heavy weapon is king

Chapter 247 Crazy Tiger Tank, crush you heavy cavalry

Chapter 247 Crazy Tiger Tank, crush you heavy cavalry
A thousand Dayue iron oxen rode heavily, and as soon as they rushed into the range of four miles, a shell fell from there, smashing hard on their iron ox formation.

The flames soared into the sky, and deafening bangs rang out one after another.

On the spot, under the bombardment of this high-explosive bomb, the blood-red shield protecting the Iron Bull Formation swayed left and right, and the defensive air shield above the formation produced a burst of violent explosions. ripple vibration.

After the first high-explosive bomb exploded, the shrapnel exploded and the air waves raged.

The extremely ferocious shock wave, like an invisible wave, swept across the defensive air shield in an instant, and the dozens of iron bull knights who were riding and charging under the shock vomited blood on the spot, and they were about to fall.

Immediately, all the iron bull knights charged in formation, their faces paled in horror, and their shock was beyond words to describe.

They never expected that the five tanks that appeared several miles away would launch such a fierce firearm attack.

Just one shell almost blasted through their formation of thousands of cavalry iron bulls.

However, what shocked the Da Yue knights even more was yet to come.

It was too late to say that, just after the first shell exploded on the Iron Bull Formation, the strong air waves and shock waves almost shattered the defensive air shield of the entire Iron Bull Formation.

The Iron Bull Formation could only withstand the bombardment of a single high-explosive bomb.

Because, shortly after the first shell fell, the remaining four high-explosive shells were shot at four other places in the Iron Bull Array.

Boom! !

There was another loud bang.

This time, under the simultaneous bombardment of four high-explosive bombs, on the spot, the defensive shield composed of a thousand iron bulls was completely shattered...

In the distance, Nie Zheng was standing on the tower. Through the binoculars in his hand, he could clearly see that after the four high-explosive bombs fell into the enemy's iron bull formation, a wave of fire erupted on the spot. The iron ox rode heavily, and all of them exploded into a rain of blood, screaming again and again.

Five Tiger tanks destroyed the enemy's Iron Bull formation in just one round of bombing.

A thousand iron oxen rode heavily, and in the blink of an eye, nearly a hundred of them were killed or injured.Their charging formation was also completely disorganized.

However, after their charge formation was blown up by the tanks, these huge bison actually appeared even more violent.

The violent sound produced by the explosion of the five shells just now did not frighten the raging bison out of control. Seeing their bloodthirsty appearance, they quickly scattered over the wilderness, towards the direction of the city defense, and the speed of charging became faster and faster. Get up fast.

Seeing this scene, Nie Zheng frowned, secretly puzzled.

The cavalry of the Da Viet people are really weird, why are they not afraid of death?

This is true of knights, and so is bison in heavy armor. How can this be?
Why did the five shells fall without frightening them and blowing up the camp?Could it be that these iron bull heavy cavalry have taken some kind of drug that can produce hallucinations?

Just like when they attacked Yangzhou City last time, the group of Da Yue dead soldiers had blood-red eyes, and they charged forward frantically against their own machine gun fire without fear of death.

Now, the bloodthirsty and violent appearance of this group of iron bull heavy cavalry is similar to the scene of the group of dead soldiers rushing to die last time.

Thinking of this, Nie Zheng secretly felt that something was wrong. He immediately took the binoculars and looked towards the way of the Iron Bull Formation again, and found that there was nothing behind the Iron Bull Formation.

Except for the iron ox cavalry who charged in formation, there were no reinforcements behind them, and no crossbow infantry appeared.On the contrary, the 10,000+ Dai Viet coalition forces still assembled ten miles away, forming a huge formation similar to defense and charge.

Looking at the thousand iron ox heavy cavalry again, they are like a group of heroic lone soldiers, and it is clear that they rushed to die in groups.

Abnormal, it is too abnormal!

This thousand iron ox heavy cavalry, whether it is the quality of soldiers or weapons and armor, can all be called the elite of the elite.

Especially the thousand huge bison they sat down on should not be so easy to domesticate and breed.

Nie Zheng was thinking at this time, how many years, how much manpower and financial resources would it take for the people of Dayue to create such a luxurious lineup of iron bull heavy cavalry?
But today, the enemy is so crazy to let this elite heavy cavalry rush to die, what is their intention?
Throughout the ages, no army has ever sent cavalry to attack the city, especially the heavy cavalry to attack the city. It is simply death in vain and a waste of resources.

Because the advantage of heavy cavalry lies in its solid defense and their thunderous mobility.

Under normal circumstances, only when the two armies are facing each other will they send heavy cavalry to charge and crush the enemy's infantry camp, or use the heavy cavalry's solid defensive performance to crush the enemy's light cavalry camp.

Usually, the places where heavy cavalry can exert their power are usually encounters, breakout battles, or decisive battles on the plains.

Besides, no general would be foolish enough to use heavy cavalry to attack a city.

Besides, all of Nie Zheng's troops were stationed within the city defenses, and he didn't send a large army out of the city to fight. In this case, what can the heavy cavalry do?To scare people?
Even if Nie Zheng didn't send tanks to fight with the thousand iron oxen, they probably wouldn't be able to reach the bottom of the city wall. You must know that there is a moat about 20 meters wide outside the city.

