heavy weapon is king

Chapter 67 Head Sacrifice

Chapter 67 Head Sacrifice

After killing Qiu Zhanlang, the head of the Changdao Sect, Nie Zheng ordered everyone to search inside and outside the Changdao Sect to see if they could find some valuable gold and silver property.

Last time Qiu Zhanlang led people to wash Heifeng Village with blood and took away the two boxes of treasures that Nie Zheng hid under the bed. This time Nie Zheng came to avenge his revenge. The treasures that already belonged to him must also be searched out and brought back to the mountain.

In this way, Wang Gang and Yang Feihu led fifty Black Wind bandits, together with eighteen Shen family elites under Niu Meng, divided them into more than a dozen groups, and rummaged through boxes and boxes in the entire empty Changdaomen. stand up.

In less than half an hour, everyone searched the Changdao Gate.

In the end, the two boxes of jewelry and antique calligraphy and paintings of Nie Zheng were found in the pavilion where the head of the mountain behind the Changdao Gate lived.

Nie Zheng was not polite about his own things, and ordered them to be taken away on the spot.

At the same time, it didn't take long for a team led by Wang Gang to discover the warehouse of Changdaomen, where a lot of medicinal materials and money had been piled up.

Nie Zheng couldn't take away all the ordinary herbs and copper coins. He could only take away the more precious medicines in the warehouse.

At the same time, Nie Zheng would definitely not let go of some gold and silver ingots stored in the warehouse, so he ordered his men to pack them up and take them away on the spot.

Although Changdaomen is one of the seven sects in Hanyang County, due to the large number of disciples in the sect and the high daily expenses of the sect, Changdaomen can't compare with Gaojiazhuang at all, and can't make much money gold and silver treasures.

According to the calculations made by Nie Zheng and others, there are more than 2000 taels of silver ingots in the warehouse of Changdaomen, and less than 300 taels of gold.As for other miscellaneous things, there are quite a lot, especially the black steel knife cast by Changdaomen, which is extremely sharp and well-known in the world.

Now that I have come to the Long Sword Gate, it is impossible not to go back without some high-grade black steel knives.

So, Wang Gang, Yang Feihu and the others bound up and took away all the hundreds of high-quality black steel knives in the Changdaomen without any explanation.

The long knife gate was almost scraped away, so Nie Zheng ordered everyone to find fire oil and wax, and poured all over the entire long knife gate inside and out. Finally, everyone lit torches and threw them into the long knife gate. Inside the corners of the various buildings inside the knife gate.

In an instant, with a "boom", a raging flame ignited inside the long knife gate.

At this moment, all the brothers who followed Nie Zheng to Xiaoqi Mountain for revenge stood outside the gate of Xiaoqi Mountain.

Looking at the soaring flames burning on the top of the mountain, Nie Zheng raised his head and laughed wildly: "From today onwards, Changdaomen will be completely removed from the Jianghu! Anyone who dares to provoke my Black Wind Village will end up like this."

"Brothers, the blood feud has been avenged, let's go back to the mountain! Hahaha...

Amidst the vicious laughter, Nie Zheng got on his horse and led a group of elite bandits, rode their horses and swung their whips, and headed down the mountain.

For a moment, under Xiaoqi Mountain, the Heifeng 72 cavalry, like a whirlwind, rolled up the sky with smoke and dust, and the dust flew away.

Just after the Changdao Gate was leveled, in just a few days, it spread throughout the ten prefectures and 97 counties in Hanyang County. Suddenly, all the people in the Jianghu in Hanyang County were shocked!

After this battle, Heifeng rode 72 riders and became famous in the martial arts world.

From now on, who in the world doesn't know Nie Shaoying?


Five days later, Heifeng 72 rode and returned to Longhu Mountain smoothly.

At the intersection of Heifengling, Niu Meng led eighteen Shen family elites to bid farewell to Nie Zheng and others.

"My lord, this trip to Xiaoqi Mountain, the revenge of Heifengzhai has been avenged. If there is nothing important, I will return to Qingzhuling first, and we will meet again at another day!"

Nie Zheng bowed his hands back and said, "Thank you brothers for your help this time. After I go back to the mountain to pay respects to the souls of the dead, I will personally take people to Qingzhu Ridge to pay my respects."

"My aunt is serious. Heifeng Qingzhu is a family. Why do you need to thank you?" Niu Meng cupped his hands, feeling a little ashamed in his heart. This time, he followed aunt to Xiaoqi Mountain to take revenge. They, the elite of the Shen family, did nothing at all. force.My uncle just used those mysterious firearms to destroy the entire Changdaomen.

To put it bluntly, they came here to help my uncle, but in fact, they just followed my uncle's ass and slapped soy sauce for a few days.

Thinking of this, Niu Meng blushed hotly, and couldn't help but say with shame: "Master, you don't need to give it away anymore, let's just leave it alone, there will be a later date."

"There will be a period later!"

After saying that, under the watchful eyes of Nie Zheng and others, all the elites of the Shen family raised dust all over the sky, and gradually went away like thunder with hooves.

Seeing that Niu Meng and others completely disappeared from sight, Nie Zheng turned around and said, "Brothers, go back to the mountain!"

"Yes, Village Master!"

Everyone followed Nie Zheng's horse, carrying a lot of medicines, weapons and other things, and slowly entered the boundary of Heifengling.

As soon as Nie Zheng and the others appeared in Heifeng Ridge, a team of patrolling horses from Heifeng Village rushed out from the forest and came to greet them.

At this moment, Wang Gang, Yang Feihu and others who were sitting on horseback raised their prepared heads and shouted wildly, "Brothers, this is the head of those beasts from Changdaomen. They bloodbathed Heifengling, we Just destroy it, this is the end that the enemy deserves!"

As soon as this remark came out, all the patrolling horses who came to greet him roared wildly.

"The black wind is mighty, the village master is mighty!..."

Soon, Zhang Dazhuang and Jia Xiufang, who were staying behind in the Black Wind Village, learned the news that the village owner and others had returned to the mountain.

Immediately, they led all the horses in the stronghold, rushed outside the stronghold, and greeted them along the way.

Looking at the head of the enemy raised high by Wang Gang and others, hundreds of bandits shouted and cheered non-stop.

With the shouts and support of the crowd, Nie Zheng and others entered the cottage.

Immediately, they went straight to the grave slope of the back mountain without stopping.

When they came to the grave, everyone dismounted from their horses, came to the grave of the dead brothers with solemn expressions, lowered their heads silently, and performed the ceremony of worshiping the dead souls.

There are 97 piles of cold loess, and in front of each grave, there is a bloody head.

The heads of Qiu Zhanlang, the head of the long sword, were placed in front of the tombs of Fatty Fang and Xiaozhi.

Nie Zheng led the crowd, took three steps back slowly, raised his wine glass high, and murmured: "Brothers, as I said, we will level the Changdao Gate with our own hands and bring back 98 heads from the Changdao Gate." Come to worship you, today, we have done it. From now on, if you brothers have spirits in heaven, please bless our Heifengzhai, and there will be no more blood. This glass of wine is our respect to you, and I hope you will go all the way Let's go!"

After saying that, Nie Zheng led the crowd, and slowly put the wine in front of the graves of the dead souls.

At this moment, the dark clouds over Heifengling finally dissipated. Slowly, the golden sunset slowly revealed its true face, shining bright rays all over the sky, reflecting the entire Heifengling brightly.

In front of the 97 splendid new tombs, hundreds of heavy backs stand quietly on the slope facing the afterglow of the setting sun. The light cast by the setting sun in the distance draws their backs to the elders...

(End of this chapter)

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