heavy weapon is king

Chapter 69 Dragon and Tiger Alliance Conference

Chapter 69 Dragon and Tiger Alliance Conference
(PS: The new week is coming soon, and it is the critical period for the ranking. This week, the king of arms has been in the top three, but on Sunday, he reached No.1 again. I will talk about it later Zhang Liangeng, Chapter 2 will be delayed for a few minutes, please don’t worry. Brothers, remember to vote for recommendation after reading it. Recommendation votes are very important to me. I hope you will not let me down. This book is about to be officially exciting , everyone will wait and see!)


The information Yang Feihu said just now made Zhang Dazhuang, Wang Gang and others present all shaken and worried.

Judging from the current situation, these few people can't get in the way at all, and Jia Xiufang, who has been newly promoted to the head of the hall, if there is no inquiry from the head of the village, he will not speak easily on this occasion, so as not to offend the others. The hall master has thoughts about him.

As we all know, Yang Feihu has always been in control of Heifengzhai's secret agents and external intelligence, and he knows a lot more than anyone else in Heifengzhai.

Now, everyone didn't know what the village owner was thinking, and they couldn't easily express their suggestions. Therefore, for a while, the atmosphere in the meeting room fell silent.

Nie Zheng sat on the main seat and picked up the teacup again. He lowered his head, looked at the tea leaves that were about to bottom out in the teacup, and said thoughtfully: "It's really strange. In the past, the imperial court often sent The army came to Longhu Mountain to suppress the bandits, as long as our hills don't make too much noise, in most cases, the imperial court's bandit suppression army is just a show with loud thunder and little rain, and that At that time, those hilltops in the Longhu Mountains usually hid in the deep mountains for a period of time, and after the imperial army withdrew, everything would be as usual.

But why is the intention of the imperial court so puzzling?Judging from the current situation, it is clear that Murong Chui, the Marquis of Xiping, wants to exterminate all the hilltop forces entrenched in the territory of Longhu, and he will not stop until they are eradicated. Why did he make such a big move this time? Determined to wipe us out?Why?You know, it is extremely difficult to completely wipe out the mountain forces in the entire Longhu Mountain Range, and the price paid is extremely huge. Not to mention, the military supplies of the eight thousand Rune Armor Army are a very huge consumption.

Besides, we green forests and grasslands, although they fell into the grass and become bandits, have never done any major rebellious actions to capture the city. Now that the imperial court is surrounded by enemies, it is too busy to take care of itself, but at this critical moment, Xi Pinghou actually spent such a big price Don't you think it's strange to deal with us rabble? "

As soon as these words came out, Zhang Dazhuang and Wang Gang immediately began to think deeply, faintly, they felt that the analysis of the village master was very reasonable.On the other hand, Jia Xiufang, who was sitting in the corner, always looked silent and indifferent, and she didn't know what he was thinking about.

Faced with the village owner's doubts, Yang Feihu immediately explained: "Village owner, I thought this was a bit strange at first, but after receiving the secret letter from Mr. Yi yesterday, I finally figured out the key point."

Nie Zheng frowned, and said, "Oh, let's hear it."

Yang Feihu pondered for a moment, and said: "According to Mr. Yi's letter, he said that there are many mountain forces in Longhu Mountain who secretly colluded with the five chaos outside the pass, especially the Twelve Mountains of Longtou and Qifenling of Longwei. , is bordered by the five counties outside the pass. The reason why their mountain forces have developed so rapidly and enormously over the years is completely inseparable from the secret support of the five chaos outside the pass. According to Mr. Yi's speculation, I am afraid that among these mountains, there are many A mountain lord and a village lord secretly took refuge outside the pass."

Speaking of this, Yang Feihu took a sip of tea, and continued: "Xi Pinghou will go to Xiguan to fight against rebellion this time, and he must pass through Longhu Mountain. Once the [-] troops leave the pass, it is estimated that there will be no war with the five tycoons outside the pass. After a year and a half, it will be impossible to get it down at all. At that time, it will definitely need a steady stream of food and grass to be transported out of the customs. It is estimated that Xi Pinghou is worried that his food and grass will be cut off by those mountain forces in the Longhu Mountains. If it is true If this is the case, their Western Expeditionary Army will undoubtedly be defeated. Because the news that there is a mountain in Longhu Mountain who has secretly taken refuge outside the pass, it is estimated that it has aroused the vigilance of Xipinghou, so this time, we will use thunderous means to entrap us. The forces on the top of the mountain in Longhu Mountain will be wiped out in one sweep, so as to prevent future troubles."

Hearing this, Nie Zheng suddenly realized: "So that's the case. No wonder Xipinghou's bandit suppression army is so secretive and swift this time. By the way, you just said that Xipinghou ordered his generals to lead the [-] rune armor forbidden army , secretly sneaked into the territory of Longhu to suppress bandits, are these Rune Armor Forbidden Army very powerful? How could they wipe out dozens of powerful mountain forces so easily?"

