heavy weapon is king

Chapter 51 Killer

Chapter 51 Killer
After leaving Yi Zixuan's residence, the maid led Nie Zheng towards Shen Hongyu's residence, Zhulin Yayuan.

Zhulin Yayuan is not very far from Yi Zixuan's bamboo building. According to the maid, it is less than half a cup of tea.

Following behind the maid all the way, Nie Zheng kept thinking in his mind.

Just now Yi Zixuan revealed a lot of information about Shen Hongyu to him, especially before leaving, he told him that Shen Hongyu was in Zhulin Yayuan at the moment, which was obviously a hint.

It hinted at him that although Shen Hongyu had some resentment in her heart, she still wanted to see him very much.

Thinking of this, Nie Zheng's heart moved, and he thought to himself, since he got some information from Yi Zixuan, he knew Shen Hongyu's current mood and mentality.

Then you have to prepare yourself well.

A love scene is like a battlefield, and only when you are fully prepared can you deal with it calmly and not easily fall behind when you meet again.

Thinking about this, Nie Zheng suddenly called the maid leading the way, and said, "Wait a minute, I forgot to bring something."

The maid turned her head and said, "Where are my uncle's things? Would you like me to fetch them for you?"

Nie Zheng shook his head and said, "No need, I'll go back and get it. You take me to the living room now. The things I brought to Hongyu are right there."

The maid nodded obediently, then led Nie Zheng to turn around and head towards the reception hall.

The reception hall is a temporary place used by Shenjiazhai to entertain some visitors from outside the mountain.

Today, the members of the Heifengzhai who followed Nie Zheng, although most of them have family members in the Shenjiazhai, and they can go to reunite with their relatives for the festival, but there are still very few people. Relatives and family members.

For example, Fang Yuanzhi, he has no place to go in Shenjiazhai, so he can only temporarily stay in the reception hall of Shenjiazhai.

Nie Zheng has to go to the living room to look for Fang Yuanzhi now, because the box of autumn plums that Xiaozhi asked him to bring to Shen Hongyu is still in Fang Yuanzhi's hands for safekeeping, and Nie Zheng must take it.

Guided by the maid, it didn't take long for the two of them to arrive at the reception hall.

The living room in Shenjiazhai occupies a large area, there are at least dozens of halls and courtyards inside and outside, plus guest rooms for accommodation.

Under the guidance of a leader of the Shen family who was in charge of the living room, Nie Zheng found the guest room where Fang Yuanzhi lived. At this moment, Fang Yuanzhi was resting in the room because he had drunk a few more drinks at noon and was getting drunk.

Seeing this scene, Nie Zheng turned around and told the maid: "You wait for me for a while, and then go to the Bamboo Forest Yayuan after I have prepared my things."

The maid nodded, "Yes, sir!"

After saying that, she consciously waited outside the door, waiting for Nie Zheng's call at any time.

Nie Zheng entered Fang Yuanzhi's room, closed the door casually, turned his head to look at Fang Yuanzhi lying on the bed, and saw him snoring profusely and sleeping soundly, and the box of autumn plums entrusted to him for safekeeping, Just quietly put it on the outside of the bed.

Gently taking out the wooden box containing autumn plums, Nie Zheng did not leave in a hurry, but found a chair in the room and sat down, calmly analyzing and thinking.

This is the first time seeing Shen Hongyu, what should I say after meeting?If she said something she didn't like to hear, would she get angry?Will you get emotional and use force against yourself?
A few days ago in Heifengzhai, when he hadn't come yet, Nie Zheng felt a little excited when he thought of seeing his cheap wife soon, and he was full of anticipation for the meeting between the two.

But when things came to an end, Nie Zheng was a little uneasy, worried and nervous.

Because, today's Nie Zheng is not the "Nie Zheng" of the past, and even knows nothing about all the memories between the two before, although during this period of time, I found myself a friend with a bad memory. excuse, but would Shen Hongyu believe it?

In case when we meet later, Shen Hongyu finds out from her verbal conversation that she doesn't match her words and has many doubts. With the relationship between her and Nie Zheng's childhood sweetheart of more than ten or twenty years, she will definitely feel something is wrong.

At that time, if you become suspicious, it will be bad for yourself.

Although everything about him except his soul is still the same as "Nie Zheng" before, his expression, behavior, and temperament will all have a huge change compared to before.

It is impossible for a shrewd woman like Shen Hongyu not to notice it.

