heavy weapon is king

Chapter 283 Jungle Warfare Is Not So Easy

Chapter 283 Jungle Warfare Is Not So Easy

Since the magnolia fruit to treat the plague is seriously lacking, after some consideration, Nie Zheng decided to use dragon blood to treat these infected people.

Anyway, in the Arms Commercial Street, he still has more than a dozen sealed cans of dragon's blood.

The last time Dragon Mang broke into the Military Fire Commercial Street and was hunted down by Jack's mecha troops, a total of 65 cans of dragon blood were extracted from its body, and Nie Zheng also got [-] cans.

Before raising the strength of the three thousand dragon and tiger elites, half a can was consumed. Now, Nie Zheng still has twelve and a half cans of dragon blood in his hands.

Each of the airtight tanks contained [-] liters of dragon blood. Adding up more than a dozen cans together, there was at least [-] liters of dragon blood.

According to Jack's previous reminder, to improve the strength of an ordinary warrior, only [-] milliliters of dragon's blood is enough.

So now Nie Zheng only wants to relieve the plague for these patients. It doesn't matter if the amount of dragon blood can be reduced. Anyway, as long as they successfully relieve their plague, he doesn't want to let them improve their strength.

However, as to what to do specifically, Nie Zheng decided to ask Jack first before acting.

Thinking of this, Nie Zheng found a secluded place, and secretly called Jack through the super chip hidden in his chest: "Jack Jack, please call back."

Soon, Jack replied, "Sir, is there anything I can do for you?"

Nie Zheng said: "My people are infected with a plague similar to a virus. I would like to ask whether the blood of Dragon Mang can relieve their symptoms?"

Jack replied without thinking, "Of course, that dragon python itself is an extremely rare mutant creature, and its blood contains a very magical mutant gene, which can not only transform human physique , and also have super self-healing and healing effects, using them to relieve the virus epidemic in the patient's body is simply a piece of cake."

Nie Zheng asked again: "How much dose do you think is needed to completely relieve those patients from the plague?"

"If it is simply to eliminate the virus plague, it is estimated that a dose of at most one milliliter is enough. However, in order to reduce the volatilization of dragon blood, I suggest you use intravenous injection. In this way, not only can the waste be reduced, but the dragon blood will enter the patient's blood. Inside, the effect will be more obvious."

"Intravenous? By the way, can you get me some syringes?"

"Of course, these are just small things. Besides, last time you took so much dragon blood, it's not a big problem to send you some injection needles this time. Anyway, there are a lot of injection needles in the laboratory. .”

Nie Zheng never expected that Jack would agree so simply this time.At the beginning, he thought that Jack would take advantage of it.

I have to say that Jack, who has always been a profiteer, did help Nie Zheng a lot this time.

Within a few minutes, Jack sent out several large boxes of syringes and needle tubes, and at the same time, sent out more than a dozen specially-made airtight thermos cups.

Each thermos cup contains [-] milliliters of dragon's blood, and there is a sealant hole the size of a grain of rice at the bottom of the cup, which is convenient for inserting a needle to extract the dragon's blood.

Now that the syringe and dragon's blood are available, Nie Zheng is going to get a few tubes of dragon's blood first, and give priority to experimenting with the sixteen dragon and tiger rebels lying in the ancestral hall to see how long it takes for them to inject the dragon's blood Only then will there be a benign reaction to recovery.

Entering Xu's ancestral hall again, under the suspicious eyes of everyone, Nie Zheng used needles to inject dragon blood through veins into the bodies of sixteen plague-infected dragon and tiger rebels, and then stood quietly by the side to observe stand up.

Sure enough, within half an hour, the bodies of the sixteen dragon and tiger rebels showed obvious reactions.

First of all, the dark red on their faces began to gradually disappear. At this time, Nie Zheng stretched out his hand to test their body temperature, and found that their high fever was also beginning to subside, and their body temperature gradually returned to normal.

Before I knew it, I waited another hour.

At this time, the people gathered in the ancestral hall were amazed to find that the rashes that had covered the plague-infected dragon and tiger rebels began to slowly melt away.At the same time, the breathing of these patients gradually stabilized, and they no longer moaned in pain as before.

Seeing this scene, everyone was shocked, especially the dozen or so onlookers, who were even more excited.

