heavy weapon is king

Chapter 371 Who Is The King?

Chapter 371 Who Is The King?

Three identical selves suddenly appeared in front of Nie Zheng's eyes, and he was stunned for a long time. He was so emotional that he couldn't calm down for a long time.

After being stunned for a moment, Nie Zheng took a deep breath, looked at the three people in front of him, his voice was hoarse and he was a little speechless. "You...you are..."

"Shocked, aren't you?" One of them looked at Nie Zheng blankly.

"It's really shocking. I didn't expect this at all." Nie Zheng nodded, and began to look at the three people in front of him with his eyes.

Except for the appearance and body shape of these three people, there is still a big difference in their clothing.

The apostle standing in the middle is wearing crimson armor; the apostle on the left is wearing a blue mage robe; as for the apostle standing on the right, he is wearing dark leather armor with a bald head covered with scars .

Although the three apostles have the same appearance, their temperaments are very different, and they are all completely different. However, they all have one very similar thing in common, that is, each of them exudes an unusually cold and domineering aura.

Obviously, in their respective planes, the three of them should all be in high positions and dominate the world.

Only with such an identity and background of power over the world, they will silently create a domineering invisible pressure that cannot be described in words.

Especially in their eyes, they flickered with brilliance and fierceness between glances, and they looked like a group of ruthless people.

Looking at each other, the hall was gloomy and quiet.

After a moment of silence, Nie Zheng finally couldn't help but said again: "Who are you guys? Why do you look exactly like me?"

The red-armored apostle looked at Nie Zheng coldly, and said, "You are us, and we are you."

Nie Zheng was startled, and asked in confusion, "What do you mean?"

The red-armored apostle smiled coldly and said nothing more.

At this moment, the blue-robed apostle standing on the left suddenly said, "We are all your clones, and we are pawns ready to sacrifice for you at any time."


Nie Zheng looked at them with a gloomy face, and said, "According to what you say, besides me, the 71 apostles are all clones of me? Are they all sacrificed for me?"

"That's right!"

At this time, the bald apostle standing on the right finally spoke, "According to the king's plan, our 71 clones are lurking in various planes and worlds in order to enable you to successfully escape the pursuit of the giant knight. In addition to collecting AR energy, we have another task: to distract the Giant Knight, delay time, lure the Giant Knight to various planes and try our best to trap it."

Hearing this, Nie Zheng had a flash of inspiration in his mind, and he couldn't help saying: "Could it be that the giant knight has been chasing me all this time?"

The bald apostle said indifferently: "Otherwise? Do you think the king sent you to the fifth plane for the purpose of giving you a vacation and crushing the local aborigines?"

Suddenly, Nie Zheng's mind was a little confused, and he seemed to feel that he had discovered an extremely astonishing secret.

Taking a deep breath, Nie Zheng looked at them and asked the biggest question in his heart: "Why did the giant knights of Nagaluo chase after me? What good will killing me do for them?"

The bald apostle was silent for a moment, and said slowly: "If you die, the king will disappear completely, and everything will cease to exist, and we will not have a war with Nagaluo. human purpose."

"If I die, the king will disappear?" Nie Zheng's heart was shocked, and he exclaimed: "Could it be that the king and I are the same person?"


At this time, the Chijia apostle said again: "You are you, and the king is the king. The king can die, but you cannot. If you die, we will lose."

At this moment, Nie Zheng's mind was in utter chaos. Immediately, he rubbed his swollen forehead vigorously, gritted his teeth and said, "Since I'm not the king, then who am I?"

The red-armored apostle said blankly: "You should ask the king for this answer. One day, he will tell you everything in person."

Nie Zheng looked at them coldly and said, "You have all seen the king, right?"

They nodded and said, "Yes."

Nie Zheng gritted his teeth and said, "Why have you all seen him, but I have never seen him? Why?"

"Because you will never meet until the plan is completed."


"Because from the moment you enter the fifth plane, the king is no longer there."

Hearing this, Nie Zheng's face changed drastically, and he hurriedly asked, "Is the king of the country dead? Otherwise, why can't I see him?"

The Chijia apostle shook his head and said: "To be precise, although the king is dead, another king has not yet been born. As long as you can live, you will see the king sooner or later. As long as the king reappears, the giant knight will die undoubtedly!"

Nie Zheng pondered for a moment, then said, "Then when will we wait?"

The red-armored apostle said blankly: "When you find the king's biological mother."

Nie Zheng asked in a deep voice: "Who is the king's biological mother and where is she? How can I find her?"

The Chijia apostle shook his head and said: "No one knows who she is except the real king, but what is certain is that she must be in the fifth plane you are in now, otherwise the king will not send you into here."

Nie Zheng lowered his head and thought for a while, then suddenly asked: "You said the king is dead, but why didn't Jack know? And Jack told me many times before, he said the king is still alive!"