Therefore, in order not to show his feet easily when we meet next time, Nie Zheng decided that he must speak less and not speak if he can, because if you talk too much, you will lose it.

Besides, according to Nie Zheng's understanding during this period, the former "Nie Zheng" was a domineering and arrogant guy, especially in front of such a powerful and shrewd woman as Shen Hongyu, he should have a low self-esteem in his heart.

At the same time, in order to maintain his manly self-esteem in front of Shen Hongyu, he should act more arrogant and conceited when facing Shen Hongyu, so as to conform to the face-saving temperament of the previous "Nie Zheng".

Thinking of this, Nie Zheng already had some countermeasures against Shen Hongyu in his mind.

When he sees Shen Hongyu later, he must not humbly beg for an apology, otherwise, it will not conform to his old manly style.

Although the main purpose of coming to Shenjiazhai this time is to ease the relationship with Shen Hongyu and let her know the guilt in her heart, but how to do it requires a lot of thought and skill.

After thinking for a while, Nie Zheng asked the maid waiting outside the door to find a pen, ink, paper and inkstone for him, and used the trump card of the first girl pick-up after rebirth.


After making all the preparations in the room, Nie Zheng took the wooden box containing the autumn plums and left the room.

When he left, Fang Yuanzhi was still sleeping soundly, and he had never noticed that anyone had come in the room at all. Seeing this, Nie Zheng shook his head secretly, thinking, he must educate this guy well in the future, so careless, Not vigilant at all, how to protect your own safety in the future, how to make your own guard group?
After leaving the reception hall in Shenjiazhai, Nie Zheng, led by the maid, went straight to Shen Hongyu's Bamboo Grove Courtyard.

It didn't take long for the maid to bring Nie Zheng to Zhulin Yayuan.

"My lord, this is the Bamboo Forest Elegant Courtyard. If there is nothing to do, the servants will leave first."

"Go slowly, I will trouble you this time."

After watching the maid leave, Nie Zheng turned around slowly and walked towards the bamboo courtyard ahead.

The Bamboo Grove Courtyard was built in a bamboo forest behind the Shenjiazhai. The environment here is quiet, the wind is sunny and the scenery is quite elegant. No wonder Shen Hongyu chose to live here.

The Bamboo Courtyard is an exquisite and small bamboo building. There is a [-]-meter-high green bamboo wall around the bamboo building. Through the gaps in the bamboo wall, Nie Zheng can clearly see that the courtyard is full of all kinds of flowers. hastily.

However, since it was about to enter winter, the potted plants in the yard, except for some autumn chrysanthemums and other cold season flowers, the other flowers and plants had long withered and withered, looking a bit cool.

Going around the green bamboo courtyard wall, and before taking a few steps to the left, Nie Zheng saw a courtyard gate.

Outside the courtyard gate, stood two female guards in black with weapons in hand.

The two female guards in black were tall and strong, and looked more powerful than ordinary men.Especially in their eyes, from time to time there was a fierce and extremely cold light.

Seeing this scene, Nie Zheng couldn't help sighing inwardly, "What a pair of fierce female guards, I hope Shen Hongyu won't be as fierce and intimidating as they are, otherwise, I have to slip away quickly."

From a distance, two fierce female guards saw Nie Zheng's arrival, and they hurriedly bowed their hands and saluted, "I've seen Gu... Gu... Master Nie!"

From the hesitant tones of the two women, Nie Zheng could tell that these two fierce women must have been from Heifengzhai before, otherwise, how could they turn red when they called themselves son-in-law, and then turned hard again? A temporary change of mouth?
Thinking of this, Nie Zheng smiled at the two of them and said, "Where is Hongyu, is it inside?"

Hearing this, the two fierce female guards blushed and said in embarrassment: "Miss...she...she is here, she...she is not inside."

"Then is it here or not?" Nie Zheng looked at the two and asked again.

Although these two fierce female guards were rough and tough in appearance, they were careless.

Being stared at by Nie Zheng and questioned, the two lowered their heads at the same time and did not speak again.

Seeing this scene, Nie Zheng immediately understood.

Immediately, he ignored the reactions of the two of them, and strode directly into the bamboo courtyard.

Looking at the exquisite bamboo building in front of him, and thinking about seeing his cheap wife Shen Hongyu who had never met before, Nie Zheng felt a little excited, and secretly said with a smile: "Sister, brother is here, Jie Jie..."

(End of this chapter)

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