Obviously, they couldn't figure it out. Just after Marshal Nie took out translucent jade tubes and injected the golden liquid inside into the bodies of plague patients, these patients got better so quickly.

The speed at which the epidemic subsided is simply unimaginable.

At this moment, everyone is secretly guessing, what are those strange things that Marshal Nie just used?Why is the cure for the plague so miraculous?
Although everyone was shocked, no one dared to step forward to ask a question.

However, apart from those pharmacist doctors who don't know the details, like those inside the Dragon and Tiger Rebel Army, they all know very well in their hearts that the commander must have just performed psychic magic again and summoned the immortal medicine artifact from the fairy world to cure the plague.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for these sixteen brothers infected with the plague to recover so quickly.

Looking at the sixteen dragon and tiger rebels lying on the ground, their disease recovered very smoothly. On the spot, Nie Zheng nodded secretly satisfied, and said in his heart: "Jack really didn't lie to me. To relieve their plague, you only need to One milliliter of dragon's blood is enough. Now that this plan has been confirmed to be feasible, then it can be implemented on a large scale."

Thinking of this, Nie Zheng immediately told everyone: "Where is Dongzhuang, take me there quickly."

"Yes, handsome!"

After hearing the order, a doctor immediately led Nie Zheng and others out of the ancestral hall, and ran towards Dongzhuang with an excited expression.

Seeing that Marshal Nie has a way to relieve the plague, everyone's mood suddenly became active, and their faces were not as heavy as before.

Under the guidance of the doctor, the group arrived at Dongzhuang within a few minutes.

Since more than 300 plague patients gathered in Dongzhuang, several entrances and exits of Dongzhuang were all blocked off, guarded by dozens of soldiers holding arms and weapons.

After these soldiers saw Nie Zheng, they bowed and saluted from a distance, and Nie Zheng responded with a nod and a smile.

Just entering Dongzhuang, the scene in front of them really surprised everyone.

I saw hundreds of houses and courtyards, full of plague-infected villagers lying everywhere, and weak and painful wailing everywhere.

The disease of these villagers is obviously much more serious than that of the dragon and tiger rebels in the ancestral hall. Among them, some of the villagers who were the first to get sick had rashes on their bodies that had long been swollen, and the smelly yellow pus appeared on their bodies. It was flowing everywhere on the body, and where the pus passed, the nearby flesh festered and turned yellow. It looked extremely disgusting, and it was simply horrible.

After seeing this scene, Nie Zheng took a deep breath, and immediately under the shocked eyes of everyone, he summoned dozens of clone soldiers out of thin air and ordered them to help him treat these plague patients.

Soon, with the help of dozens of clone soldiers, all [-] villagers infected with the plague were injected with dragon blood. Seeing this scene, Nie Zheng finally heaved a sigh of relief, and his anxious mood began to settle down.

Since dragon blood can effectively relieve the plague, Nie Zheng only needs to distribute these injection needles. At that time, he will call more clone soldiers to help. This sudden plague should not last for a few days , will all end.

After solving the plague patients in Xujiazhuang, Nie Zheng, Shen Hongyu and others stayed here for almost a day, mainly to observe the reactions of those plague patients.

It wasn't until evening that the pharmacists who were in charge of observing the patients reported the recovery of the villagers to Nie Zheng in detail, and Nie Zheng dared to leave with confidence.

A group of five armored vehicles drove away from Xujiazhuang in an endless stream.

Just less than two kilometers away from the village, Xu Shijie was seen leading dozens of horses galloping from a distance.

Seeing this scene, Nie Zheng's heart skipped a beat, and he hurriedly ordered the car to stop.

Xu Shijie came to Nie Zheng first, bowed his hands and saluted: "This subordinate has seen the general!"

Nie Zheng raised his eyebrows and asked, "What, have you found out the source of the plague?"

Xu Shijie nodded, and said in a deep voice: "Last night, my subordinates sent people to several villages and towns where the plague occurred. After a day and night of investigation, they finally discovered the source of the plague. It turned out that in many wells where the plague occurred, floating A red snake as thick as chopsticks."

"Red snake?"

Nie Zheng frowned, and said in a deep voice, "How many red snakes like this have you found?"

Xu Shijie thought for a while, and said: "So far only seven wells have been found, but there are none in some wells."

