Chapter 209 Gatling Six Barrel Vulcan Cannon VS Ninth Grade Master
The mysterious figure, like a flash of lightning, swept within a range of 600 meters in an instant.

Seeing this scene, Nie Zheng's face darkened, his eyes flashed coldly, and he shouted angrily: "Fire, kill him!"

With an order, forty clone soldiers picked up the six-barreled Vulcan cannon and the M134 heavy machine gun, and pulled the trigger fiercely in the direction in which the mysterious personnel came.

Bang bang bang! ! !
Ten six-barreled Vulcan cannons and twenty Gatling M134 heavy machine guns fired almost at the same time.

Immediately, the 180 gun barrels, in the rapid rotation, crazily ejected tongues of flame like thunder.

A stream of bullets poured out like a violent storm, covering the entire area where the mysterious figure was in a ferocious barrage.

In an instant, countless dazzling lines of fire blasted the woods ahead, sawdust flying, tree trunks breaking, and tall trees with thick waists collapsing one after another.

Under the bombardment of dozens of Gatling guns, the spectacular scene can only be described in one word: horror.

Facing the ferocious strafing of thousands of shells, he seemed to have expected the figure that entered the woods.

At the moment when all the Vulcan cannons and heavy machine guns fired, he suddenly stopped his forward pace, and flew around the woods around the camp extremely quickly, flying like a ghost.

His figure was extremely fast, every time these clone soldiers just turned the barrel of the gun, he flew from this place to another direction in an instant.

All the bullets fired by the six-barreled Vulcan cannon and the heavy machine gun "crackled" into the empty space, and none of the bullets could hit the target at all.

Obviously, this mysterious expert seemed to know Gatling's heavy firepower, so he kept circling the camp 600 meters away from the camp, intending to consume Nie Zheng's firepower and ammunition.

Seeing this scene, Nie Zheng frowned, secretly worried.

The person is not good!
This person, whether it is martial arts strength or body speed, is not comparable to ordinary warrior masters.

What made Nie Zheng even more headache was that the mysterious master in front of him had a very high IQ.

Although he was circling 600 meters away, he did not easily go any further. Obviously, the opponent was well aware of the terrifying power of the six-barreled Vulcan cannon, and he probably felt that he did not have the strength to resist, so he chose to circle around the periphery , to consume Nie Zheng's ammunition.

The enemy's purpose is obvious, but Nie Zheng's situation is very passive.

The environment around the woods is a bit complicated, with many rocks and dense woods, which is very suitable for finding shelters to avoid bullet attacks.

Besides, with the moving speed of the other party's ghost, in this vast mountain forest extending in all directions, it is really difficult for Nie Zheng to kill him with his machine guns and machine guns.

If it was daytime, or on a flat wilderness, and the mysterious master dared to circle around the camp like this, then Nie Zheng was sure that the enemy would not survive for half a minute.

But the situation in front of him was completely different. The mysterious master could not only use the dark night to hide his figure, but also rely on countless tree trunks and rocks to hide his figure.

What made Nie Zheng even more troublesome was that all the Gatling six-barreled Vulcan guns and M134 heavy machine guns were not equipped with thermal imaging night vision observations. Therefore, most of the time, these clone soldiers also listened to Nie Zheng. Commanding, constantly turning the barrel, chasing and firing in the direction of the mysterious master's movement, there is no target at all.

In this way, not only the hit rate is severely reduced, but the ammunition is also consumed quickly.

In the end, having no choice but to follow the original deployment, Nie Zheng had forty clone soldiers turn back to the barrels and still defend the four directions of the south, east, north and west respectively. In this way, although the firepower was reduced a lot, but But it can reduce the consumption of ammunition.

After that round of fierce pursuit and shooting just now, Nie Zheng now has very little ammunition left.

The ammunition of the six-barreled Vulcan cannon is less than 134 rounds, and the ammunition of the Gatling M[-] heavy machine gun is only in the early [-]s.

Such a small amount of ammunition can no longer withstand the frantic strafing of the clone soldiers.

The situation suddenly became tense.

At this moment, all the elite dragons and tigers guarding Nie Zheng noticed that the expression on Nie Zheng's face became more and more serious, and his brows became more and more wrinkled.

In the entire camp, except for Wu Xuanyin, everyone looked solemn and secretly felt something was wrong.

The firepower of the pursuit suddenly weakened, and the mysterious master seemed to have noticed it.

At this time, the other party approached another hundred meters as if provocative. At this moment, he was already less than 500 meters away from the camp.

Suddenly, the mysterious master stopped and did not move forward. At the same time, he did not circle around the camp.

Seeing this scene, Nie Zheng's face darkened, he didn't understand what kind of medicine the other party's gourd was selling, and what was his intention?
However, since the opponent dared to stop, for Nie Zheng, this was an excellent opportunity to shoot.

