Chapter 6

Opening his eyes again, Nie Zheng had already appeared in his living room.

At this moment, he turned around and found that the "Gate of Time and Space" that had been erected next to the wooden table leading to the Arms Commercial Street suddenly disappeared without a sound.

After the Gate of Time and Space disappeared, Nie Zheng was pleasantly surprised to find that the super chip that he had been mistaken for as a mysterious jade pendant was lying quietly on the table at this moment, showing no abnormalities at all.

Seeing this scene, Nie Zheng hurriedly put the four 92-type pistols and more than 300 rounds of ammunition on the table, and carefully put the super chip that can open the arms shopping mall close to him. stand up.

Now, because there is no energy, this super chip is as green as usual, and its tentacles are cold, not as hot as before.

From now on, Nie Zheng clearly understands the importance of this super chip. In the days to come, he will take care of this super chip as his own life, and absolutely must not let anyone know or discover it. exist.

After putting away the super chip, Nie Zheng took all the guns and ammunition on the table into his bedroom and stored them away. In the future, when the weather is sunny and suitable for pretending to be aggressive, he will take out these modern weapons and weapons. Take a good look at the gang of uneducated bandits and natives.

Opening the window of the living room, Nie Zheng looked at the moonlight in the sky. He estimated that it was already eight or nine o'clock in the evening, so he had to go to bed and have a good rest.

Thinking of this, Nie Zheng was ready to go back to his bedroom to rest.

Apart from the old and dirty battle robe of the village master, Nie Zheng lay on the bed in a daze, and began to think wildly.

"Well, let's get a few pistols for now, and I will lead the gang of minions down the mountain to do a few big deals in the future, especially Gao Batian from Gaojiazhuang, who dared to steal my money and hurt me. Sagittarius, I must take good care of him, and get back all the prestige I lost in this month. When I get the money, I will buy more pistols, submachine guns, um, AK47 and heavy machine guns. A few, otherwise the imperial court's army of suppressing bandits will come, and it will be difficult to deal with without these things, and the two young and beautiful witches a month ago, I will also capture them back as Mrs. Yazhai, and one will carry the chamber pot , one... to warm the bed for the old... Lao Tzu... Hulu... Hululu..."

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~
Last night, because of the arms and weapons he obtained, Nie Zheng felt extremely comfortable physically and mentally, and slept extremely soundly.

He slept until the sun shone through the window, and then he slowly woke up.

Remembering that the whole village meeting will be held in Juyi Hall this morning, Nie Zheng stretched slowly, put on his robe and got up slowly.

Gently opened the door, came to the living room, far away, Nie Zheng through the gap in the door, he clearly saw that the guard Zhang Long was waiting outside.

Seeing this, Nie Zheng opened the door of the living room and asked habitually, "Zhang Long, is the hot water ready for washing?"

Zhang Long nodded, and said: "Zhao Hu has already gone to fight, and he will be here soon."

Nie Zheng nodded in satisfaction, and said, "Have Hall Master Fang, Hall Master Zhang, and Hall Master Li arrived?"

Zhang Long replied respectfully: "Master Fang, Mr. Fang and Mr. Zhang have already gathered in Juyi Hall, and now we are waiting for Mr. Zhai to move forward."

"That's great, I'll go there after I finish washing up."

After being reborn, Nie Zheng has a bad habit. He likes to sleep late. Every time he wakes up naturally after not sleeping, he has no energy for the whole day.

Therefore, Nie Zheng specially confessed to Zhang Long and Zhao Hu, who were guarding outside the courtyard, that if there is no particularly urgent matter in the cottage in the future, don't wake him up, even don't bring breakfast over.

At the beginning, Zhang Long and Zhao Hu were still a little puzzled. After Xindao Dazhuan came back to life, why did he suddenly change his living habits? You must know that for so many years, Dadaojia got up every day before dawn to practice. , breakfast is quite on time.

Now all of a sudden, he no longer gets up early to practice, and basically sleeps until the sun shines every day, even skipping breakfast.

Such a change really made many people feel strange, but as time went by, everyone gradually got used to it.

Now, in the entire Heifeng Village, everyone knows that the head of the family has a problem with lethargy. If the head of the family doesn't sleep well, if anyone dares to wake him up without authorization, he will never have a good face to others that day.

After Zhao Hu brought hot water and Nie Zheng finished washing, he led the two of them straight to Juyi Hall.

At this moment, in the Juyi Hall in Heifengzhai, there was a turmoil of people shouting and cursing.

Dozens of leaders of the cottage, led by Fang Fatzi, Zhang Dazhuang, Yang Feihu, and Wang Gang, are all arguing about the crisis of food shortage for the cottage.

