heavy weapon is king

Chapter 71 The Legendary Artifact

Chapter 71 The Legendary Artifact
Jia Xiufang saw the village master suddenly laughing wildly, she was overjoyed at once, and thought, the village master really deserves to be a man favored by immortals, and he can really summon the magic weapon to defeat Qiu Xiaotian from the fairy world.

Thinking of this, Jia Xiufang hastily bowed to Nie Zheng and said, "Village Master, since you are sure about dealing with Qiu Xiaotian, how about this alliance meeting?"

"Of course I'm going!"

Nie Zheng stopped laughing, looked at the respectful Jia Xiufang, and said happily: "This time, the village master will not only participate in the alliance meeting, but also defeat Qiu Xiaotian with his own hands in front of tens of thousands of green forest heroes. Get the position of the leader of the green forest in Longhu Mountain."

Hearing this, Jia Xiufang smiled lightly and said, "Since that's the case, then this subordinate will go down and prepare."

Nie Zheng nodded in satisfaction, and said: "You will send an order later, let everyone make preparations, and leave for Tiger Village early tomorrow morning to participate in the alliance meeting at Longhu Mountain."

"Yes, village master! This subordinate will do it now!"

Just when Jia Xiufang was about to say goodbye and leave, Nie Zheng suddenly remembered something very important and called him out on the spot.

"Mr. Jia, wait..."

Hearing the village master's call, Jia Xiufang immediately turned around and asked with a puzzled face, "What else does the village master have to say?"

Nie Zheng left his seat, walked quickly to Jia Xiufang, took out a black secret letter from his arms, handed it over, and said in a deep voice: "Mr. Here you go, find a way to decipher the contents inside, remember, don’t let anyone know about it.”

Hearing this, Jia Xiufang's heart trembled, she hurriedly took the dark secret letter, and carefully hid it close to her body, "Village Master, this subordinate is resigning!"

"Well, let's go!"

Looking at Jia Xiufang's leaving back, Nie Zheng muttered to himself thoughtfully: "This Jia Xiufang is a talent, why didn't I realize it before..."


After Jia Xiufang left, Nie Zheng returned to his bedroom and began to prepare for going to Tiger Village to attend the alliance meeting tomorrow.

Originally, Nie Zheng had no plan to attend the alliance meeting.

The main reason was that he felt that he didn't have the strength to compete for the leader, and he didn't want to be someone's younger brother, so he chose not to go.

But what Jia Xiufang said just now completely opened his hut, and he suddenly realized that he, Nie Zheng, still has a way to compete for the position of the leader of the dragon and tiger alliance.

The reason why Nie Zheng didn't have confidence before was because of his ordinary strength, and he couldn't pass the stage of the ring competition.

But now he suddenly has the confidence to compete for the leader, and he has the secret "artifact" to defeat Qiu Xiaotian. That artifact is the "military electric baton" sold in the No. [-] Arms Street!
Yes, that's right!It is the "military electric baton"!
Usually, like a general military electric baton, when it hits the human body, it will instantly release a strong electric shock of tens of thousands of volts, so that the attacked target will have a strong electric shock.

Once hit by the electric baton, the target person will be numb and weak within a few minutes, and instantly lose resistance and fighting power. The effect lasts for at least several minutes.

Nie Zheng had already made up his mind. He was going to jump out and challenge Qiu Xiaotian at the last moment of the ring competition on the day of the alliance meeting. At that time, he would take out the secret artifact of the electric baton and stun the arrogant Qiu Xiaotian in one fell swoop. .

At that time, on the day of the alliance meeting, under the circumstances of all eyes, as long as he was stunned to the ground by himself, he would not be able to admit it afterwards.

However, in order to prevent others from seeing the clues on his electric baton, Nie Zheng felt that it would be best to go to the Arms Commercial Street to see if he could pick out an ordinary-looking electric baton that looked like an ordinary iron baton.

Thinking of this, Nie Zheng is ready to turn on the super chip and enter the arms commercial street.

However, before opening the gate of time and space, he had to prepare all the gold and silver ingots he brought back from the Long Sword Gate last time.

More than 2000 taels of silver and nearly 300 taels of gold were packed in two large wooden boxes, and these two boxes had already been sent to his bedroom by Nie Zheng.

Immediately, Nie Zheng took out the two boxes of gold and silver from under the bed, and then quickly closed all the doors and windows. After finishing all the preparations, Nie Zheng took out the super chip from his bosom and aimed it at the chip that had already been in the middle of the chip. The transparent button full of energy, gently pressed down...


Opening his eyes again, Nie Zheng had already appeared at the entrance of the Arms Commercial Street.

At this moment, the familiar voice of administrator Jack once again entered his ears.

"Welcome to the Arms Commercial Street again, sir. Is there anything I can do for you?"

Nie Zheng turned his head and found that Jack did not appear behind him this time, but stood directly at the door of the intelligent weighing room. He must have thrown so many gold and silver ingots in by himself just now. It is used to exchange funds.

Thinking of this, Nie Zheng didn't talk nonsense, and directly asked Jack to come over to help, and then the two of them moved all the real money scattered on the ground into the smart weighing room.

This time, he brought in a total of 150 taels of silver and 290 taels of gold.

Put these gold and silver ingots on the smart weighing pan, and the results will be displayed immediately.

This time more than 2000 taels of silver and more than 200 taels of gold, the total conversion amount was only 320 million yuan.

