heavy weapon is king

Chapter 345 Shocking, open No. 7 arms block!

Chapter 345 Shocking, Open the No. [-] Arms Block!
"Excuse me, sir, do you want to exchange it?" Jack looked at Nie Zheng expectantly, his eyes full of excitement.

The suspicion in Nie Zheng's eyes grew stronger, and he was not in a hurry to confirm the exchange.

At this time, Jack couldn't bear it anymore, "Why, sir, are you not satisfied?"

Nie Zheng looked at him coldly, and said, "Jack, are you plotting against me?"

Jack pretended to be innocent and said with a wry smile, "Sir, is that why you don't trust me?"

Nie Zheng shook his head and said: "I always feel that the AR elements contained in these meteor hammers cannot be so low, three ten thousandths, compared to the content of gold, it is only three times more."

Jack said helplessly: "Sir, you don't believe me, but you should believe the data displayed on the smart weighing pan. If you think that I have tampered with this giant hammer, then you can take the giant hammer you just brought in. Hammer, take one and weigh it, so you can tell if it’s true or not.”

"That's exactly what I mean!" Nie Zheng said expressionlessly.

"Okay then, let's go out now, and you can pick a sledgehammer to come in and weigh it. I will weigh whichever you say, how about it?"

Nie Zheng lowered his head and thought for a while, and felt that this method was good, so he nodded in agreement.

Soon, Jack ordered a mechanical porter to move a meteor sledgehammer selected by Nie Zheng himself, and put it on the smart weighing pan.

There was only a soft beep, and the LCD screen below the weighing pan displayed a series of detailed data again.

Nie Zheng moved closer to take a look, and immediately frowned.

Like the sledgehammer that was weighed just now, this meteor sledgehammer personally selected by Nie Zheng still contains only [-]/[-] AR elements in it, and the exchange price is also around [-] million.

After learning the result, although Nie Zheng was still full of doubts, he couldn't find anything wrong.

At this time, Jack smiled and said: "Sir, you should feel relieved now. If there is no problem, please hurry up and exchange it. The entire Arms Commercial Street will be closed in 22 minutes. You should exchange these giant hammers as soon as possible. Only then can we open Block No. [-] as soon as possible, and go inside to buy arms and weapons."

Hearing that he mentioned the No. [-] Arms Block, Nie Zheng's heart was burning, and Dang even nodded, gritted his teeth and said, "Exchange it."

Seeing that Nie Zheng finally agreed to exchange, Jack's eyes immediately flashed a smile of a profiteer's success.

"Sir, you just exchanged a total of 96 sledgehammers. According to the exchange price of each sledgehammer at 4.84 million yuan, the total amount you got from this exchange is as high as 4821 billion yuan. At present, you have a total of 14 billion in liquidity. Of course, this does not include the 4835 billion casualty insurance you paid for hiring clone soldiers. In addition, you are within the No. 11 arms block, There is still a special fixed fund of 74 billion, the above is your fund situation in the entire arms commercial street, can you see if there is any problem?"

"no problem."

Now, Nie Zheng's private account suddenly had nearly [-] billion more liquid funds, and he was so excited that he decided on the spot that he must immediately obtain the permission to open the No. [-] Arms Block.

Thinking of this, Nie Zheng immediately ordered to Jack: "Jack, how much is the amount of consumption that I am short of opening the authority of the No. [-] Arms Block?"

Jack smiled and said, "Sir, you have already spent 40 billion yuan in the No. 960 block. As long as you spend [-] billion yuan, you will be able to gain access to the No. [-] arms block."

Nie Zheng was taken aback for a moment, and said, "Why is the consumption of the S-class clone air force I hired in Block [-] not counted in the consumption amount of Block [-]?"

Jack nodded and said, "The consumption of cloned mercenaries and military engineering auxiliary factories are all military auxiliary items, and their consumption cannot be counted."

Hearing this, Nie Zheng frowned, and said, "Okay, I understand, take me to No. [-] Arms Street immediately."

"Okay, sir, follow me!"

Under the leadership of Jack, the two quickly took the underground transmission elevator, and within a few seconds, they came to the end of the sixth block.

