heavy weapon is king

Chapter 358 Kill all the Japanese pirates in Tucun, and send a helicopter to chase down the lair!

Chapter 358 Kill all the Japanese pirates in Tucun, and send a helicopter to chase down the lair!

"Team A, Group B, Group C...You thirteen teams, retreat to the outskirts of the fishing village, spread out your front lines, and block all the roads that may leave the village. If you find an enemy breaking through, kill them on the spot! The rest of the teams, Follow me into the village and kill the enemies hiding in the village!"

"Yes, sir!"

Under the sudden response of hundreds of clone soldiers, everyone quickly moved into action.

Three hundred clone soldiers, armed with light and heavy machine guns, rocket launchers and other ammunition weapons, immediately retreated to the outside of the village with a wide view. They were equipped with thermal imaging displays and night vision goggles, and opened fire outside the village according to a certain distance. As long as the enemy rushes out of the village, they will all be exposed to their ferocious firepower.

At the same time, Nie Zheng led the remaining more than 200 clone soldiers, armed with AK47s, shotguns, grenade flash bombs and other ammunition, and searched and advanced along the entrance of the village in full armor.

According to everyone's reports, there are at least 100 Japanese pirates hiding in the fishing village. What Nie Zheng has to do now is to find them out one by one and kill them.

The [-] clone soldiers responsible for the suppression were divided into dozens of combat groups, and slowly searched the houses and courtyards.

With the help of the thermal imaging in their hands, those Japanese pirates hiding in the courtyard, they have no way of hiding, and they are all exposed to the surveillance of the clone soldiers.

Soon, the combat team rushed into a courtyard first, and they found the two Japanese pirates hiding inside. After hearing a few rapid gunshots, the two Japanese pirates let out a miserable scream on the spot. , was instantly killed in the house.

After the first enemy was discovered, the rest of the combat teams searched for the Japanese pirates hiding in other courtyards one after another.

All of a sudden, muffled and piercing gunshots resounded over the entire fishing village, and bursts of mournful screams continued to be heard from various houses in the fishing village.

Surrounded by two hundred heavily armed clone soldiers, the battle went smoothly.

Facing modern arms and weapons, those Japanese pirates would be useless no matter how strong their close combat ability is. Basically, as long as the clone soldiers found the enemy, before the Japanese pirates stood up to resist, they fired and bombarded them all. Blood spattered up and down like a bloody sieve.

At this moment, Nie Zheng led the five clone soldiers and rushed towards the middle of the fishing village extremely quickly.

Nie Zheng has only one target, the Japanese pirate leader with the blood-eyed skull tattooed on his head.

He wants to kill the pirate leader with his own hands!

According to previous reports from the clone soldiers, the head of the Japanese pirate was hiding in a small bluestone courtyard in the middle of the fishing village. He has not shown up until now, and he must be trying to find a way to escape.

Soon, Nie Zheng led five clone soldiers to the gate of Qingshi Courtyard.

Quietly made a gesture, and immediately, the five clone soldiers who followed behind dispersed in understanding, and gently circled around the small courtyard, silently surrounding the entire small courtyard.

At this time, Nie Zheng pulled out the steel knife suddenly, and a group of extremely dazzling body-protecting qi burst out from all over his body. Under the reflection of the body-protecting qi, the steel knife in his hand shone with a blood-red cold light instantly.

Nie Zheng gripped the steel knife tightly, and a cold killing intent flashed in his eyes.

Tonight, he is going to take the pirate leader's sacrificial sword, and wants to see how strong his fighting power will be after entering the realm of an eighth-rank warrior!
Although it is still unclear about the true strength of the pirate leader, Nie Zheng is full of confidence.

With his current strength, as long as he meets a master who is not above the eighth rank, he is confident to kill the opponent!

Standing at the gate of the courtyard, Nie Zheng took a deep breath, and then walked in steadily.

This small courtyard is quite large, and there are seven or eight houses in it. Presumably, a large family lived in the small bluestone courtyard before.

The courtyard was dark and very quiet.

The oil lamp that was originally lit in the house had already been extinguished. I don't know if it ran out of oil or was deliberately blown out by the pirate's head.

Although the yard was dark and silent, it did not affect Nie Zheng's vision.

With Nie Zheng's current strength as an eighth-rank warrior, he can see clearly at night.

Long before he came in, Nie Zheng had already found the trace of the pirate leader with the help of thermal imaging.At this moment, the grimacing Japanese pirate should be hiding in a stone house on the left side of the yard.

After entering the courtyard, Nie Zheng looked around, then locked on to the stone house where the target was hiding, and walked over with a cold gaze.

One step, two steps, three steps, five steps...

Finally, Nie Zheng came to the door of the stone house.

Just when he was about to step into the house, suddenly, a sudden change occurred!

More than ten points of cold light came out from the dark room, and went straight to Nie Zheng's chest!
There was only a soft "ding ding dong ding", and all the cold lights that came were bounced off the ground by Nie Zheng's body shield, and they couldn't hurt Nie Zheng at all.

