heavy weapon is king

Chapter 20 The Sensation in Heifengzhai

Chapter 20 The Sensation in Heifengzhai
This time Nie Zheng led two hundred elites to attack Gaojiazhuang at night, although dozens of brothers were injured, but everyone was sighing and sad, and their hearts were filled with the excitement of a big harvest.

Under the command of everyone, hundreds of servants and servants in Gaojiazhuang, plus more than 100 heroes in Heifengzhai, were busy from the first half of the night to the second half of the night. All the valuable and useful things in the village were removed.

After everyone finished tossing around, they roughly counted the amount of money and items, and immediately, everyone took a deep breath.

250 cattle, horses and mule carts were all fully loaded.

In addition, dozens of wheelbarrows were also piled up with various sundries and utensils.

In short, Nie Zheng led the team to rob the manor this time, like locusts crossing the ground, not a single blade of grass can grow. It is no exaggeration to describe this group of bandits in Heifengzhai, really like a group of crazy locusts. Completely evacuated.

Around two or three o'clock in the morning, Nie Zheng began to assemble the convoy of people and horses, preparing to escort the huge convoy back to Heifengling.

As for the hundreds of family servants in Gao's Manor, Nie Zheng still refused to let them go easily after working tirelessly for most of the night for Heifeng Village.

In the end, Nie Zheng temporarily ordered these servants to act as coachmen and horsemen in Heifeng Village, asking them to assist his troops and escort hundreds of carts of money, food and materials back to the mountain.

The more than 100 bandit elites brought by Nie Zheng were ordered to guard and escort them.

At this time, Nie Zheng stood outside the gate of Gaojiazhuang, looking at the convoy that was already ready to leave, and ordered loudly: "Brothers, go back to the mountain!"

As soon as this remark came out, amidst the cheers of bandits, everyone escorted hundreds of carts of money, food and supplies, and slowly drove away from Gaojiazhuang.

Along the way, due to the darkness of the night road and the large number of horses and carts, Nie Zheng and the others returned to the mountain at a slower speed than they could go down the mountain with light packs.

Besides, in addition to hundreds of cattle, horses, mule carts, and wheelbarrows, Zhang Dazhuang even ordered his subordinates to drive out all the pigs, dogs, chickens, ducks, and other poultry and livestock in the Gaojiazhuang. Among them, some servants who are good at raising poultry and livestock are specially selected to drive and take care of them.

Nie Zheng saw that behind the huge convoy, followed closely by a large group of pigs, sheep, chickens and ducks, the scale was half a mile long, all kinds of barks and crows, feathers flying in shock, that chaotic scene of stinking waves churning and roaring , It is simply blinding.

Nie Zheng was sitting on top of the horse, Zhang Long and Zhao Hu were leading the way ahead, remembering that Zhang Dazhuang and others were behind the convoy, and at the same time were responsible for driving away the poultry and livestock that hadn't woken up, Nie Zheng couldn't help it. Shaking his head and laughing, he scolded: "This Zhang Dazhuang, thanks to him being able to figure it out, actually drove such a large amount of poultry and livestock on the road, it's too arrogant, too ostentatious. If the colleagues in Longhushan know about this, wouldn't they laugh out loud , I thought we in Heifeng Village had changed jobs to become herdsmen."

As soon as this remark came out, some Bandit minions jumped up and down with laughter when they heard it, and they were extremely happy.

In this way, a group of horse convoys, led by Nie Zheng, headed for Heifengling more than 100 miles away.

On the way, because there were too many people and supplies, and the mountain road was extremely rough and difficult, everyone had to stop and go, push and pull, and tidy up and tidy up and down again and again, so as to ensure the smooth progress of the huge convoy.

Finally, after six days and six nights of trekking over mountains and mountains, Nie Zheng and his team of vehicles and horses managed to reach the boundary of Heifengling with difficulty.

Although the process was difficult, no one complained.

From the beginning to the end, the faces of all the bandits were filled with excited and joyful smiles.Of course, except for the hundreds of servants who were pulled by Nie Zheng to work as coolies.

During this period of time, they have been tossed miserably by the gang of Heifengzhai. They drive horse-drawn carts day and night, and when they encounter bad roads, they have to carry ropes on their backs, like a herd of bulls. Pulling forward in the same way, after a few days, this group of dog legs who are used to being domineering in Dahe Town on weekdays are tired, their backs ache, and they have lost a lot of weight.

These dogs of Gaojiazhuang, they are praying every day, hoping to arrive at Heifengling as soon as possible, only then will they be able to get rid of this nightmare life completely.

