heavy weapon is king

Chapter 242 Heavy casualties

Chapter 242 Heavy casualties
Outside of Beiliyuan, Sang Kang led 13 tribal coalition forces, drove [-] Han people into slavery, and appeared in the wilderness mightily.

Hundreds of thousands of Han people in ragged clothes rushed to the front of the team. Behind the Han team, there were tens of thousands of Da Yue soldiers, aiming and driving with bows and crossbows, shouting, beating, cursing and oppressing them to keep moving forward.

At the same time, after the [-] crossbowmen, followed by [-] light cavalry, each of these cavalry wore light armor and carried crossbows and long knives.

Behind the [-] cavalry, there are [-] Da Viet infantry wearing black armor. All of these black armored infantry are holding swords, guns, swords and halberds.

At the same time, in the middle of the army, thousands of guard warriors wearing silver armor appeared. These thousands of Da Yue warriors guarded a gorgeous and thick carriage in the team, and quickly moved forward.

The ornate carriage was like a small moving castle, dragged forward by eight horses respectively.

As for the thousand iron bull cavalry and the hundred giant elephant cavalry, one after the other, thousands of silver-armored warriors were guarded among them, forming a protective formation like an iron barrel, protecting Sangkang, the king of Dayue, who was sitting in a gorgeous carriage. , not to be attacked and disturbed by any enemy.

At the end of the army is a logistics team consisting of [-] Dai Viet soldiers in leather armor.

This team escorted countless supplies of grain and grass, and slowly followed the elite troops ahead, moving steadily forward.

Soon, the [-] Han pioneers in front of the team arrived at the edge of Beiliyuan. However, at this time, several scouts who had explored the way in advance had already rushed into the litchi forest full of landmines on horseback.

When they had just rushed into the lychee forest, and hadn't run tens of meters, suddenly, a sudden change occurred!
boom! !

In the quiet and deserted lychee grove, loud noises suddenly burst out one after another.

While running, these scouts triggered several landmines buried on the ground. On the spot, on the ground without any abnormalities, mud flew and flames burst.

After several loud bangs in a row, the scouts who were bombed were turned on their backs, their flesh and blood flying everywhere.

In the distance, the large group of people following closely behind were all taken aback, and all raised their heads and looked towards the woods ahead.

I saw those scout soldiers who rushed into the woods in advance, lying on the ground covered in blood, screaming and wailing.

Especially the war horses under their crotch were shards of steel balls sprayed out by the mines, which were riddled with holes and holes dripping with blood.

All of a sudden, the hiss of the wounded horse and the wailing of several scout soldiers resounded throughout Beiliyuan.

Seeing this scene, a Dai Yue general who was in charge of leading the way, his face changed drastically, he immediately reined in his mount, and shouted loudly: "There is an ambush ahead, everyone obeys the order, stop advancing!"

As soon as this remark came out, the hundreds of thousands of Chinese vanguards rushing to the front of the team stopped nervously.

At this time, the big Yue general galloped back immediately, quickly came to the front of the gorgeous carriage, and reported loudly: "My lord, there is an ambush in the North Laiyuan, and those Han dogs from Yangzhou City are buried in the litchi forest." I bought a mysterious firearm, it will explode if you touch it!"

Inside the carriage, everything was quiet.

After a moment of silence, suddenly, a cold and sinister voice slowly came from inside the carriage. "Hmph, it's a fool's errand to try to stop the advance of the king's army with this! Buck, drive all those slaves into the lychee forest now, and let them destroy the firearms buried in the forest!"

"Obey, Your Majesty!"

Buck saluted with a bow and fist, and then galloped back to the front of the team again.

In front of the team, hundreds of thousands of Han people crowded together at the edge of the lychee grove, all of them were pale, fearing that if they took a step forward, they would end up bloody like those few scouts.

After General Nabak came back on his horse, he suddenly waved his hand and shouted loudly: "Comfort the frightened horses, plug their ears, and move on!"

In an instant, the scene was full of panic and panic.

Tens of thousands of Da Yue soldiers coldly raised their sharp weapons and drove them away with merciless shouts and curses.

Driven by those Dayue people, the [-] Han people in front of the team could only bite the bullet, gritted their teeth and walked forward, moving forward.

For a time, [-] Han slaves poured into the litchi forest full of landmines like a tide.

Sure enough, thousands of Han Chinese slaves in front of them had just entered the woods, and in an instant, an extremely bloody and tragic scene appeared in front of everyone.

boom! !

In the lychee forest, the flames shot up into the sky, and the loud noises continued one after another.

The Han slaves had just poured into the woods for a moment, and they triggered hundreds of landmines buried in the ground.