At the same time, there was a sudden shout of anger from inside the room, and a tall black figure was seen wielding a big Japanese sword with a ghost head, and it came out as quickly as lightning.

The ghost-headed Japanese sword weighing a hundred catties turned into more than a dozen cold lights in mid-air, and slashed at Nie Zheng's head fiercely. All retreats.

The sound of the knife was like thunder, and the sound of the wind was rolling.

Obviously, the grimacing Japanese pirate used all his strength as soon as he came up, intending to chop Nie Zheng under the knife.

However, just when the enemy's ghost-headed Japanese sword was about to kill him, Nie Zheng suddenly shouted: "Ice God's Palm!"

call out! !

I saw Nie Zheng raised his left hand abruptly, and swung it forward like lightning. Suddenly, an incomparably cold, silver-white Qi pierced through the void, and ruthlessly blasted at the grimacing Japanese pirate's chest. .

With a muffled "boom", the grimacing Japanese pirate was sent flying backwards by Nie Zheng's icy palm on the spot, and fell heavily to the ground.

There was only a loud bang, and the heavy knife held tightly by the Grimacing Japanese Bandit fell down powerlessly.

"Humph... um..." The ghost-faced Japanese pirate collapsed on the ground, let out a painful moan, and saw that the black armor on his chest was deeply dented by Nie Zheng's bang.

What frightened the Japanese pirate even more was that he found that his whole body was icy cold, as if the blood in his body was instantly frozen.

Unknowingly, a layer of hoarfrost slowly appeared on the Japanese pirate's body. He looked at Nie Zheng trembling all over, the original fierce and cold eyes were gone, only deep despair and fear.

Holding a steel knife, Nie Zheng walked up to him with a calm expression, and said calmly, "Don't worry, you won't be alone when you leave, because there will be many people going down to accompany you later!"

After saying that, a cold light flashed in his eyes, he raised the steel knife high, and slashed it down fiercely.

The knife flashed, and the head fell to the ground.

After the warped head of the pirate leader rolled to the ground, this time, no hot blood spewed out, because all the blood in the pirate's body was frozen.

After beheading the leader of the Japanese pirates hiding in the stone house, Nie Zheng raised his cold and stiff head and strode out of the yard.

At this moment, gunshots rang out everywhere in the entire fishing village, and the screams of the Japanese pirates resounded throughout the night sky.

In less than 10 minutes, two hundred clone soldiers wiped out all 180 and three Japanese pirates hiding in the fishing village.

At this time, the five ghost boats waiting on the coast were also guarded by nearly a hundred Japanese pirates. When they heard the intense gunshots from the fishing village, they immediately felt that something was wrong, and hurriedly dispatched dozens of Japanese pirates Come and find out.

As a result, as soon as he entered the village, he was stunned by the bloody scene in front of him.

Facing Nie Zheng and his group of clone legions armed with ammunition and weapons, this group of Japanese pirates who came to investigate, the people who were killed fell on their backs, and blood rained heavily.

In the end, Nie Zheng did not order them to be killed, but also deliberately let the three Japanese pirates go back to report the news.

Looking at the distressed appearance of the three Japanese pirates fleeing in terror, Nie Zheng secretly sneered.

Sure enough, within a short while, the five ghost-headed boats waiting on the shore all screamed and set sail and sailed away from the shore. It seemed that they were preparing to escape into the depths of the sea.

In this way, it fell right into Nie Zheng's arms.

According to the black-faced man, there are at least dozens of ghost-headed ships and thousands of Japanese pirates entrenched in this sea area, and the Japanese pirates who came to slaughter the village today are only a small part of them.

It is estimated that above the East China Sea, there must be a lair of Japanese pirates. As long as they find their lair, Nie Zheng will be able to wipe out the gang of Japanese pirates.

Good people do it to the end and send Buddha to the West!
Now that hundreds of Japanese pirates have been killed, Nie Zheng doesn't mind killing more.

Anyway, if such inhuman beasts are not killed, they will only become more and more rampant.

Now this group of Japanese pirates are only committing crimes in the East China Sea. If their team grows bigger and bigger, they will burn, kill and plunder all the way to Annan along the sea and land.

Taking advantage of passing by here this time, Nie Zheng decided to send an armed helicopter to follow the ghost-headed ships of the Japanese pirates all the way, find their hiding place, and eradicate them all in one fell swoop.

Soon, the five fleeing ghost boats disappeared into the vast sea. At this time, Nie Zheng led the team to the beach, and quickly summoned an armed helicopter from the Arms Commercial Street. Two clone air forces followed in a helicopter.

According to Nie Zheng's judgment, the reason why these pirates came so quickly was that their hiding place should not be too far from the coast.

The Z-10 armed helicopter has a maximum range of more than 1000 kilometers, which should be enough for detection and tracking near the coast.

(End of this chapter)

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