heavy weapon is king

Chapter 41 Fled

Chapter 41 Fled

Nie Zheng led 150 volcanic bandits, and successfully ambushed the [-] regular army led by the enemy's captain in Macaque Valley. Regular armies fought.

From a distance, from the Macaque Valley side, one could clearly hear, from the Red Maple Forest side, there were continuous bursts of "rumbling" explosions.

No need to think about it, it must be the officers and soldiers of another route. After entering the Red Maple Forest, they triggered the landmines buried in that area, triggering a series of explosions.

Judging from the continuous sound of explosions, the officers and soldiers must have been bombed by landmines and suffered heavy casualties.

You know, the Red Maple Forest has a wide terrain, not narrower than the Macaque Valley. There is only one road at the bottom of the valley to go up the mountain.

Once the officers and soldiers entered the minefields of the Red Maple Forest, as long as a mine was triggered, it would trigger a series of explosions.

The 66-type anti-infantry directional landmine is most suitable for exerting its power in a wide area.

When Nie Zheng bought landmines, Jack once told him that the Type 66 anti-infantry directional landmines are most suitable for large-scale and large-scale destruction of the enemy.

A Type 66 anti-personnel directional landmine weighs about three kilograms. In addition to the large number of fragments produced after the mine exploded, what is even more frightening is that there are hundreds of blasting steel balls stored in the anti-personnel landmine.

As long as the landmine is detonated, hundreds of steel balls will burst forward in a fan shape, covering all enemy targets within a radius of nearly [-] meters within the striking and killing range.

The wider the terrain, the more obvious the killing effect of anti-personnel landmines.

A total of [-] anti-personnel landmines were buried in the Red Maple Forest, which was enough for another soldier of the regular army in the city to drink a big pot.

After the sound of the landmine explosion, gunshots from the Red Maple Forest rang out all at once, and the sound of fierce fighting and firing spread throughout the entire Heifeng Ridge.

Although Nie Zheng and the others hadn't rushed to Red Maple Forest to support them, judging from the intensity of the gunfire, the battle scene there was probably quite tragic.

Don't think about it, everyone knows it well.

Under the bombardment of Zhang Dazhuang's one hundred AK47s and fifty Remington shotguns, the group of regular troops from Zhoucheng could only turn their backs on their backs.

Now in the Macaque Valley, Yang Feihu ordered thirty bandits, armed with AK47 assault rifles, to gather all the remnants and defeated soldiers in the Macaque Valley together.

Under the yelling and cursing of the gangsters, the more than 300 surrendered soldiers dragged the bloody corpses of their companions in fear and began to clean up the bloody battlefield.

On the Macaque Valley side, the battle has been completely over. The most urgent thing right now is to lead some troops to the Red Maple Forest in the front mountain to support them.

Although Zhang Dazhuang also had the same configuration of arms and horses, in order to resolve the battle as soon as possible and reduce unnecessary damage, Nie Zheng and the others decided to rush there as soon as possible.

In this way, under the order of Nie Zheng, [-] AK gunners and [-] shotgunners, led by Nie Zheng, rushed all the way towards the front mountain.

As for Yang Feihu, he took the remaining dozens of bandits and stayed in the macaque valley to monitor the officers and soldiers who surrendered.

"call out!……"

As soon as Nie Zheng led the team to the top of the mountain, he heard a loud arrow shooting into the sky from a dense forest outside the macaque valley.

Seeing this scene, his heart moved, and he couldn't help frowning: "What the hell is the captain of the state army who escaped from the macaque valley just now, what the hell is he doing? Could it be that they still want to gather troops to counterattack?"

At this moment, Zhang Long also followed Nie Zheng's gaze, looked up at the loud arrow in the sky, and said disdainfully: "Village Master, those dog officers and soldiers from the state city have been beaten by you for a long time, and they fled in despair. At this moment, they are afraid that it will be too late for them to flee for their lives, so how dare they continue to counterattack, this loud arrow is probably the signal sent by the captain, ordering the officers and soldiers on the road in Hongfenglin to retreat."

Hearing this, Nie Zheng nodded, "It makes sense, let's go, speed up, let's go to Qianshan to have a look."

"Obey, village master!"

Ever since, under Nie Zheng's order, everyone carried ammunition and guns, quickened their pace, and trotted all the way to the Red Maple Forest several miles away.

On the way, Nie Zheng was surprised to find that the gunshots on the other side of the Red Maple Forest gradually became rarer. Suddenly, he secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and thought: "The gunshots have begun to stop. Could it be that the road that attacked Fenglin Officers and soldiers, are you really starting to retreat?..."

