heavy weapon is king

Chapter 298 Thunder is furious, crazy bomber!

Chapter 298 Thunder is furious, crazy bomber!

Looking at the gate of time and space that suddenly appeared in front of him, Nie Zheng took a deep breath and went in without hesitation.


As soon as he stepped into the gate of time and space, Nie Zheng felt his brain go blank for a while. When he opened his eyes again, he found that he had appeared outside the steel gate of No. [-] Arms Block.

Before he could stand still, he heard Jack's extremely familiar stylized voice, which came into his ears again.

"Welcome to the Arms Commercial Street again, sir. Is there anything I can do for you?" As soon as the words fell, the blond-haired Jack appeared in Nie Zheng with that faint profiteering smile on his face as usual. behind.

Nie Zheng turned around and looked at him, without any nonsense, straight to the point: "Jack, where is the solidified incendiary bomb?"

"Block Five."

Jack was stunned for a moment, then asked again: "Why, sir, want to buy solidified incendiary bombs?"

Nie Zheng nodded and said, "That's right, are there any solidified incendiary bombs from World War II for sale in the old weapons warehouse on Block [-]?"

"Of course there is!"

"Very good, take me there to buy right away, I'm going to buy a lot of solidified incendiary bombs today." Nie Zheng gritted his teeth, his eyes were a little cold.

Seeing this, Jack didn't say much, "Okay, sir, please follow me."

Soon, the two took the underground transmission elevator and came to the No. [-] Arms Block.

Jack brought Nie Zheng to the end of block No. [-]. The two stood at the gate of the Class B warehouse. Following the huge gate with a width of tens of meters, they slowly opened upwards. This kind of warehouse of old weapons and equipment from World War I and World War II was completely displayed in front of Nie Zheng's eyes.

Visiting this old-fashioned weapon warehouse again, Nie Zheng found that the weapons and equipment inside seemed to have decreased a lot, especially those large weapons and equipment, basically all of them disappeared.

It seems that during this period of time, Jack and the others have sold a lot of weapons and equipment.

Looking at the B-grade warehouse that looked a little empty, Nie Zheng asked in a deep voice: "Jack, where are the incendiary bombs from World War II? There are fewer and fewer weapons and equipment here. Don't all those incendiary bombs be sold out?"

Jack smiled and said, "Don't worry, sir, in this Grade B warehouse, solidified incendiary bombs are the most in stock, and there are at least [-] tons left."

Hearing this, Nie Zheng raised his head and looked forward, and found that many places in the warehouse were empty, and he did not see a large number of incendiary bombs stored at all.

Immediately, he frowned and said, "Where is it, why didn't I see it?"

Jack pointed to a separation wall in the deepest part of the warehouse, and said, "All solidified incendiary bombs are stored behind the separation wall. I'll take you there now."

"hurry up."

Under Nie Zheng's urging, Jack ordered someone to drive a scooter, and then the two quickly drove forward in the scooter.

It has to be said that the B-level warehouse for storing old-fashioned weapons in the No. [-] Arms Block is really too large. There is at least a thousand meters away from the warehouse door to the partition wall where the solidified incendiary bombs are stored.

If you walk such a long distance, it will take at least ten minutes to reach it. In order to save time, you must drive there.

With a soft "click", the scooter stopped smoothly outside the separation wall.

On this wall that is hundreds of meters long, there is another huge steel gate. Jack lightly pressed the switch button next to the gate, and immediately, the gate opened quickly.

The moment the gate was fully opened, Nie Zheng was completely shocked by the scene that greeted him.

Behind the separation wall, there is another huge warehouse. Inside this warehouse, there are densely packed solidified incendiary bombs, roughly counting them, at least tens of thousands of them.

Nie Zheng clenched his fist, then rushed in quickly.

The solidified and incendiary bombs in front of me seemed to be of the same model, each bomb weighed two to three hundred kilograms, and was oval in shape.

At this time, Jack came behind Nie Zheng, pointed to the incendiary bombs in front of him, and slowly introduced: "Sir, these solidified incendiary bombs are all made in the United States. When the United States bombed Tokyo, they used this kind of incendiary bombs." bomb.

This incendiary bomb weighs 1000 pounds, and its power is terrifying. Once it is successfully thrown, it explodes and forms a layer of flames that splash around, emitting a high temperature of about [-]°C, and can stick to other objects for a long time Burning, they can cause massive damage to the enemy.At the same time, in addition to generating high heat, solidified incendiary bombs will also generate super-strong air waves, and their destructive power is far beyond people's imagination. "

Nie Zheng took a deep breath and said, "How do you sell these incendiary bombs?"

"There are a total of 5.2 incendiary bombs stored here. If the commander buys all of them, it will only cost 5 million yuan. If it is retail, the retail price of each incendiary bomb is [-] yuan."