The red-armored apostle took a deep look at him, and said lightly: "No one knows about the death of the king except us 72 apostles. The king Jack mentioned is not the real king, he is a clone, and except us Besides, everyone thinks the king is alive because the king wants everyone to know that he is alive."

Nie Zheng stared at him sharply, and said, "Since no one knows, how do you know?"

The red-armored apostle smiled, but did not answer Nie Zheng's question.

After a moment of silence, Nie Zheng asked again: "Is this the purpose of you coming in to see me at the same time?"

The three of them nodded at the same time. At this time, the red-armored apostle said again: "In addition to telling you these things, we have another very important thing to tell you."

Nie Zheng's heart moved, and he said, "What is it?"

"The weakness of the giant knight!"


Nie Zheng's body trembled, "Could it be that you have fought against giant knights?"

The red-armored apostle's eyes flashed, and he said lightly: "Among the four of us, only I have fought against the giant knight, because the giant knight has entered my plane."

Nie Zheng looked up at him, breathing involuntarily, "Since the Giant Knight has found you, why are you still alive?"

The red-armored apostle sneered and said, "Because the plane I'm in has the most powerful energy. At the same time, I also discovered his weakness. In a short time, he can't kill me at all."

Nie Zheng hurriedly asked, "What is the weakness of the Giant Knight?"


The red-armored apostle stared into Nie Zheng's eyes, and said word by word: "The giant knight is afraid of light, he only appears at night."

Nie Zheng was stunned for a moment, and asked in doubt: "The giant knight is afraid of the sun? Could it be that it was night when you fought against him?"

The red-armored apostle nodded, and said, "That's right, I wounded him not long ago, and he's hiding now, and he won't come looking for me in a short time."

Nie Zheng was a little shocked and said: "What weapon did you use to injure the giant knight? Jack once told me that the weapon that can kill the giant knight in the arms commercial street will definitely be able to kill himself."

The red-armored apostle raised his mouth, and said lightly: "The energy of each plane is different, so each of our 72 apostles has different strengths. If you divide it according to the energy level, you can understand it this way. Now you The plane we are in belongs to the plane between low martial arts and middle martial arts, and the planes we are in belong to the planes above middle martial arts. Therefore, our strength is far stronger than yours, and we already have The ability to injure a giant knight."

Nie Zheng pinched his painful forehead and said, "Since you have the strength to injure the giant knight, why didn't you kill him?"

The Red Armored Apostle smiled wryly, "We can't kill him, but he can kill us."


"Because the giant knight has the magical ability to travel through planes and use space to escape, no one can kill the giant knight except the king and you."

Nie Zheng's eyes lit up, and he said, "Could it be that I also have the ability to kill giant knights?"

The red-armored apostle nodded and said: "Yes, because you are the main body, the giant knight can sense your existence, and you can also detect the existence of the giant knight. However, your ability has not been fully activated. As long as you find the king's biological mother, It can awaken all the mutant genes in your body."

Nie Zheng sighed: "It's a pity that I don't know who the king's biological mother is, let alone how to find her. Could it be that the king didn't leave any clues?"

The red-armored apostle lowered his head and thought for a while, and said, "The five-color fireworks are the clues. I think you should have seen the five-color fireworks, which are the symbols of our Star Expeditionary Force."

"Five-color fireworks?" Nie Zheng suddenly remembered that on his last birthday, he had received a birthday card from the king, and there was a medal of five-color fireworks in the card.

Seeing that Nie Zheng suddenly lowered his head in thought, everyone did not bother him.

After a while, Nie Zheng finally raised his head and said, "I know what the clue is."

At this time, the Chijia apostle said: "The three of us can buy you a year. Within this year, you must find the king's biological mother, otherwise, our sacrifice will be meaningless. Also, Everything we said today, only the four of us know, we must not tell anyone."

Nie Zheng's expression froze, and he asked in confusion, "Why?"

At this moment, the red-armored apostle looked at him with a complicated expression, and said slowly: "We suspect that the king was assassinated, and the person who assassinated the king must want to destroy the whole plan. At the same time, he may be someone from within us. So , from today onwards, you can only trust yourself."

Hearing this, Nie Zheng took a deep breath, nodded heavily, and said, "I know what to do."

At this time, the Chijia apostle looked at the time and said: "Now the entire Arms Commercial Street has been opened for nearly an hour, we should withdraw, please take care, don't let our 71 apostles sacrifice in vain, because, Although we are your clones, we also have our own dignity!"

After saying that, the three of them turned around like a whirlwind, and walked towards the exit at the end of the hall without looking back, leaving Nie Zheng in a daze for a long time.

"Things are getting more and more complicated. I thought it was a simple rebirth that God arranged for me, but I never expected it, but the result is so unexpected. Hey..."

Sighing softly, Nie Zheng pulled himself together and walked slowly towards the passageway he came from.

(End of this chapter)

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