heavy weapon is king

Chapter 205 "Stinger" anti-aircraft missile (3 more)

Chapter 205 "Stinger" anti-aircraft missile (three shifts)
Through the thermal imaging telescope in his hand, Nie Zheng clearly saw several huge red figures suddenly appearing in the night sky in front of the forest on the left.

Judging from the volume and shape of that figure, it looks like a bat flying high in the night sky.

The size of these bats is very large, and each of them spreads its wings at least four or five meters wide.

At the same time, Nie Zheng was surprised to find that there seemed to be a figure standing on the backs of these giant bats.

Seeing this scene, his expression changed, and he secretly felt that these bats looked familiar. After trying to recall them for a while, Nie Zheng finally remembered that there seemed to be a powerful assassin on the night of attacking the city gate of Yangzhou. A giant bat descends from the sky.

That night, if it weren't for the outstanding performance of Li Yan, the cripple, he would have died at the hands of the Batrider long ago.

Thinking of this, Nie Zheng's heart sank, and he took the thermal imaging telescope again, carefully and quickly searched the night sky around the forest.

I don’t know, I’m scared.

On the night sky on the left and right sides in front of the forest, several giant bat figures appeared again.

Following the appearance of these giant bats, a large group of giant bats appeared one after another behind them.

Nie Zheng counted them a little bit, and there are at least thirty or more.

Those giant bats are all flying hundreds of meters in the air, and they seem to have just arrived from elsewhere, and they are at least four to five hundred meters away from the woods.

After learning about the appearance of giant bats in the night sky, Wu Xuanyin frowned and said, "Commander, these Da Yue people really spent their money to assassinate you. The two elite forces of the Snake God Sect, Silver Snake Dark Armor and All the bat riders have been dispatched, it seems that Sangkang, the thief, was really angry after seeing the commander captured Yangzhou City."

Hearing this, Nie Zheng's heart moved, and he couldn't help asking: "So, those giant bats are the Batriders of the Snake Sect?"

Wu Xuanyin nodded with a smile, and said: "That's right, except for the Snake God Sect, no one is proficient in raising so many strange beasts and fierce birds. In the Snake God Sect, there are not only strange beasts like ghost bats, but even The water monkeys you encountered before are all beasts domesticated by the Zombie Sect. In addition, they have also bred all kinds of Gu insects and poisonous snakes. Anyway, the group of people in the Snake Sect are evil There are countless techniques."

Speaking of this, he paused, and flattered with disdain: "These Da Viet people don't know how powerful the Marshal is, let alone the mere Silver Snake, Dark Armor and Ghost Bat Rider, they are the two giants of the Golden Snake and the Silver Snake. When the envoy comes, in front of the commander in chief, there will be no turning back, and he will surely die! Hmph, a mere group of Da Yue natives wanting to break ground on the commander in chief is simply a dream, and they don't know how to live or die..."

Nie Zheng was not in the mood to listen to Wu Xuanyin's flattery.

He knew how much he weighed, and if it was true what Wu Xuanyin said, the gold and silver envoys from the Snake God Cult came to assassinate him, and he probably would have been in trouble tonight.

Although Nie Zheng has never seen the real means of the Golden Snake and Silver Snake envoys, it is conceivable that since these two great envoys can be in the Snake God Sect, and their power and status are second only to the Snake God leader, then the two of them Human strength is estimated to be very strong.

You must know that the black-clothed armored soldiers under the command of the Silver Snake Saint Envoy just now are all above the sixth-rank high-ranking warriors.

I heard Wu Xuanyin mention it before, the two holy envoys, the Golden Snake and the Silver Snake, within the Snake God Sect, not only rank second only to the leader of the Snake God "Blood Slaughter City", but their martial arts strength should not be far from that of the Blood Slaughter City That's right.

Otherwise, why would the two of them hold high positions in the Snake God Sect and each be in charge of an elite force?
Thinking up to this point, Nie Zheng secretly became worried.

Compared with the bat riders in the night sky, Nie Zheng was more worried about the arrival of the gold and silver snakes.

If they came to the assassination in person, they would definitely choose the most appropriate time to appear. At that time, they don't know whether the heavy firepower weapons they have can successfully intercept and kill the powerful enemy.

Facing top enemies like the Gold and Silver Snakes, there is no other way but to fight recklessly, and it is already impossible to seek refuge in the Arms Commercial Street at a critical moment.