Under the acceleration of the crowd, the people led by Nie Zheng soon felt the top of the Red Maple Forest.

As soon as they arrived at the Red Maple Forest, the bandits led by Nie Zheng were startled by the scene before them.

Although everyone was mentally prepared before coming here, they were still deeply shocked by the bloody scene in front of them.

I saw that within the entire Red Maple Forest, within a radius of several thousand meters, there was a bloody mess,
After dozens of landmines were detonated, the forest was riddled with holes. Broken branches and fresh dark yellow soil were scattered everywhere, and the thick layer of dead branches on the ground was completely destroyed. Rotten leaves, all covered up.

On the outskirts of the trench, within the ambush area that was hundreds of meters long, blood flowed horizontally, staining many of the surrounding land red, bloody stumps and broken arms, accompanied by blood-splattered corpses, lying all over the place. Inside and outside the entire Red Maple Forest.

Everyone just counted and estimated that there were at least four to five hundred corpses in the Red Maple Forest, and all of these corpses were left by officers and soldiers, and none of them belonged to their Black Wind Village.

Seeing this scene, Nie Zheng felt relieved.

"Brothers, hurry up, let's go down and have a look."

"Village Master, why didn't you see Zhang Zhang and his troops in the Red Maple Forest?"

Hearing this, Nie Zheng frowned, extremely puzzled.

Indeed, from the time they appeared above the Red Maple Forest, apart from the bloody corpses scattered everywhere below, they didn't even see a single living person.

Immediately, under the urging of Nie Zheng, all the mountain bandits rushed into the messy maple forest at the fastest speed.

Not long after they entered Fenglin, they saw Zhang Dazhuang leading a group of army volcano bandits from a distance, cheering and laughing all the way out of the forest at the foot of the mountain.

From a distance, Zhang Dazhuang saw Nie Zheng and others who came to support him.

Immediately, he laughed and led his subordinates, running towards Nie Zheng.

"Village Master, happy, happy, today is so happy! The fairy firearms you gave to the brothers are too fierce. Under our ambush, the gang of dog officers and soldiers were directly killed by us crying for their fathers and mothers. The wolves run like rats, they have no power to resist at all, this love of killing chickens is simply too powerful! Haha... I, Zhang Dazhuang, have been a bandit for so many years, and I have never tried to have as much fun as today! Great!"

When Zhang Dazhuang and others walked into Fenglin, Nie Zheng looked at him deeply, his face darkened, and said: "Master Zhang, didn't I tell you to lie in ambush in Fenglin before and don't attack without authorization?" ?"

Zhang Dazhuang saw that the village master's face was already displeased, he immediately smiled awkwardly, and said: "I just had a good kill, and saw the gang of dog officers and soldiers fleeing, so my subordinates ordered to go out of the forest to pursue and beat the dogs in the water."

"Are you injured in this ambush?"

"No, except for the fact that Ma Sandan lost two front teeth during the pursuit, our men and horses have not suffered any damage!"

Hearing this, Nie Zheng's expression softened a lot, he nodded immediately, and said, "That's very good!"

Zhang Dazhuang didn't obey his order this time, and led his troops out of the forest to pursue without authorization. Nie Zheng was very displeased. He wanted to reprimand him severely, but he thought that he was in the Black Wind Stronghold, after all, he was also a hall master. , although this person's character is a bit reckless, and his speech is a bit unlovable, but scolding him in front of these gangsters, I'm afraid it's a loss of face for him.

Thinking of this, Nie Zheng took a deep breath, and prepared to return to the cottage after the work was over, find a good time, and then criticize and educate Zhang Dazhuang.

We must let this guy know that disobeying orders on the battlefield is a very serious mistake, and such mistakes must be corrected in time, and this group of soil turtles must not be allowed to make a second mistake.

Although they have successfully repelled the regular army of Zhoucheng this time, if the opponent has a back move, deliberately shows weakness, lures the snake out of the hole, and then comes to counter-ambush, maybe Zhang Dazhuang and the others will suffer a big somersault this time.

In order to prevent such possible hidden dangers, Nie Zheng will definitely strengthen the discipline and obedience of this group of soil turtles in the future.

Thinking of this, Nie Zheng put on a cold face and began to direct everyone to clean up the battlefield.

Now, there are so many corpses piled up around Heifeng Ridge, they must be buried and burned as soon as possible, otherwise, once such a large number of corpses rot and mutate, it will definitely cause a plague.

At the same time, just in case, Nie Zheng also specially ordered Zhang Dazhuang to lead a group of people to the surrounding areas of Heifeng Ridge to patrol the mountains and keep an eye on the movements of the deserters from the state city.

(End of this chapter)

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