heavy weapon is king

Chapter 223 Entering the Fire Commercial Street Again

Chapter 223 Entering the Fire Commercial Street Again

When Yi Zixuan left, it was already after midnight.

Nie Zheng was left alone, sitting alone in the study, slowly meditating.

The two had just discussed for a long time, and agreed that since Sangkang had withdrawn his troops from Myanmar, he would lead all the elites to attack Yangzhou soon.

Yangzhou is the throat of the entire Annan County. If he is Sangkang, if Yangzhou is not recaptured quickly, the entire Annan County will be in jeopardy.

After all, Yangzhou City is located in the northern border of Annan County, and the northern border is the most flat and wide area in the entire Annan County.

Annan County has been rich in fish and rice since ancient times, especially in the northern border where Yangzhou is located, the fish and rice crops are the most abundant.

The Dai Viet people belong to a tribal people. For thousands of years, they have been living in the wild jungle on the north bank of the Mekong River. There are many mountains and dense forests, and there are not many plain land suitable for cultivation of crops.

Besides, since ancient times, the people of Dayue lived by the mountains and the sea, relying on hunting and fishing for their livelihood. Although they were brave and good at fighting, insidious and cunning, their agriculture was extremely backward.

Since the Dayue people occupied Annan County, which is fertile and rich in products, their material logistics has been greatly guaranteed.

Over the years, Sangkang, king of Dayue, led the elite tribesmen to fight in the north and south, constantly attacking the city and occupying the territory and resources of the surrounding tribal countries. He has the faint momentum of becoming the largest country in Nanyang.

However, the reason why the Great Viet Kingdom has grown so rapidly in the past 20 years is not only the great talent of King Sangkang of Dayue, but also the support from Annan County.

If it wasn't for Sangkang's foresight and long-term vision, he took the lead in leading the tribal coalition forces to occupy Annan County in the Song Dynasty, and it is estimated that Dayue Kingdom would not be so powerful and powerful now.

Siege the city and pull out the stronghold, conquer the north and the south, and fight for a steady stream of logistics and consumption.

Among other things, the daily consumption of food and grass, weapons and supplies for the [-] troops of Sangkangna who fought in Myanmar alone was a huge expense.

If they had only relied on the logistical supplies in Dai Viet's country, the people of Da Viet would have been dragged down long ago. How could they dare to compete with Myanmar, which is also strong in troops and rich in resources?

In the entire southwest frontier, it is estimated that only Annan County is the most prosperous place.

Annan County, with 28 counties in five cities, has a population of nearly 800 million. Due to the fertile land, wide and flat terrain, abundant rainfall, and abundant resources, the entire Annan County can produce tens of millions of grains of grain every year.

Such a rich and huge property provided strong logistical support for the ambitious Sangkang.

It can be said that for so many years, if it were not for the support of Annan County, Sangkang would not be able to achieve the current climate at all.

Therefore, Annan County is the granary of the Dai Viet people, the foundation for the development and growth of the Dai Viet people, and the top priority for the Dai Viet people to occupy.

For Sang Kang, this is his backyard. Although he forcibly took this backyard from Da Song, it is also his backyard.

Now that the backyard has been invaded by Nie Zheng and other outside forces, Sang Kang must not sit still. He must lead his troops to defend his backyard and wipe out Nie Zheng and other outside forces.

Ever since Nie Zheng led the troops to occupy Yangzhou, he knew very well that sooner or later he and Sang Kang would have a life-and-death battle.

However, what he never expected was that this great battle would come so soon.

In order to ensure that there will be no accidents in Annan County, Sang Kang would rather give up the Burmese country that is about to be captured, and withdraw to Annan in a hurry.

It can be seen from this that Annan County cannot be lost in his heart.

According to Chen Shou's information, the troops of the Dayue people are heading to Zengzhou three hundred miles away. As for when the King of Dayue, Sangkang, will lead the elite army of the tribe, Nie Zheng is not very sure yet. clear.

However, when Yi Zixuan left just now, Nie Zheng specifically told him that during this time, he must keep in touch with Chen Shou and find out Sang Kang's movements at any time.

If you want to grasp the victory of a war, you must first grasp intelligence.

Only by knowing yourself and the enemy can you be victorious in every battle. Nie Zheng still understands the basic truth on this battlefield.

Now that he has learned that the Dayue people are coming soon, Nie Zheng has to hurry up and prepare his army for war.

In the following period of time, Nie Zheng felt that he had to buy a large amount of weapons and ammunition in advance, and then reorganize and train an arms force.

There are also those dragon blood and dragon marrow stored in the arms commercial street. Nie Zheng plans to find a better opportunity in the next two days to let Shen Hongyu and Shi Zheng select a group of dragons and tigers from the tens of thousands of volunteers. He must be an elite in martial arts, and distribute the dragon blood to them, so as to improve their strength in the shortest possible time.