At this time, in front of Nie Zheng, there was a huge steel gate with a height of ten meters and a width of about 40 meters. On the top of the giant gate, four bright red characters were engraved; "Seventh block"

Standing in front of the gate of Block [-], Nie Zheng was extremely excited at this moment.

The door was tightly closed. Although Nie Zheng couldn't see what kind of weapons and equipment were sold inside, his heart was full of anticipation.

"All kinds of armed helicopters are sold in the sixth block. According to this rule, the weapons sold in the seventh arms block should be more advanced and powerful than the armed helicopters. I sincerely hope that the seven It would be nice if there would be all kinds of fighter jets and bombers in Block No. [-], in that case, I will soon be invincible in this world..."

Thinking of this, Nie Zheng's eyes flickered with fanaticism, staring at the giant gate in front of him, patiently waiting for the opening of the No. [-] Arms Block.

clack clack...

Suddenly, the huge steel gate in the middle of the horizontal bar and the street, after a loud noise of friction, slowly opened to both sides.

As the gap in the middle of the gate became wider and wider, finally, the scene hidden behind the giant gate slowly came into Nie Zheng's eyes.

When Nie Zheng saw the scene in the No. [-] block clearly, his body shook suddenly on the spot, and he fell into deep shock.

"My God, is it a robot? No, it's a mobile armor!"

The No. [-] Arms Block is two kilometers long.

On both sides of the long street, there were teams of giant steel beasts lined up one after another.

On the left side of the street, there is a rectangular playground with a width of 20 meters and a length of about a thousand meters. Thousands of werewolf-like mobile armors are neatly arranged on the playground.

These werewolf mechas are four meters high, with a shoulder width of nearly 1.8 meters. There is a taupe metallic luster shining all over their bodies. On the shoulders of these werewolf mechas, two sets of six-tube launch systems are respectively installed. Two large-caliber cannons are installed on the two thick mechanical arms.

What surprised Nie Zheng even more was that on the mechanical palm of each werewolf mecha, there were three alloy claws with a length of half a meter. It sounds scary.

After Nie Zheng saw clearly the appearance and characteristics of these werewolf mechas, he cast his gaze on the right side of the street again.

Similarly, on the right side of the street, there is also a rectangular playground that is thousands of meters long.

On the long playground, thousands of tiger-shaped mobile armors are lined up.

These tiger mechas are all lying on the ground, [-] meters tall and about [-] meters long. They are covered with a thick layer of dark yellow strange metal, which looks extremely heavy.

All the tiger mechs raised their heads high, staring straight ahead, as if they were ready to pounce on the target at any time and tear the prey to pieces.

Looking at a large piece of mobile armor lined up on both sides of the No. [-] block, Nie Zheng was so shocked that he really couldn't describe it in words. He never thought that in the No. [-] Arms Block, the sales were actually mechs.

According to Nie Zheng's previous speculation, he felt that aircraft should be sold in No. [-] Arms Block.

However, the mobile armors that appeared in front of him made him quite overjoyed.

"Mechs, sci-fi weapons and equipment that only appeared in movies and TV shows in the past, are now displayed in groups in front of my eyes. Just thinking about it makes my blood boil and my mind is excited!"

At this moment, Jack looked at Nie Zheng with a smile on his face, and said lightly: "Sir, are you satisfied with the weapons and equipment in No. [-] Arms Block?"

Nie Zheng nodded heavily, and said excitedly: "Satisfied, I'm so fucking satisfied! Damn, with these mechas, I'm enough to sweep the whole world!"

Jack laughed and said, "Sir, the entire Arms Commercial Street will be closed in 10 minutes. I think you might as well take a closer look after entering the block while there is still some time."

"Well, this Block Seven is really great!"

Looking at the densely packed mobile armor in the No. [-] block, Nie Zheng took a deep breath, unable to hold back the excitement in his heart, and walked in tremblingly.

Soon, the two came to the area where the werewolf mecha was parked.

At this time, Jack pointed to a werewolf mecha in front of him, and slowly introduced it to Nie Zheng, "Sir, the model of this mobile armor is G-10, code-named: Lightning Wolf, it is 4.35 meters long and 1.96 meters tall. It can stand in a humanoid form, and can do an assault on its knees. This G-10 mobile armor has a total combat weight of 16 tons. It belongs to the first generation of assault mobile armor developed by us. It uses a relatively backward high-energy power system. This power system will be eliminated in the future, and similarly, this mecha is an individual weapon developed by us in the early stage, and it has already been eliminated.”