"At one o'clock in front of the right, fire!"

"Yes, sir!"

After hearing Nie Zheng's order, the ten clone soldiers guarding the front immediately controlled three six-barreled Vulcan cannons and four M134 heavy machine guns, and fired ferociously in the direction Nie Zheng pointed.

Bang bang bang! !

A storm-like barrage poured out, and went straight to the area where the mysterious master was.

What surprised Nie Zheng was that the mysterious master remained motionless.

After a while, Nie Zhen could clearly see bursts of intense sparks coming from in front of the other party, and Nie Zheng understood what was going on on the spot.

That guy must be hiding behind a boulder, so his own Vulcan cannon and Gatling heavy machine gun can't do anything about him at all.

Now, as long as the enemy keeps hiding behind the boulder and doesn't come out, even if I finish all the ammunition, it is estimated that it will be difficult to damage the opponent's hair.

No more wasting ammo like this.

Thinking of this, Nie Zheng immediately ordered all clone soldiers to stop firing and see what the enemies hiding behind the boulder would do next.

It is necessary to save some ammunition for close-range protection, otherwise, if all of them are fired at once, the enemy will sooner or later see the weakness and come over.

The thunderous gunshots came to an abrupt end!

The sudden cessation of fire in Nie Zheng's camp seemed to make the mysterious master feel a little confused.

Just now, the six-barreled Vulcan cannon covered the boulder in front of it, and the bombed gravel flew, breaking and shaking, which also shocked this mysterious master.

Although Nie Zheng stopped shooting now, he still hid behind the boulder, not daring to take any action lightly.

At a distance of less than 500 meters, many big trees in this area have been knocked down. It is difficult for him to find a suitable cover to withstand the six-barreled Vulcan cannon. Therefore, he can only temporarily hide behind the boulder and look inside the camp What kind of means do the Han Chinese have?

Inside the woods, there was a mess.

There were bloody broken corpses everywhere, and the broken trees fell on the ground in all directions.

The night was still as dark as ink.

There was silence everywhere, a deathly silence.

Nie Zheng and the others waited in the camp without making a sound, and the mysterious master hiding 500 meters away was also standing silently behind the boulder, Senhan's eyes flashed The erratic light, I don't know what is calculating in the bottom of my heart.

At this moment, both sides are at a stalemate, waiting.

Waiting for the other party to break the deadlock.

Although Nie Zheng ordered everyone to stop firing, he secretly aimed his gun at the hiding place of the mysterious master.

The two snipers had already taken back the two snipers equipped with thermal imaging scopes.

The two of them found a place suitable for sniping in the camp, quietly lay down, set up the sniper rifle, and stared at the target without blinking. They will shoot and snipe as quickly as possible.

Although they are not sure whether the sniper rifles in their hands can injure the target, but as long as they can hit the target, even if the target's body is hindered, it can buy a moment of attack time for the commander .

At this moment, everyone's attention was attracted by the mysterious master in front of him.

But Nie Zheng remained vigilant all the time.

So far, judging from the ghostly movement speed of the mysterious master, the other party must be a master above the peak of an eighth-rank warrior.

If what Wu Xuanyin said is true, then the other party is definitely one of the gold and silver envoys in the Snake God Cult.

Except for the Holy Envoy of the Golden Snake and the Holy Envoy of the Silver Snake, Nie Zheng could no longer think of who the other party was.

The golden snake and the silver snake have always been inseparable.

Where there is a golden snake, there must be a silver snake accompanying it, and where there is a golden snake, the golden snake must also be lurking around.

Therefore, Nie Zheng has been guessing that the mysterious master hidden behind the boulder, is he (she) the envoy of the Golden Snake?Or the Holy Angel of the Silver Snake?

All the remaining ammunition, added together, is less than [-] rounds.

Therefore, from now on, Nie Zheng must use sparingly. Unless he is sure of killing, otherwise, he must not blindly chase and shoot like just now.

Because, the speed of the opponent's movement is so fast that everyone's guns can't keep up with the changing rhythm of the enemy's movement.

The distance of 500 meters is neither too far nor too close.

Although the enemy's movement speed is fast, it still takes a moment to rush over.

But as long as Nie Zheng still kept some ammunition, the closer the enemy was to the camp, the higher the hit rate of Gatling's heavy firepower. Of course, the greater the risk of being attacked and killed by himself and others.

Unfortunately, considering the current situation, Nie Zheng has no choice, because the ammunition is in short supply, so he can only sit on the sidelines and wait for the opportunity.

Since the mysterious expert was stubbornly hiding behind the boulder and could not come out, while Nie Zheng was waiting secretly, he did not forget to hold the thermal imaging telescope and carefully observed in other directions around the camp.

Suddenly, right behind the camp, in the woods not far away, a ghostly figure appeared again...

(End of this chapter)

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