cave without sound.

After opening the door of time and space leading to the Arms Commercial Street, Nie Zheng took a deep breath and entered without hesitation.

hum! !

Opening his eyes again, Nie Zheng had already appeared in the Arms Commercial Street.

Before Jack's voice could be heard behind him, Nie Zheng immediately turned around to look for him.

Sure enough, the blond-haired Jack walked slowly towards him from the left side of the gate of No. [-] block.

Immediately, Nie Zheng quickly walked up to him, and hurriedly asked, "Jack, have you finished the electric baton I ordered last time?"

Jack nodded, and said, "It's already done, why? Do you want it now, sir?"

Nie Zheng shook his head and said, "I'm not in a hurry to get it now. I mainly want to see the goods and see if this custom-made electric baton suits my wishes."

Jack smiled slightly and said, "Don't worry, sir, you are satisfied. You come with me now, and I will take you to inspect the goods."

After speaking, Jack turned around and walked towards No. [-] Arms Street. Seeing this, Nie Zheng hurriedly followed behind him.

After a while, Jack and Nie Zheng came to a military supply store again.

At this time, Jack entered the store and took out a "special electric baton" about 1.8 meters long from under a long glass counter.

"Sir, this is your customized electric baton, can you see if it suits you now?"

Nie Zheng took the electric baton from Jack's hand, held it in his hand and began to observe carefully.

I saw this special custom-made electric baton, the whole body was black, and the thickness of the wine glass was heavy in the hand. I estimated the weight, at least ten or twenty catties.

At the same time, Nie Zheng also discovered that there is a hidden button the size of a grain of rice in the middle area of ​​the electric baton. As long as he is using it, hold the area of ​​the hidden button and press lightly, it is estimated that the electric baton will play a powerful role. Electric current to deal with the enemy.

This special electric baton, no matter in appearance, weight, or feel, is no different from an ordinary iron baton, which made Nie Zheng very satisfied after inspecting the product.

However, Nie Zheng felt a little worried in his heart. He was afraid that Qiu Xiaotian's strength would be too strong. At that time, the strong current of this electric baton would not be able to knock down Qiu Xiaotian in an instant, and it would be troublesome at that time.

Thinking of this, Nie Zheng hurriedly asked: "By the way, Jack, how many tens of thousands of volts is this special electric baton? Is it powerful? Can it instantly stun an enemy with very strong martial arts strength?"

Hearing this, Jack smiled slightly and said confidently: "Don't worry, sir! As long as he is human and not an insulator, no matter how powerful his martial arts are, the electric shock released instantly by this special electric baton will It can definitely knock him down. We have done experiments before, and the strong current released by this electric baton can completely knock down an elephant within a second. Besides, your enemy is powerful and has strong defense , that does not mean that he has the ability to resist strong currents. After all, his internal organs are not much different from ordinary people. It is enough to use this special electric baton to deal with him! And don't underestimate this electric baton , it may be the most powerful electric baton in history."

"The most powerful electric baton in history?"

Nie Zheng was excited for a moment, thought for a moment, and asked a little worried: "This electric baton is so powerful, and the whole body is made of black iron. When I use it, will I accidentally injure myself? ?”

Jack shook his head and said, "No, this electric baton is only [-] centimeters from the front, which has the ability to conduct electric attacks. The place where you hold your hands tightly at the back is just coated with black paint. From the appearance, it seems to be a whole. A black iron rod, but in fact, the second half of it is not conductive, so in the days to come, as long as you don't touch the conductive attack area with your hands when using it, it should be very safe. "

Hearing this, Nie Zheng was completely relieved.

The light electric baton was handed over to Jack, and Nie Zheng suddenly had an idea in his mind, thinking to himself, just preparing this special electric baton should not be enough.Another real iron rod exactly like this electric baton had to be prepared.

In case he used the electric baton to turn Qiu Xiaotian over, and aroused some people's suspicions, and then sent someone to check his electric baton, I'm afraid it would show his feet.Therefore, one more real iron rod must be prepared, and it will be used to fool others when the time comes.

However, in front of everyone, how should he hide the real electric baton and replace it with the real iron baton?
This is an extremely difficult question.

Thinking of this, Nie Zheng looked up at Jack who was standing in front of him, and asked tentatively: "Jack, I want to ask you a question?"