Because, the permission to open it once every three days has just been used by Nie Zheng to buy the six-barreled Vulcan cannon.

Regardless of whether the Golden Snake Holy Envoy and the Silver Snake Holy Envoy came with the assassination team, the most important thing right now is to find a way to kill the group of Ghost Knights in the sky as soon as possible.

Thinking of this, Nie Zheng looked up at the night sky again.

Dozens of huge bats were seen flying and circling over the forest at a distance of hundreds of meters, but they did not dive down to attack for a long time.

Obviously, the heavy fire weapon of Gatling that Nie Zheng deployed in the woods just now should have aroused the vigilance of the Ghost Batriders.

It is estimated that they have appeared near Wufeng Mountain a long time ago. The reason why they appeared a few minutes later than those black armored soldiers should be to patrol and search around here.

The last time Nie Zheng went out of the city, he brought a total of 26 people, including Niu Meng, five snipers, and twenty elite dragon and tigers selected by Xu Shijie.

But tonight they were camping in the woods, and there were only 19 of them. Therefore, those Ghost Riders must have wondered, where did the remaining seven go?Ambushes around the woods?

So they probably spent some time searching the sky for the whereabouts of the other seven people.

But what they never expected was that the seven people had accidentally died in the cave when they were hunting the dragon python in Gulongkeng.

According to Nie Zheng's guess, the plan of the two hundred silver snake dark armors and dozens of ghost bat riders tonight should be to attack from top to bottom, enter the camp in one fell swoop, and kill himself and others.

But just because those Ghost Batriders came a few minutes late, the situation was reversed, and the two hundred black-clothed soldiers who outflanked the night attack all died tragically under the six Vulcan cannons.

If they had attacked from top to bottom just now, Nie Zheng would be in a very dangerous situation.

Although the Gatling six-barreled Vulcan cannon and M134 heavy machine gun have strong offensive firepower, they have great flaws in anti-aircraft anti-aircraft fire.

Because the Gatling heavy firepower weapons that Nie Zheng bought today are not specialized anti-aircraft machine guns and machine guns. These two weapons are all flat-firing guns.

If you insist on using it for anti-aircraft high-firing, the shooting angle is not enough, and the hit rate and power of the high-firing will be greatly weakened. Besides, those ghost knights seem to have been smeared with the color-changing invisibility drug. With the help of thermal imaging, if Nie Zheng uses the Vulcan cannon and the M134 heavy machine gun to deal with the giant bats in the night sky, he will undoubtedly be at a disadvantage and passive.

Not to mention the difficulty of hitting the target, what made Nie Zheng even more impatient was that he would waste a lot of ammunition.

You know, the heavy firepower weapons of the Gatling series are the most efficient bullet handling machines in the world, and they are also crazy money-burning machines.

Dozens of Vulcan cannons and heavy machine guns opened fire at the same time just now. Although they successfully killed all the soldiers in black, the hundreds of thousands of rounds of ammunition that Nie Zheng had just purchased had already been exhausted.

Looking at the ammunition box at the scene, it is estimated that there is less than [-]% of the ammunition left at most.

These tens of thousands of rounds of ammunition were simply not enough to deal with those Ghost Batriders in the air.

Now, dozens of giant bats are constantly circling back and forth above the forest, and depending on the situation, those bat riders dare not rush down to attack easily.

Seeing this scene, Nie Zheng's heart suddenly moved. He suddenly remembered that when he first entered the Arms Commercial Street, didn't he buy two hundred "Stinger" individual air defense missiles under Jack's promotion?

If you take out those "stinger" anti-aircraft missiles, do you know if you can successfully kill those ghost bat riders?

(PS: Presented at the third watch, this chapter is for the book friend "Little Puppet" rudder master, thank him for the reward of 65 starting coins, and then Lord Hou will add [-] more chapters for the "Passionate" lord In addition, there is also a book friend’s ten thousand rewards plus updates. Finally, two more chapters will be added for the scattered rewards of [-] book friends last week. Don’t worry, every book friend’s rewards, Hou Ye Don't worry, as long as you have accumulated [-] starting coins, Master Hou will consciously add changes, without your urging, and finally ask for a few monthly tickets, and recommend tickets, and continue to code later...)
(End of this chapter)

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