Yang Feihu nodded, and said solemnly: "The Rune Armor Forbidden Army is one of the most elite main forces in the Song Dynasty. Compared with the Fu Armor Forbidden Army of Xipinghou, the regular army of the prefectures we repelled last time is almost nothing. One is in the sky, and the other is underground. The Rune Armor Army is far superior to the regular army in terms of discipline and personal combat strength. According to rumors, all officers and soldiers in the Song Dynasty are proud to enter the Rune Armor Forbidden Army. You know, All the Rune Armor Forbidden Army, each of them has at least the strength of a third-rank warrior, and all of them are wearing rune armor, with terrible defense and combat power. At the same time, the combination of the rune armor army is even more He is famous all over the world, and he is best at ambush and night attack, winning more with less."

Seeing how powerful he was talking about the Great Song's Fu Jiajun, Zhang Dazhuang who was sitting on the side curled his lips in disdain, and said, "Huzi, you've been talking so much about the Great Song's Fujia Army all day long, don't you think it's because of others? Ambition destroys one's own prestige? If the Fujia forbidden army of the Song Dynasty is really as powerful as you said, why did the Song Dynasty be defeated by the Huns in the north and retreat to the Yellow River? Let me tell you, don't care what the hell Xipinghou, what kind of rune armor army, as long as we have the fairyland firearms given to us by the village master, even if the Imperial Forest Army of the Song Dynasty comes, they will still let their shit go, and they will be turned on their backs, don't you think?"

Faced with Zhang Dazhuang's dismantling, Yang Feihu was also a little unhappy.

But that's what to do, this guy's personality is like this, he has a single-minded mind, and he didn't even know how many times he had demolished the village master's platform before, let alone the others.

Yang Feihu knew Zhang Dazhuang's temperament well, and knew that if the discussion continued, that guy would probably be arguing endlessly again.Although he will be tolerant to the village master, Zhang Dazhuang will not be tolerant to others, he must fight to win.

Thinking of this, even though he was annoyed, Yang Feihu still kept his mouth shut, so as to avoid further entanglement with this guy.

Seeing Yang Feihu's sudden silence, Nie Zheng immediately understood what was going on, turned his head to look at Zhang Dazhuang, who was still full of enthusiasm, shook his head secretly, and thought to himself, why is this guy so unlikable when he talks?
After lowering his head and taking a sip of tea, Nie Zheng continued to change the topic to the invitation from Tiger Village, and asked everyone, "What do you think about the invitation that Qiu Xiaotian sent to the alliance meeting?"

At this time, Wang Gang, who had been silent for a long time, finally spoke, "Village Master, this time Qiu Xiaotian sent an invitation to invite us from Heifeng Village to Menghu Village to participate in the alliance meeting. His purpose is very simple and very clever. , because he knows that if he wants to resist Ao Zhan's Fujia Army, he must gather all the current mountain forces in Longhu Mountain. Only in this way, may he have the strength to fight against Ao Zhan's bandit suppression army. This alliance is very important for us As far as Heifengzhai is concerned, there are advantages and disadvantages, which need to be carefully considered."

As soon as this remark came out, Yang Feihu also nodded in agreement, "Hall Master Wang is right, Qiu Xiaotian held the alliance meeting in Menghuzhai just to realize his ambition of unifying Longhu Mountain. A village owner with a strong reputation and powerful influence was selected as the alliance leader. Judging from the current situation, in the entire territory of Longhu Mountain, except for Qiu Xiaotian from Menghu Village, the other villages did not have that influence, and neither did the other mountain owners. That kind of powerful strength. If Madam's strength is not damaged, she may still be able to compete with Qiu Xiaotian, but now I am afraid that no one is qualified to compete with Qiu Xiaotian for the position of leader."

Hearing this, Nie Zheng pondered for a moment, and asked: "Those mountain forces who fled from the territory of the Northern Tiger to the territory of the Southern Tiger, did they all take refuge in the Tiger Village?"

Yang Feihu nodded, and said: "That's right. Qiu Xiaotian is not only extremely powerful, but also has some foresight. The reason why he takes in those people is not because of his benevolence, but because he wants to use their support to come To achieve the goal of forming an alliance. Otherwise, with Qiu Xiaotian's cunning and cunning character, how could he let other mountain forces hide in his Tiger Village."

Nie Zheng gently picked up the teacup, took a deep breath, and said, "According to what you said, Qiu Xiaotian is bound to win the position of the leader of the South Tiger Alliance held in Menghuzhai this time. Once he does this As the leader of the alliance, I am afraid that all the mountain forces in Longhu Mountain will listen to his orders. With his domineering, vicious and domineering character, I am afraid that no one will be able to disobey his orders, otherwise, he must In the name of the mountain covenant, they will use iron and blood methods to deter other mountains."

After everyone listened, they nodded, and they all thought that what the village master said made sense.

At this time, Yang Feihu said again: "Master, the alliance meeting held in Tiger Village, shall we go to Heifeng Village or not? Mr. Yi also asked me to ask you what you mean yesterday. He said that Shenjiazhai and Heifeng Village Fengzhai was originally a family, if the owner of the village went to participate in the league meeting, Shenjiazhai would also go together, if the owner of the village decided not to go, Shenjiazhai would naturally not go either, so everything was done according to the wishes of the owner of the village. "

Hearing this, Nie Zheng rubbed his forehead and thought carefully...

(End of this chapter)

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