"Retail costs 5 yuan per piece..."

Nie Zheng pondered for a moment, and said, "Jack, how much liquidity is left in my private account?"

Jack replied: "Sir, in your private account, you originally had 8.5 million liquid funds. Excluding the 2 million casualty insurance paid in advance for the last time you hired two hundred clone soldiers, and the employment fee during this period, at present, your There is less than 6.3 million liquid funds left in private accounts."

Hearing this, Nie Zheng calculated secretly.

There are a total of [-] solidified incendiary bombs here. If you buy all of them, you only need [-] million. If you buy them yourself, [-] incendiary bombs will cost [-] million.

Since it was decided to bomb the enemy's lair, the more bombs, the better.

Thinking of this, Nie Zheng immediately told Jack: "I want all the incendiary bombs here, and I also need to buy some aviation fuel."

Jack's eyes lit up suddenly, and he nodded hurriedly, "Okay, sir, I'll deduct the fee for you right away..."


Half an hour later, Nie Zheng withdrew from the Arms Commercial Street.

After closing the gate of time and space, Nie Zheng took back all four tanks around him and marched into Huojie.

At the same time, he ordered Jack to teleport the "Brave-class" destroyer out.

Whoa! ! !
Immediately, a huge monster with a length of more than 100 meters and a weight of four to five thousand tons appeared in the jungle.

Fortunately, there is no one around now, otherwise, if others see this scene, they will probably be shocked on the spot.

The brave-class destroyer, placed in the open space in the jungle, is simply a hill made of steel, which looks particularly shocking and spectacular.

Nie Zheng stood under the ship and looked up at the side of the destroyer. At this moment, hundreds of cloned marines wearing water-blue navy uniforms suddenly appeared on the destroyer.

The gang of clone marines looked at Nie Zheng on the ground in bewilderment. Obviously, they couldn't figure it out at all. Why did Nie Zheng put the destroyer in the jungle?
Nie Zheng quickly climbed onto the deck of the destroyer, and immediately, the clone marines distributed in various positions on the destroyer respectfully saluted him.

"Welcome aboard, sir..."

Nie Zheng glanced at them blankly, and thought to himself, "Jack is right. The destroyer the king gave me is really fully equipped. But as far as I know, any destroyer should be equipped with It is right to have reconnaissance planes and anti-submarine helicopters, but there are none on this destroyer. It seems that the king has removed all the flying equipment on it. Damn, it’s really cheating..."

Standing on the deck and looking around, Nie Zheng soon saw the catapult on the front deck that could allow the reconnaissance plane to take off.

Immediately, he quickly ran to the ejection frame, shouted to Jack again through the super chip: "Jack, send that L-4 "Grasshopper" reconnaissance plane out immediately..."

"Okay, sir."

In an instant, an L-4 "Grasshopper" reconnaissance plane with a wingspan of more than ten meters appeared on the deck out of thin air.

In the main cockpit of the reconnaissance plane, there is already a pilot sitting. Judging by his attire, he should be the "S" class clone air force Jack mentioned.

Seeing this scene, Nie Zheng took a deep breath, then quickly climbed onto the plane and got into the co-pilot cabin.

After sitting firmly in the plane, Nie Zheng looked at the pitch-black night sky ahead, a cold light flashed in his eyes, and he ordered loudly: "Get ready, take off..."

As soon as the words fell, suddenly, this reconnaissance plane weighing hundreds of kilograms was ejected from the destroyer, making a "buzzing" roar, and slanted straight into the sky.

Nie Zheng was sitting in the plane, with a hint of ferocious madness flickering in his cold eyes.

"Sangkang, after tonight, I will make you Da Yue monkeys completely disappear from the world..."

In the dark night sky, the L-4 "Grasshopper" reconnaissance plane, like a huge black eagle, made extremely ear-piercing buzzing, and flew straight to the Mehe River dozens of miles away.


On the south bank of the Mekong River, ten miles away, is the Lion Castle.

Lion Fort is the first military fort built by Dai Viet on the south bank of the Mekong River. At the same time, it is also the fortress with the strongest military armed defense force in the entire Dai Viet, none of them.

At that time, the people of Dayue spent a lot of manpower and material resources to build the Lion Fort in order to resist the Fujia Army of the Song Dynasty.

But later, the Song court gradually declined and faced enemies on all sides. Ever since, the Dayue people entrenched on the south bank of the Mekong River slowly crossed the Mekong River, forcibly occupied a large jungle on the north bank of the Mekong River, and built a Many tribal fortresses were built, which laid the foundation for the invasion and occupation of Annan County.

After Sangkang occupied Annan County, he called himself King Dade Sheng, designated Lion Fort as the capital of Dayue Kingdom, and deployed tens of thousands of elite tribes in the area around Lion Fort.