After learning of this result, Nie Zheng frowned, thinking, Long Daomen is so fucking poor, it took away all the real money and silver from the entire Long Dao, and it was only in the Arms Commercial Street , Exchanged more than 300 million RMB.

Then, Nie Zheng asked Jack about the balance of his previous account.

Jack told him that Nie Zheng had less than 30 RMB in his private account in Arms Commercial Street.The 210 million fixed funds in the No. [-] Arms Block are not included.

Hearing this, Nie Zheng sighed secretly.

If this money reaches the Arms Commercial Street, it will be too wasteful to spend, and it will depreciate faster than the renminbi on the earth in the previous life.

Originally, the last time Nie Zheng quit Arms Commercial Street, he still had 30 million in liquidity, because he temporarily bought an AWM sniper rifle, which cost 3, and bought 70 rounds of sniper rifle bullets, and went to [-] yuan.In the end, he only had [-] in his private account.

The balance of 70 yuan was later used by Nie Zheng to buy miscellaneous auxiliary equipment such as flash bombs and tear gas, and then sent some arms and weapons, and some money was spent here.

So today, in his previous private account, there is only a mere 30 left.

Fortunately, more than 300 million funds were added to the account today, otherwise, he would really be empty-handed again.

Today, Nie Zheng's private account has a total of 350 million yuan in liquidity.

Before obtaining a large amount of real money, he felt that the 350 million RMB must be carefully calculated and not spent randomly.

Good steel should be used wisely, and this money, in addition to emergency backup, is used to buy ammunition for the guns in the cottage.

Of course, the main purpose of opening the Arms Commercial Street today is to buy the electric baton that can defeat Qiu Xiaotian.

Thinking of this, Nie Zheng didn't hesitate, and directly ordered Jack: "Jack, take me to a military supplies store. I want to buy an electric baton."

"Okay, sir, I'll take you there right away, please follow me!"

Under Jack's leadership, Nie Zheng soon came to a store selling military electric batons.

Inside the glass counter of this specialty store, there are all kinds of electric batons, some for military use, some for police use, some are more than a foot long, and some are as short as a flashlight.

Nie Zheng looked at their selling prices, ranging from a few hundred to tens of thousands. Generally speaking, the price of these electric batons is not expensive, but the shape and appearance of these electric batons look too strange, very conspicuous .

If he took out this electric baton full of modern high-tech atmosphere on the day of the alliance meeting, it would definitely arouse everyone's vigilance and suspicion, which would be bad.

Standing by the glass counter and looking at it for a long time, Nie Zheng couldn't find a suitable electric baton. Suddenly, he frowned and shook his head and sighed.

"This one is too different, this one is too conspicuous, hey... the shape and color of this one is too unusual..."

Jack, who was standing beside him, saw that Nie Zheng was not satisfied with jumping around, so he couldn't help but said, "Sir, what kind of electric baton do you want? What is its main purpose? You may as well tell me , I think I can meet your request."

Hearing this, Nie Zheng glanced back at him, and said, "I want to buy an electric baton with a relatively ordinary appearance here to deal with a very strong opponent. The main purpose is to stun him and make him admit defeat. .”

Just a few words from Nie Zheng's mouth, Jack immediately understood his intention, and he smiled slightly at the moment: "Sir, if you are not satisfied with the electric batons here, we can customize them for you at the Arms Commercial Street." The electric baton in your mind, as long as you tell us what you think."

As soon as this remark came out, Nie Zheng's eyes lit up, and he was overjoyed and said, "Is it true? It's really unexpected that there is such a custom-made service in Arms Commercial Street. Well, Jack, listen to me, It’s like this, I want a five-foot-long electric baton.”

As he said that, Nie Zheng began to gesture with his hands, "The electric baton I want must have a low-key and ordinary appearance, preferably like the ancient iron rods, cooked copper rods, whistle sticks, etc. It makes people think that it is just an ordinary weapon."

Jack secretly wrote down Nie Zheng's request, nodded and said, "Okay, I'll place an order later, and customize a special electric baton for you."

Hearing this, Nie Zheng smiled happily, and instantly felt that Jack's hateful profiteer's face was much cuter and pleasing to the eye, but his affection for Jack did not last for ten seconds, and after Jack's words, he instantly felt Nie Zheng pulled his face down.

There was a cunning light in Jack's eyes, and he smiled all over his face: "Sir, we will try our best to meet your requirements, but the production cost of special customized weapons and equipment is relatively high, so you may want to Just spend some more money."

Nie Zheng's face darkened, and he said, "How much does it cost to order an electric baton like this?"

Jack replied without thinking: "At least 50!"

"What, 50 million?"

Nie Zheng's lips twitched a few times, but in the end, he held back.

There is no way, he is in a hurry to use this piece of equipment now. Although he knows that Jack is taking advantage of the fire, he can only accept it silently.

Thinking of this, Nie Zheng stared deeply at Jack, gritted his teeth and said, "Okay, deal! When can I get the electric baton?"

A smile of a profiteer's success flashed across Jack's eyes, and he said lightly: "After three days, the delivery will be delivered on time. You are satisfied. If you are not satisfied, you can return it."

Nie Zheng gave him a cold look, turned around and walked towards the gate of time and space without looking back. From a distance, Jack could clearly hear the other party's fiery curses.

"Paralyzing, 50 yuan for an electric baton, why don't you use it to poke chrysanthemums..."

(End of this chapter)

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