Hearing this, Nie Zheng asked curiously, "How is its maneuverability?"

Jack said: "This G-10 mobile armor has an assault speed of 120 kilometers per hour and a cross-country speed of 75 kilometers per hour. At the same time, it is equipped with two sets of artillery systems, namely anti-mech burst bombs and short-range air defense missiles. On the arm of the mecha, there are two 5000mm explosive machine guns installed, with an effective range of 3000 meters, and can penetrate [-]mm thick armor plates within [-] meters. Three alloy claws can easily tear an armored vehicle into pieces..."

"Hiss..." Nie Zheng gasped, and couldn't help but exclaim: "I never expected that the mechs eliminated by you are so powerful, it's really unbelievable."

After Jack introduced the werewolf mecha, he brought Nie Zheng to the right side of the street, pointed to the tiger mech crouching in front of him, and said: "At this moment, the model of the mobile armor is F-10, code-named: Saber-toothed tiger, and it belongs to a A defensive mobile armor. The saber-toothed tiger mech is 6.5 meters long, 3.2 meters tall, and has a total combat weight of 63 tons. Its assault speed is 80 kilometers per hour, and its cross-country speed is only 43 kilometers per hour. power system.

As a backup defensive mecha, its defense and armed firepower have been enhanced, but its maneuverability and reaction speed are far inferior to the assault mecha.Saber-toothed tigers and lightning wolves are mobile armors developed by us in the early days. At that time, the technology on the earth was not particularly developed. Therefore, their overall performance is actually average, and may be stronger than those so-called main battle tanks, but they already have Anti-armor and anti-air combat capabilities. "

Although Jack said that these two mechs were eliminated, for Nie Zheng, their team strength was already brutal enough.

Not only can it cross-country anti-armor, but it can also hit aircraft in the sky. Such a powerful weapon is simply a magic weapon.

Thinking of this, Nie Zheng hurriedly asked: "How much are their prices?"

Jack said: "The selling price of the saber-toothed tiger defensive mecha is [-] million, and the selling price of the lightning wolf assault mecha is [-] million. I wonder how many sirs are going to buy?"

Nie Zheng looked around and said hesitantly: "Apart from these two mechas, is there no other mobile armor in the No. [-] Arms Block?"

Jack nodded and said: "There are only these two types of mechs, and the number is very limited. The total may be less than 72. So far, among the [-] apostles, you are the first to enter the seventh block people."

"Am I the first?"

Nie Zheng pondered for a moment, gritted his teeth, and said, "Werewolf mecha, I want to buy two hundred, and the saber-toothed tiger mecha will give me one hundred first, and that's it for now..."


(PS: Master Hou has some things to say. Recently, some people always say that Master Hou is slow to update. I am also drunk. So far in October, 13 chapters have been updated, with a total of [-] words. On average There are more than two chapters every day, but people always say that I update slowly and only update one chapter, which is very depressing. I have three chapters every day these days, and I have updated [-]D words for several days in a row. You can’t see it ?
What makes me even more depressed is that people keep saying that my books are expensive, and why the price is always increasing.Hey...don't you look at the word count and page count?My chapters are generally more than [-] words, others are [-] words, of course it is cheaper, besides, sometimes to ensure the smoothness of the plot, I often post some [-] words, [-] words, or even For a large chapter of [-] words, one chapter is equivalent to two or three chapters of others. Isn't it normal that the price is a bit more expensive?People get five cents for a thousand characters, and I also get five cents for a thousand characters. Just because I have more words, do you think it's expensive?If I change it to a chapter of [-] words in the future, you will still have to spend the same money, is there a difference?

Well, Lord Hou is just making complaints. Finally, I still have to thank the brothers for their love and support. In addition, the book has begun to enter the final stage, and there are still a few hundred thousand words to finish the book, which is similar to what I planned before. Finished the book with about 150 million words, um, that's it, I wish the brothers a happy life and everything goes smoothly. )
(End of this chapter)

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