This moat is enough to stop any enemy cavalry.

Nie Zheng could understand this truth, and with Sang Kang's great talent and general plan, it was impossible for him not to think of this.

But even so, the group of Dayue people still sent heavy cavalry to go deep alone, and launched a seemingly deadly charge.


There must be scams here!
The people of Dayue paid such a high price to send the thousand iron oxen to the city, obviously there was a conspiracy.

What is their plot?
"Evil sect Gu poison?"

Thinking of this, Nie Zheng's face changed, and he faintly sensed the enemy's sinister intentions.

If he guessed correctly, there must be some evil tricks hidden on the body of this thousand iron ox heavy riders, and they must be close to the city defenses to exert their power.

Yes, definitely so!
Otherwise, the Dai Viet people have no reason to let them die in vain.

After figuring this out, Nie Zheng's eyes turned cold, and he shouted an order on the spot: "All heavy machine guns, bazookas, and mortars obey the order, as long as the enemy's heavy cavalry comes within range, they will immediately fire and kill them." , can't let them get close to the city defense!"

"Yes, handsome!"

After hearing the order, everyone cheered up and responded loudly.

At the same time, the iron bull formation that was blasted away by the tank artillery had already scattered in the wilderness, forming a loose charging formation nearly a thousand meters wide, and rushed towards the city defense with incomparable ferocity.

Seeing this scene, Nie Zheng's eyes flashed, and he immediately ordered five Tiger tanks to take the initiative to attack.

Immediately, under Nie Zheng's command, the five tanks let out bursts of ear-piercing roars, and then frantically strafed and bombed the enemies who were about to enter within three miles.

Five Tiger heavy tanks, five 88mm main guns, and ten 7.92mm machine guns fired at almost the same time. bombardment.

Da da da……

Bang!Bang!Bang! ...

On the city wall, hundreds of mortars were already ready for battle. The soldiers squatting next to the light mortars picked up shells weighing several kilograms and quickly loaded them into the barrels. Inside.

There was only a series of muffled sounds of primers, and in an instant, hundreds of shells shot out of the city like raindrops.

Boom! ! !
All of a sudden, a few kilometers away from the south city gate, a deafening explosion sounded throughout the city, especially in the wilderness outside the south city defense, where flames flashed everywhere and shrapnel exploded.

The soil is flying, the air waves are churning, the smoke outside the city is filled, and flowers are blooming everywhere.

Many iron bull heavy cavalry who were riding wildly were bombarded by various shells and heavy machine guns, their limbs burst and their flesh flew.

The thick armor on them was as fragile as pieces of paper under the bombardment of artillery and machine guns.

Basically, no heavy armor on a bison can withstand the bombardment of tank main guns.

Once the 88mm main gun on the Tiger tank fires an armor-piercing shell weighing seven or eight kilograms, the terrible penetration is simply creepy.

An armor-piercing projectile can easily pierce a heavily armored iron bull, and after the armor-piercing projectile penetrates the front iron bull, it still has the strength to shoot through the rear two iron bulls again.

All the iron bulls that were pierced by the Tiger tank's armor-piercing bullets had a huge blood hole on their bodies, and bloody internal blood clots kept pouring out of the hole, like some bison who didn't die on the spot, their eyes were red and poured out. On the ground, there were bursts of heart-piercing roars.

The short distance of a few miles has completely become a death barrier for all the iron bull heavy cavalry.

Under the bombardment of countless heavy machine guns and mortars, no iron ox riding heavily could successfully break into within two miles.

In the end, after the five tiger tanks fired all the shells, they drove directly to crush the iron bull heavy cavalry.

In front of the fifty or sixty-ton Tiger tanks, those so-called iron ox heavy cavalry are like pieces of soft tofu in front of the heavy tanks. The heavy cavalry has no second choice for tanks except being crushed into meat. result.

Since the iron bull's target is relatively large, the thousand huge bison have been slaughtered long ago.

Today, there are still hundreds of Da Yue cavalry in heavy armor left on the wilderness. When these Da Yue cavalry saw the loss of their mounts, they turned and fled in horror.It seems that they are preparing to flee back to the main camp ten miles away.

But no matter how fast they are, can they be faster than tiger tanks?

Tiger tanks are traveling at speeds of tens of kilometers per hour on this flat wilderness. These Dai Yue heavy cavalry were originally a group of warrior masters, but at the moment when the Iron Bull Formation was broken just now, they collectively suffered from the backlash of true energy. Now, all They all suffered serious internal injuries, and their usual strength of true qi could not be utilized at all at this moment.

Therefore, under the crushing pursuit of five Tiger tanks, they turned into piles of bloody mud.

It took less than half an hour from the time the enemy sent a thousand iron ox heavy cavalry to charge to Nie Zheng killing them with full firepower.

At this moment, gunpowder smoke filled the outside of the city, corpses were scattered all over the field, and a bloody mess.

Looking at the Tienu heavy cavalry that had been completely wiped out, Nie Zheng secretly heaved a sigh of relief, and was about to send someone to summon the five tiger tanks back.

Suddenly, on the wilderness full of bison corpses, a strange phenomenon suddenly appeared...

(End of this chapter)

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