Jack smiled and said, "If you have any questions, you can ask, sir. Satisfying customers' requirements is the purpose of our Arms Commercial Street service."

Nie Zheng pondered for a moment, and said, "By the way, Jack, in addition to sending arms and weapons out of your Arms Commercial Street, can you also collect weapons from the outside?"

Jack nodded and said, "Of course, but there will be an additional charge for recycling."

"What's the fare?"

"The same as the cost of sending out, it is [-]% of the value of the weapon itself."

"Great, when the time comes, you will listen to my orders, and at the most critical moment, instantly take back the special electric baton in my hand and enter Junhuo Commercial Street, and then send out an identical ordinary iron baton at the same time, Can it be done?"

Jack lowered his head and thought about it, and said, "It's not a difficult task, but do you still have to re-customize a black ordinary iron rod?"

Nie Zheng nodded and said, "That's right, how much does it cost to order an ordinary iron rod?"

Jack rolled his eyes, touched his lips and said, "This... this one costs at least [-]!"

Obviously, this guy was taking advantage of the fire again, but Nie Zheng was too lazy to argue with him, and immediately nodded without hesitation: "Okay, let's do it like this!"

"OK, sir, don't worry, the ordinary black iron rod you customized can be shipped in a day at most. Is there anything else you can do for me?"

"No, I'm leaving!"

Now that everything that should be prepared has been prepared, there is no need for Nie Zheng to stay in the Arms Commercial Street any longer.

Immediately, Nie Zheng ordered Jack to teleport him out. Anyway, teleporting his words doesn't cost any teleportation fees. This service is not in vain.

Exiting from the Arms Commercial Street, Nie Zheng reappeared in the hidden cave.

Immediately, he quickly closed the gate of time and space, and carefully hid the super chip close to his body. After doing all this, he left the cave as if nothing had happened, and walked towards the place where Yi Zixuan and others camped.

This time, he was fully prepared. On the day of the alliance meeting, he, Nie Zheng, must make everyone present dumbfounded.


After several days and nights of trekking across mountains and mountains, finally, in the evening of the sixth day, nearly 200 people, including Nie Zheng and Yi Zixuan, successfully entered the border of Tiger Village.

As soon as their men and horses appeared within the range of Menghu Ridge, dozens of patrolling horses from Menghu Village rushed out from the secluded forests on both sides of the mountain road and lined the road to greet them.

It has to be said that Tiger Village is very considerate in the etiquette of welcoming guests.

All the bandits who came to participate in the alliance meeting, no matter whether they have a mountain name or not, no matter whether the status of the visitors is high or low, the personnel from the Tiger Village who patrol the mountain and explore the horse hall always look respectful and polite.

The reception etiquette was so thoughtful that Nie Zheng couldn't help but secretly sighed in his heart. He thought, this Qiu Xiaotian is really a rare person. From the point of view of etiquette, this Qiu Xiaotian is definitely a green forest lord who pays great attention to the rules of the green forest, and also has very strict requirements on his own family.

This point can be clearly detected from the clothes and attire of the group of patrolling horses under his command.

Tiger Village's mountain patrol and horse exploration are different from other cottages.

Their patrolling horses all wore uniform costumes, with yellow scarves on their heads and dark red silk on their legs, full of heroic spirit.

These mountain scouts from Tiger Village, from head to tail, are all full of energy and neatly dressed, unlike the scouts from Heifeng Village, all of them are disheveled, tattered and dirty, If it weren't for riding a horse and holding a weapon, it would be almost the same as those refugees outside the mountain.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Dazhuang and others who followed Nie Zheng felt a little ashamed.

Nie Zheng turned around and glared at them fiercely, cursing secretly, you bunch of bumpkins, how many times have I scolded you before, telling you to dress decently and cleanly for me, none of you take it seriously.You look at others, and then look at yourselves, it's completely embarrassing for me.

Facing the angry eyes of the village owner, Zhang Dazhuang and the others were as still as chilling cicadas, and consciously lowered their heads, not daring to look directly at the village owner's murderous eyes.

After seeing other people's people, Nie Zheng secretly vowed in his heart that after returning to the mountain this time, he must clean up the gang of unclean guys, especially the group of dirty guys headed by Zhang Dazhuang. Just a punishment.

Just like that, Nie Zheng, full of depression, walked slowly towards the top of Tiger Ridge under the guidance of those patrolling horses from Tiger Village.

(End of this chapter)

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