heavy weapon is king

Chapter 366 Congratulations to the Marshal Zhangfu!

Chapter 366 Congratulations to the commander-in-chief!

That night, Nie Zheng left in an armored chariot under the watchful eye of Niu Meng and other army generals.

In order to protect the armored vehicles from the muddy and wet ground while they were driving, Nie Zheng ordered the clone soldiers to remove the tires of the armored vehicles and replace them with tracks.

The ten Soviet-made BA-10 armored combat vehicles purchased last time all carried spare tracks. As long as the road surface is not suitable for tires, the tracks can be removed and installed.

Not to mention, the purchase of these ten armored combat vehicles has indeed made a lot of contributions to Nie Zheng.

Not only can they charge on the battlefield, but they can also be used as a means of transportation. The most important thing is that they are far less fuel-intensive than tanks.

After summoning the armored chariot, Nie Zheng took the Dragon King of the South China Sea and quickly bid farewell to Niu Meng and other officers and soldiers.

Looking at the armored vehicle crashing away, all the generals of the legion were very puzzled in their hearts. They were secretly guessing who the stupid-looking Dragon King of the South China Sea was.Why did the commander-in-chief take him with him?

Regarding this question from everyone, it is estimated that no one except Nie Zheng can answer it.

From the army headquarters on the south bank of the Yuan River to Yangzhou, the capital of Annan County, there are hundreds of miles in between.

Although Nie Zheng was much faster in an armored vehicle than on a horse, due to the slippery rainy roads and the fact that all the armored vehicles were driven on tracks, this would inevitably slow down the speed of the armored vehicles.

Nie Zheng started on the road around eight o'clock in the evening, and did not appear outside Yangzhou City until three or four o'clock in the morning the next day.

Originally, if Nie Zheng took a helicopter, he might be able to resist Yangzhou in an hour, but Nie Zheng was afraid that the cold and hot air in his body would explode. If the helicopter crashed in the wilderness, his life would be over.

After all, flying over Annan's territory is no different than flying over the sea. Once the helicopter loses control, it is estimated that all the people inside will die.

After thinking about it, I still feel that it is safer to take an armored vehicle.

It was more than three o'clock in the morning, which was the darkest period before dawn.

In addition, these days have always been cloudy and rainy, so at night, it is basically pitch black outside, and you can't see your fingers.

With the sound of dull roaring, the armored chariot weighing several tons drove past on the flat wasteland, leaving behind two long mud ditches.

From a distance, Nie Zheng, who was sitting in the car, could clearly see the majestic and majestic Yangzhou City appearing in sight.

At this moment, on the ten-foot-high North City Defense of Yangzhou City, there are people coming and going, soldiers and armor everywhere, brightly lit, and heavily guarded.

The huge city gate with a height of several feet has been opened, and the suspension bridges on both sides of the city gate have already been placed horizontally on the moat.

Obviously, the news of Nie Zheng's return had already been sent back to Yangzhou.

When Nie Zheng's armored vehicle just appeared outside the city, the soldiers guarding the north city defense had already noticed it, because the noise made by the armored vehicle was a bit loud, and it was hard not to notice it.

Soon, Nie Zheng drove the armored vehicle to the bank of the moat, and as soon as he opened the door, he saw Yi Zixuan, Jia Xiufang and others who had already been waiting here, and greeted them excitedly. "My subordinates are waiting for you to return to the city safely!"

"Welcome Commander-in-Chief back to the city!" Thousands of soldiers cheered and shouted in unison on the defense of the north city that was several miles long.

Nie Zheng waved his hand towards the crowd and laughed loudly: "Brothers, please forgive me!"

Surrounded by civil and military officials such as Yi Zixuan and Jia Xiufang, Nie Zheng and his party quickly entered the city.


Si Ya Factory, Yangzhou County Government.

Knowing that the commander-in-chief is going back to the city tonight, the maids and servants in the county mansion waited for a whole night without sleeping. The footsteps ran back and forth in a hurry.

Everyone was outside the gate of the county mansion, bowed their heads, and lined up in a neat line to welcome the commander back to the mansion.

Soon, under the support of Yi Zixuan, Jia Xiufang and others, Nie Zheng appeared on the street in front of the county mansion.At this moment, a servant who was in charge of welcoming Yuanwang hurriedly sang loudly: "Welcome the commander back home!"

After hearing the summons, hundreds of maids and servants and [-] elite guards waiting at the gate of the county mansion all bowed and saluted: "Welcome to the commander-in-chief..."

All of a sudden, the sound of respectful salutes spread throughout the entire Siya Factory like a tide.

Nie Zheng was greeted by everyone with a smile all over his face, and entered the magnificent county mansion like stars holding the moon. The moment he stepped into the gate of the county mansion, he stopped to look at Xue who was leading the crowd to welcome him. Wan Wan glanced at him, and said: "Wan Wan, next time I go back to the city, don't make such a big battle again, it's getting late, let them all go back and rest, after waiting all night, everyone is probably very nervous Hard."

Hearing this, Xue Wanwan blushed, nodded immediately and said: "Yes, Commander, slaves let them go back and rest."

Nie Zheng nodded in satisfaction, glanced at the servants and guards, and said with a smile: "Wanwan, remember to give them some rewards later..." After saying that, he walked towards the depths of the county mansion without looking back. go.

When Nie Zheng, Yi Zixuan, Jia Xiufang and other civil and military officials entered the county mansion, all the maids and servants waiting outside showed joy and whispered non-stop.The reason why they were happy was because Nie Zheng just said that there was a reward for them.

Xue Wanwan saw that all the servants looked like hopeless money-lovers, so he couldn't help saying with a stern face: "Why are you still here in a daze? Why don't you go back to work quickly? Although the commander told us to go back and rest, are we really serious?" Can't you just go back and rest? The commander-in-chief is back this time, and his body is full of dust, so you must take good care of him tonight.

Gao Fu, hurry up and notify the kitchen and ask them to warm up the prepared food and wine.Xiao Cui, hurry up and prepare the fragrant soup cloth towel, and later you have to wait for the handsome to take a bath and change clothes!By the way, there is also Yuehong, hurry up and smoke the brocade robe that the young lady ordered from Guichunfang, after the commander-in-chief has finished bathing, it needs to be replaced..."

"Yes, Steward Xue!" All the maids and servants came back to the county mansion laughing and whispering after waiting for the order, preparing for the second wave of busy work tonight.

After Nie Zheng returned to the mansion, he originally wanted to visit Shen Hongyu as soon as possible, but when he thought that it was already three or four o'clock in the morning, Shen Hongyu was already weak and couldn't rest well. Although he desperately wanted to see Shen Hongyu, but I still decided not to disturb her tonight and wait until dawn.

(End of this chapter)

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