Especially Zhang Dazhuang and Yang Feihu, the two of them were full of complaints about the accident of Yang Hu and others buying grain in Gaojiazhuang seven days ago. They believed that the reason why Yang Hu and others had an accident in Gaojiazhuang this time was all In the final analysis, it was Fatty Fang's complete dereliction of duty.

Because, Fatty Fang is in charge of the logistics and food of the cottage, and now that the cottage is facing a crisis of food shortage, the fourth branch under Fatty Fang's command has to bear the main responsibility.

However, facing Zhang Dazhuang and Yang Feihu's accusations, Fatty Fang was also angry.

Therefore, in Juyi Hall, except for Wang Gang, the leader of the third branch, the leaders and leaders of the other three halls were all arguing endlessly over this matter, and the atmosphere was extremely intense.

Suddenly, at this moment, the guards at the gate of Juyi Hall announced loudly: "The village master has arrived."

Immediately, dozens of bandit leaders in Juyi Hall stopped their quarrel and turned their attention to the door.

At this time, under the guard of Zhang Long and Zhao Hu, Nie Zheng slowly stepped into the gate of Juyi Hall.

Seeing that the master finally appeared, everyone stood up one after another, bowed their hands respectfully and said: "Master!"

Nie Zheng glanced at the crowd expressionlessly, and nodded slightly.

After the Juyi Hall fell into silence, Zhang Long and Zhao Hu immediately led Nie Zheng to a high platform in the middle of the end of the Juyi Hall.

The Juyi Hall was built on a rather large scale, with a large space inside, covering hundreds of square meters. For example, if there are some special grand festivals in the village on weekdays, all the people and horses in the village will gather here.

In the center of the end of the Juyi Hall, there is a high platform about one meter high and a radius of more than ten meters. In the middle of the high platform, there is a tiger skin chair that symbolizes the status of the head of Heifengzhai.

At this time, under the support of Zhang Long and Zhao Hu, Nie Zheng slowly climbed up to the high platform and sat on the big tiger-skin chair.

After Nie Zheng sat firmly on the tiger-skin chair, he raised his eyes and glanced around the Juyi Hall, and found that everyone was standing on the spot, and all of them were looking at him, showing great respect, at least on the surface.

Seeing this scene, Nie Zheng nodded in satisfaction, waved his hands and said, "Sit down, you don't need to be polite."

After hearing the order from the master, everyone took their seats one after another.

After all the leaders of the cottage were seated, Nie Zheng coughed a few times, brewed up his speech, and said slowly: "Brothers present, you are the core leaders and elites in my Black Wind Village. , I have summoned all of you here today, there is a very important matter, and I want to discuss it with my brothers."

After finishing speaking, Nie Zheng glanced at everyone again and found that everyone was listening attentively. He continued immediately: "First of all, I have a very bad news to tell you. I think everyone should know it. It will happen in just seven days. A few days ago, Shanzhai ordered Yang Hu and other forty brothers to bring 300 taels of silver to Gaojiazhuang in Dahe Town to buy grain, but what they never expected was that Gao Batian, the owner of Gaojiazhuang, secretly colluded with the government. , secretly set traps to ambush our troops. What is even more distressing is that among the dozens of brothers, except for Yang Hu who escaped and returned the letter, the rest of the brothers were wiped out.

Going to Gaojiazhuang to buy grain this time, Gao Batian not only caused us to lose dozens of brothers, but also lost 300 taels of silver in vain. May I ask, since the establishment of Heifengzhai, have we ever suffered such a big loss?When has such a great prestige been compromised?Therefore, if this enmity is not avenged, how can our Black Wind Village gain a foothold in the Longhu Mountain Range?What face will I have in the future to face those brothers who sacrificed for Heifengzhai under Jiuquan? "

Speaking of this, Nie Zheng paused, looked at everyone coldly, and said in a cold tone: "So, I decided to attack Gaojiazhuang tonight!"

As soon as this statement came out, the audience in the Juyi Hall erupted.

"Yes, the village master is right! If we don't avenge this revenge, we won't have to mess around in the Black Wind Village!"

"Mom, Gao Batian, that beast, is usually rich and ruthless, and it's okay to harm neighbors, but this time he actually bullied us at Heifengzhai. If we don't give him a little bit of power this time, who will give us back in the future?" Heifengzhai is in your eyes."

"Attack Gaojiazhuang at night and kill that son of a bitch Gao Batian."

"Village Master, hurry up and give me an order, I, a lunatic, will lead someone to kill me right now..."

(End of this chapter)

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