In an instant, hundreds of landmines exploded at the same time within a radius of several kilometers.

A landmine weighing four kilograms suddenly bounced high among the crowd, and then exploded violently.

Shrapnel splashed and steel balls shot in all directions.

Hundreds of landmines exploded at the same time, what a terrifying scene!
On the spot, hundreds of people were thrown into the air by the strong shock wave generated by the explosion of the landmine, throwing them around.

Basically, all the Han Chinese who entered the woods were enveloped by steel ball shrapnel all over the sky.

All of a sudden, everyone was injured and fell to the ground, covered in bloody holes from the shells spattered by the mines.

In such a short blink of an eye, half of the thousands of Han slaves who entered the woods were killed or injured.

The Han people who followed closely saw that the thousands of compatriots who entered the woods first had suffered such horrific casualties. Suddenly, they were all terrified and trembling, and they dared not move on.

"Get up and keep going!"

A cold light flashed in Buck's eyes, and he shouted angrily: "No one is allowed to retreat, only to advance!"

Under the oppression of a group of ferocious Dayue soldiers, the Han people staying on the outskirts of the forest had no choice but to rush towards the forest in fear.

Soon, the [-] Han Chinese slaves at the front of the line, weeping and wailing one after another to open the front line, poured into the litchi forest like a tide.

boom!boom!boom! ...

Earth-shattering loud noises, like dense firecrackers, exploded in the crowd one after another.

This time, because a large number of people entered the minefield, they completely triggered the landmines buried in Beiliyuan.

In the entire Beiliyuan, there were thunderous explosions everywhere, and there were bloody and tragic scenes everywhere, wailing everywhere.

10 people poured into the minefield. Such a dense crowd is the most likely to detonate landmines, and it is also likely to cause large-scale casualties.

Suddenly, the Han slaves who rushed into the woods were completely frightened by the landmines buried in the forest. As the number of casualties continued to increase, they finally dared not go any further.

At this moment, who knows who led the screams, and then all the Han people who entered the lychee forest fled back towards the original road crying for their fathers and mothers.

Outside the lychee forest, five thousand Da Yue soldiers had already opened their bows and crossbows towards the forest.

I saw them staring coldly at the Han slaves who were about to escape from the forest, and coldly unfolded their bows. Thousands of sharp arrows aimed at the vital points of these Han people.

Soon, thousands of Han Chinese were enslaved and fled out of the woods in panic.

The moment they just stepped out of the woods, Buck's eyes flashed with murderous intent, and he ordered in a cold voice: "Shoot the arrow!"

With an order, thousands of Dai Yue archers shot and killed in the forest at the same time.

call out!call out!call out! ...

In an instant, a powerful rain of arrows enveloped the crowd of Han slaves who had already escaped from the woods. Thousands of Han slaves had not completely escaped from the woods, but they were pierced by the arrows one after another, and they vomited blood on the spot. Frothy fell to the ground.

Waves of powerful arrows rained mercilessly into the woods, and those Han slaves who fled back, under the bows and crossbows of the Dayue people, they were like harvested rice, scattered in pieces Howled and fell to the ground.

After shooting several waves of escaped Han slaves in a row, Buck waved his hand violently, telling his soldiers to stop shooting.

At this time, I saw him staring coldly at the trembling Han people hiding in the woods, and roared murderously: "You gang of Han dogs, I will listen to this general. Anyone who dares to take a step back will be killed without mercy!" !"

"What are you still doing in a daze, continue to advance for me!"

"Quickly get up for me, I will cut off your head with a knife!"

"Immortal thing, since you are lying on the ground and pretending to be dead, then I will completely kill you..."

In this way, driven by the ferocious oppression of the Dayue people, the remaining tens of thousands of Han people once again assembled into a line of hundreds of meters long, facing the minefield ahead, and slowly advancing forward.

And those Da Viet people, they followed the safe area trampled by those Han slaves, and crossed Beiliyuan step by step.

Today, the army led by Sang Kang was delayed for half a day because of being blocked by landmines. However, this group of vicious and cunning Dai Viet people did not suffer any injuries, because the ones who suffered the most were the Han Chinese who opened the way ahead .

The [-] Han Chinese slaves who led the battle, after breaking through the minefield of Beiliyuan, there are less than [-] left.

Originally, Nie Zheng's minefields were not enough to cause such heavy casualties to these Han people, but among the [-] Han people who were killed or injured, basically the vast majority died at the hands of those Da Viet people.

As long as the Han Chinese were injured by landmines or shot|shot, the Dai Viet people would not treat them, and all of them would be killed on the spot, saving these wounded Han Chinese from dragging their legs and wasting food...

(End of this chapter)

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