Sangkang's tribal coalition forces are coming, and Nie Zheng must prepare for the battle in advance.

Although he has not fought against the king of Dayue, Sangkang, and does not know the true combat effectiveness of the elite army of Dayue, since Sangkang can lead the elite tribes to fight in the south and north, and sweep Nanyang, according to Nie Zheng's speculation, Sangkang The team that is personally commanded is definitely very strong in combat effectiveness.

Especially the legendary giant elephant cavalry, it is estimated that ordinary weapons and weapons cannot pose a fatal threat to them.

In order to ensure the superior armed firepower, Nie Zheng had to go to the munitions commercial street and buy as many as possible of all the urgently needed munitions and weapons.

Besides, what concerned Nie Zheng the most was his dragon python bone marrow.

At present, he still has a whole jar of dragon marrow unopened in the Arms Commercial Street.

He is not very clear about the effect of the dragon marrow, so after entering the Arms Commercial Street, he must ask Jack and the others carefully.

Jack and the others must know more about these things.

After all, there seems to be a genetic laboratory hidden in the Arms Commercial Street, and after the dragon python was hunted last time, all the blood and bone marrow of the dragon python were dragged to the genetic laboratory for storage.

After such a long time, it is estimated that those guys in the laboratory should have figured out the specific function of the dragon python's bone marrow, right?
Thinking of this, Nie Zheng prepared to take out the super chip and enter the arms commercial street.

Turning his head to look at the sky outside the window, he found that it was pitch black outside at the moment, and estimated the time, at least it was around two o'clock in the morning.

In the dead of night, it happened to be an excellent opportunity for him to open the door of time and space.

Thinking up to this point, Nie Zheng immediately stood up and quickly closed and fastened all the doors and windows in the study.

After finishing all the preparations, he quickly took out the super chip that hadn't been used for many days from his pocket, aimed at the transparent button in the middle that was already full, and pressed it lightly.

In the study room, the light soared.

In an instant, a gleaming gate of time and space appeared in front of Nie Zheng out of thin air so strangely.

Standing outside the gate of time and space, Nie Zheng took a deep breath, and then sneaked in without hesitation.


hum! !

His eyes went dark, and there was a strange humming in his ears.

Nie Zheng hurriedly opened his eyes again after a short period of blankness in his mind, and he found that he appeared outside the gate of the No. [-] Arms Block.

There was no need to look back, he knew very well that Jack would definitely appear behind him within three seconds.

Sure enough, within three seconds, Jack's familiar and unfamiliar voice suddenly rang in Nie Zheng's ears.

"Welcome to the Arms Commercial Street again, sir. Is there anything I can do for you?"

Nie Zheng shook his head and smiled, then turned around and found that Jack was looking at him with a smile on his face at the moment, with the same expression as before, very respectful.

After seeing him appear, Nie Zheng didn't talk nonsense, and directly ordered: "Jack, take it to No. [-] Arms Commercial Street immediately, I am going to buy a large number of rifles."

"Okay, sir, please take the teleportation elevator with me!"

Soon, under the leadership of Jack, the two took the underground transmission elevator, and within a few seconds, they came to the No. [-] Arms Block.

To be honest, since the opening of the higher-level arms block at the back, Nie Zheng basically hasn't visited the No. [-] and No. [-] blocks.

But today, he had to go into the No. [-] block.

Because later he plans to buy a lot of rifles here.

In the past, when he was in Longhushan, Nie Zheng did not equip his team with a large number of rifles. It was because of insufficient funds, and the rifles had strict requirements for the shooters, especially the single-shot rifles. Have a certain accuracy and hit rate, otherwise, it is a waste of ammunition.

In the past, he liked to buy assault rifles like the AK47, because that weapon was simple to operate and extremely easy to use. As long as he wasn't a particularly stupid jackass, he could basically learn it in a short time.

AK47, when it was on the earth in the previous life, it was a famous fool's gun|arms.

No matter if you are a novice or a veteran, just hold it in the direction where the target appears, and you will be done after a while of "chug". Anyway, as long as you have enough ammunition, you can shoot all the way there.

But Nie Zheng's situation is different now. He has tens of thousands of people under his command. If each person is issued an AK47, he simply cannot afford it.

The price of an empty AK47 gun in the second block is 1 yuan, and tens of thousands of guns will cost hundreds of millions of dollars to buy.

Although the price of the gun is reasonable, the bullets of the rifle are very expensive. They are at the same price as the bullets of the heavy machine gun, 20 yuan a round.

If an AK47 is equipped with 2 rounds of ammunition, it will cost at least [-] yuan.

Once there is a large-scale battle with the enemy, the [-] rounds of bullets fall into the hands of those soil turtles, and it is estimated that they will be able to shoot a few rounds at most before they are gone.

Those uneducated bumpkins, don't expect them to know how to save ammunition and save you money.

So when you come in this time, you must choose some low-priced, high-performance, and durable single-shot rifles.

(End of this chapter)

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