Sometimes, these scumbags always think that even going to the [-]th floor of hell is better than meeting these bandits in Heifengzhai.Therefore, every time these dog legs are in the dead of night, they swear in their hearts that they will never serve as servants to those rich and noble families in this life, because this kind of life is too dangerous. The bandit master who robbed the village was hired to work as a cow and a horse, not to mention that he couldn't eat well or sleep well, and if he was lazy, he would inevitably be beaten and scolded fiercely.

These bandits in Heifengzhai are nothing short of vicious beasts!It's just... just terrible...


After arriving at the boundary of Heifengling, Nie Zheng immediately ordered his subordinates to send out a signal to notify Fatty Fang, Wang Gang and other leaders guarding the cottage so that they could send people down to respond.

After all, escorting so much money, food and goods back to the mountain this time really exhausted everyone.

Moreover, Heifengzhai was built on the top of the mountain. If there were not enough people to help, it would be difficult to transport so many trucks of goods to the base camp in a short time.

Fatty Fang and Wang Gang, who stayed behind in Heifengzhai, were overjoyed after receiving the notification from the head of the village, and immediately ordered more than 200 brothers who stayed behind in the village to come out in full force and go down the mountain to help carry the food supplies.

Under the leadership of the two leaders, Fang and Wang, a group of bandits left behind rushed to the foot of the mountain very quickly, and successfully joined forces with Nie Zheng's robbery army.

When Fatty Fang, Wang Gang and other hundreds of bandits left behind saw the road below the mountain piled up with vehicles full of money and food, everyone was excited.

"Oh my god! The village master has moved the entire Dahe Town back!"

"Oh, Sun Laosan, are my eyes blurry? Look at the dozens of cars here, all of which are filled with copper coins!"

"Crazy! Crazy! The cars are full of money, this one too, that one too... the cars here are also full, my God, are the village masters robbing the government's treasury?"

"Haha, Er Gouzi, now our Heifengzhai can be regarded as developed! There are more than 100 vehicles here, all of which are full of grain, haha, now our Sitang no longer has to worry about food, haha... "

"Wine! Wine! My God, there are so many jars, all of which are filled with wine! And it's still the best Xuelong Shao, God, the earth, I, Xu Daxiong, can finally drink Xuelong Shao, huh... "

Seeing the excited and frenzied appearance of the bandits left behind, Zhang Dazhuang, Yang Feihu and others were also overwhelmed with emotions, and said in their hearts: "If Master Nie hadn't led the team out of the mountain this time, they probably wouldn't be able to do it in their lifetime. This is such a big deal."

You know, in the 20 years since the establishment of the Heifeng Village, such a huge transaction has never been made.

Even during the peak period of Heifengzhai, when the two old village owners Nie Shirong and Shen Tieqiang were still alive, they did the biggest business, but they only robbed five thousand copper coins and returned eighty carts of grain.

Even so, at that time, it had spread quickly throughout Longhu Mountain, making colleagues on other mountain tops jealous and envious.

Today, it took less than ten days for Master Nie Shaozhai to rob nearly 150 copper coins, [-] carts of grain, silk and satin, gold and silver jewelry, antique calligraphy and paintings, precious medicinal materials, cattle, sheep and livestock, and other miscellaneous goods. countless.

The total value of the transactions made this time down the mountain is at least tens of thousands of copper coins.

Tens of thousands of copper coins, what a terrifying amount!
You must know that in the current Song Dynasty, all the taxes of an ordinary county town are only tens of thousands of guan in a year. Like some impoverished counties in remote areas, the annual tax revenue is not even so much.

In short, this time, Master Nie personally led a team down the mountain to rob the manor, and the transaction made broke the decades-old record of Heifengzhai.

It is estimated that in the entire Longhu Mountain Range, among the dozens of prominent bandit forces, there are probably not many cottages that can do such a big business like Heifeng Village.

At this moment, Nie Zheng was riding a tall horse, standing on a sloping field, looking at the foot of the mountain full of cartloads of gold, silver, property and food, he saw hundreds of bandits surrounding him with crazy expressions, excited Excited nonsense endless.

Suddenly, in Nie Zheng's heart, an unparalleled sense of superiority arose spontaneously.

Gently touching his chin, Nie Zheng pretended to be disdainful and despised the bandits, and muttered to himself in an extremely pretentious tone: "Isn't it just dozens of carts of copper coins and more than 100 carts of grain? Look Excited these bumpkins, I really have never seen the world, hehe... If I rob the state government's treasury in the future, then I don't know how crazy you natives will become, hey... really useless !..."

(End of this chapter)

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