Hearing this, Nie Zheng turned his gaze to Wu Xuanyin and asked, "Sanren, did the scurvy plague of the Snake God Sect spread through the red snake?"

Wu Xuanyin nodded, and said: "That's right, this plague snake is not a living thing, it carries a lot of venom on its body, as long as someone drinks the well water, it will be poisoned by the venom of the scurvy snake."

Having said that, Wu Xuanyin paused for a moment, and continued: "Commander, this scurvy snake plague can only function within a small amount of solid water, like ordinary rivers and ditches, no matter how much plague the people of Dayue throw in It is difficult for snakes to exert their poisonous effect, so I suggest that the commander-in-chief immediately order to fill up all the old wells and dead pools in Chishui City, so that the source of the plague will be completely eliminated."

Nie Zheng nodded, turned his head to stare at Xu Shijie, and ordered in a deep voice: "Xu Shijia, you should go back to Chishui City immediately, and cooperate with the Chishui City government to issue a notice in the whole city, reminding the residents in the city that from today onwards, they must not drink from wells. Water in pools. At the same time, call on all the people in the counties and towns in Chishui City to use all their labor to fill up all the wells and dead pools, and we must not miss a single one.”

"Yes, Marshal, this subordinate will do it now!" Xu Shijie saluted respectfully, and then led all his subordinates, turning their horses around and heading back to the city like a whirlwind.

Looking at the backs of Xu Shijie and others going away, Wu Xuanyin couldn't help asking: "Marshal, are we going to Chishui City this time, or are we going back to Yangzhou?"

Nie Zheng lowered his head and thought for a while, then said: "Since the plague has been cured, we don't need to stay here for too long, let's go back to Yangzhou City!"

With an order, the five armored vehicles roared on the road again, but the direction of travel was not Chishui City, but Yangzhou.

Before returning to Chishui City, Nie Zheng left behind five armored vehicles and dozens of clone soldiers, and asked them to carry tens of liters of dragon blood and several large boxes of syringes to other villages and towns in Chishui City to assist the local The garrison and medical staff, work together to lift the epidemic.

After doing all this, Nie Zheng embarked on the journey back to Yangzhou with peace of mind.


Early the next morning, Nie Zheng, Shen Hongyu, Wu Xuanyin and his group returned to Yangzhou smoothly. As for the doctors, they stayed in Chishui City for the time being.

Nie Zheng planned to wait until the plague was completely over before sending a car to pick them up.

There was actually a reason for Nie Zheng to rush back to Yangzhou last night.

The sudden outbreak of plague in Chishui City made Nie Zheng very angry.

Originally, after Sang Kang led all the Dayue troops out of Annan County, Nie Zheng planned to take care of all the affairs in Annan County before planning to conquer Dayue in the south.

Now before he left, Sang Kang gave himself such a sinister and poisonous move, he was provoking himself.

Facing the enemy's provocation, Nie Zheng couldn't bear the anger. If he didn't let those Da Yue monkeys really try his own strength, he estimated that those guys would continue to make trouble in the future.

So he rushed back in such a hurry, just to prepare to gather troops and horses to go out to fight back against those hateful Da Viet people as quickly as possible.

If the Da Yue monkey is not eliminated, his own life will not be peaceful.

At this time, Nie Zheng was sitting in the study, thinking about the battle plan this time.

Now in the entire Annan County, Nie Zheng has less than 28 soldiers available. Excluding the soldiers and horses left behind in the five cities and [-] counties, he can mobilize at most [-] elite soldiers.

[-] elite soldiers of dragons and tigers should be enough to conquer the tropical jungle in the south and attack the monkeys in Dayue, right?

However, everyone in Dayue is proficient in traps, especially in jungle ambush tactics. In addition, their various insidious Gu techniques emerge in endlessly. If they lead the team deep into the jungle, they will be at a disadvantage in terms of favorable location.

After all, no matter what, his team is not as familiar with the terrain of the jungle as the native Da Viet people.

If you want to win this war with minimal damage, you must be fully prepared.

Thinking of this, Nie Zheng tapped his finger on the desk, muttering to himself: "Which weapons and equipment are better to use in jungle warfare? When the United States fought in the Vietnam War, the equipment was so advanced at that time, but the damage was still heavy." , it can be seen that this jungle battle is not so easy to fight..."

(End of this chapter)

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