Although Lion Fort is the capital of Dai Viet, in fact, it is basically formed by tribal fortresses of twelve tribes. Although there are a total of 10,000+ Dai Viet people gathered inside and outside Lion Fort, in fact, it is not at all. It is a city because it doesn't even have a decent wall.

Compared with the prefectural and county cities of the Song Dynasty, the Lion Fort was built in a dense jungle, and various fortresses and sheds were scattered throughout the entire mountain forest. Not to mention the city, there was not even a decent market.

Although the talented and generous Sangkang is a rare chief among the Dai Viet tribe in thousands of years, he can lead the tribal coalition forces to sweep across the entire Southeast Asia, but he can't change the tribe's living customs.

For thousands of years, the twelve tribes of Dai Viet have always lived in the jungle in the form of tribal groups.

They don't need a city, let alone a city wall, because the endless dense jungle on both sides of the Mekong River is the safest and strongest barrier for the Dai Viet people.

As long as they are in the jungle, this is their world, they are the masters of this place, and they are not afraid of any incoming enemies at all.

Tonight, [-] Da Viet warriors gathered in the Lion Fort.

These [-] warriors are the last elite force of the twelve tribes in the entire country of Dayue. If these [-] elite tribes are gone, the entire country of Dayue will collapse completely.

In the central area of ​​the Lion Castle, stands a large-scale castle: Dadesheng Palace.

Different from other fortress sheds, the Dadesheng Palace is built in an extremely magnificent style, and the interior of the castle is resplendent and brightly lit.

Inside and outside the Dadesheng Palace, thousands of Dayue soldiers are all around, patrolling back and forth, and the guards are extremely strict.

At this moment, dozens of Dai Viet nobles dressed in fine costumes gathered above the Great Lion Hall of the Dade Thanh Palace.

These people are the princes, generals, and chiefs of the entire country of Dayue, and there is also a snake god who is wearing a red robe.

At this time, all the nobles of Da Viet bent over to face the throne above the main hall, with extremely respectful expressions.

Sang Kang was wearing a golden battle armor and a lion king helmet on his head. He sat on the throne symbolizing supreme authority with a cold expression, exuding an unparalleled domineering aura all over his body.

Suddenly, Sang Kang looked at the crowd sharply, and said, "How long will it take for the Ten Thousand Poison Formation to fully activate?"

"Your Majesty, you have to wait another quarter of an hour."

The high priest of the snake god wearing a red robe suddenly took a step forward, bowed towards the throne at the end of the hall and said, "As long as all the poisonous miasma within a hundred miles gathers to form, we can use the wind direction , follow the changing trend, and when the time comes, our poisonous miasma will definitely be able to poison the enemy's entire army."

Sang Kang's eyes flashed brightly, and he said: "Could it be that the high priest has predicted that there will be a strong wind tonight?"

The red-robed priest nodded, "In half an hour, there will be a red wind coming to Nanyang. At that time, this red wind will definitely carry ten thousand poisonous miasma, sweeping the entire forest, and the wind and poisonous miasma will cover the sky and cover the earth. Unless the Han dogs fly out of the jungle with wings on their backs, they will be trapped in the jungle by poisonous miasma."

Hearing this, Sang Kang's eyes were filled with bloodthirsty light, he raised his head abruptly on the spot, and laughed wildly, "Hahaha... The red wind is going northward, and the jungle is full of poison. This time, God is really helping me!"

Suddenly, the tyrannical laughter stopped suddenly.

At this time, Sangkang slowly narrowed his eyes, looked towards the south bank of the Mekong River, and said with gritted teeth: "Tonight, after I have slaughtered all the eight thousand Han dogs led by Nie Zheng, and then enter Annan, I will definitely Bloodbath the entire Annan County, avenge the 13 tribal warriors who died in Dai Viet..."

Before the words were finished, all of a sudden, the people gathered in the Lion Hall suddenly heard a strange buzzing sound faintly coming from outside.

Hearing this strange sound, Sang Kang's heart moved, and he hurriedly led the crowd out of the hall.

At this moment, all the guards, nobles, and princes inside and outside the Dadesheng Palace stood on the spot with puzzled expressions, and all looked up at the night sky.


There was only a strange buzzing sound coming from above the dark night sky. As the buzzing sound got closer and closer, some powerful masters in the crowd finally saw what was going on.

So, there was an endless sound of exclamation and astonishment inside and outside the palace.

"Look, there seems to be a bird flying over, such a big bird!..."

Sang Kang's body was full of golden light, and he looked towards the night sky with his eyes. In the night sky in the distance, a giant flying bird with a wingspan of more than three feet made piercing roars in mid-air, like rolling waves. Like a thunderstorm, it hit the sky above the Lion Fort.

After seeing the scene in the night sky clearly, Sang Kang was taken aback on the spot.

"What the hell, how could there be such a huge flying bird in the world?..."

(End of this chapter)

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