heavy weapon is king

Chapter 197 Marshal Nie Is About to Become a Superman

Chapter 197 Marshal Nie Is About to Become a Superman
Inside the simple tent, Nie Zheng was lying in it, all kinds of changes appeared on the skin of his whole body, and Nie Zheng, who was a sleeper, did not respond.

And the few guards outside who were patrolling the night, they couldn't see the change in the tent, otherwise, if they saw their own commander, who was sleeping with his eyes closed and covered with golden scales, they would probably be scared to death .

The golden scales covering Nie Zheng's skin continued to grow and expand, from the size of a fingernail to the size of a coin behind.

The farther to the back, the color of those golden scales became more and more golden and hard, faintly emitting a faint halo.

In the distance, several night guards turned their heads several times, and they all noticed faint golden lights coming from inside the marshal's tent.

Although they had some doubts in their hearts, they did not dare to step forward to check without authorization.

After following the commander-in-chief for so long, no one in the entire Dragon and Tiger Army knows about it. The commander-in-chief has a quirk. No one is allowed to disturb him while he is sleeping. Meng, the handsome man must be furious.

Tonight, Nie Zheng slept extraordinarily soundly, and also slept extraordinarily drowsily, to the point where he couldn't wake up from thunder.

You must know that he was reborn in the entire strange ancient times for such a long time, and he has never slept so deeply like tonight.

For a long time, Nie Zheng's sleep has been very shallow, and he would easily wake up if there was any disturbance, and he was very serious about his bed. Not practical.

But tonight, the quality of his sleep was surprisingly good.

At this moment, the golden scales covering his face slowly shrank and faded after ten minutes of growth and diffusion.

After a few minutes, his skin returned to normal.

But after more than ten minutes, his skin began to be covered with a large number of golden goose bumps, and then those small bumps began to grow and spread, and instantly turned into a layer of golden armor, covering his whole body tightly. .

After going back and forth like this for more than a dozen times, slowly, traces of black and red sweat began to ooze from the pores all over Nie Zheng's body.

The dark red sweat seemed to be mixed with a lot of dirt and impurities, as if all the dirt and impurities hidden in Nie Zheng's body were excreted through the pores.

However, Nie Zheng in his sleep didn't know anything about a mutation in his body. On the contrary, as more and more impurities in his body were eliminated from his body, his face became more rosy. The breathing became longer and thicker...


The next day, early morning.

When the hazy sun slowly rose from the distant horizon, the entire Panlong Valley gradually brightened up.

At this time, Nie Zheng, who had been in a deep sleep, suddenly opened his eyes.

The moment Nie Zheng opened his eyes, suddenly, within his pupils, two dazzling golden lights flashed for a moment. After a while, his eyes returned to normal.

Stretching comfortably, Nie Zheng sat up slowly.

"Last night, I slept really soundly, and now I wake up feeling refreshed and full of energy."

Nie Zheng was sitting in the tent. He moved his arms and thighs. Suddenly, he was pleasantly surprised to find that his thighs, which were still a little sore and swollen last night, suddenly returned to normal when he woke up this morning. He had a faint feeling that his body seemed to be a little different now, but he couldn't tell what was different.

Full of doubts, Nie Zheng opened the tent and came outside in good spirits.

The moment he walked out of the tent, he immediately felt that he was obviously different from what he used to think.

First of all, his eyes are much brighter than before, and what he sees now is far clearer and brighter than before.

At this time, a guard in charge of night watch was shaking his crotch to urinate a hundred meters away.

When Nie Zheng raised his head slightly, he could clearly see the hair on the back of the other's neck, as well as a few black moles the size of sesame seeds, which were extremely clear.

At the same time, when Nie Zheng paid a little attention, he could hear the sound of everyone's breathing, and he could distinguish who was making the sound by the thickness and length of the breathing sound.

For example, Niu Meng's breathing sound is calm and powerful, with a long pulse.Wu Sanren's breathing sound is rapid and disorderly, long and short, and the breathing of other people is different, with obvious differences.

If this was left in the past, Nie Zheng would not be able to do it at all. Perhaps, as long as the distance is more than five meters, he will not be able to detect the sound of other people's breathing, let alone see clearly the hair and hair tens of meters away. A mole the size of a sesame seed.

But now, he can actually do it one by one.

Seeing this abnormal situation, Nie Zheng was shocked.

He never expected that when he woke up, not only his eyesight improved a lot, but even his hearing became many times more sensitive than before.

Amazing, really amazing!
Could it be that all these changes were caused by taking the Dragon Mang Neidan yesterday?
Thinking of this, Nie Zheng took a deep breath, and couldn't help feeling excited.

Suddenly, at this moment, he felt sticky and uncomfortable all over his body. Immediately, he looked down and found that his arms were covered with a layer of dark red dirt.

Especially under the clothes worn on the body, it was wet and sticky.

Seeing this scene, Nie Zheng hurriedly tore off the collar of his clothes to take a look. Immediately, a strange, sour smell of sweat came straight to his mouth and nose, making him almost hold back his tears.

All of a sudden, Nie Zheng felt his stomach growling and painful, which seemed to be a sign of diarrhea. Immediately, Nie Zheng's expression changed, he hurriedly covered his stomach, and walked towards a secluded place hundreds of meters away. The pile of rocks ran.

It was fine if he didn't run, but as soon as he ran, he was shocked by his own speed on the spot.

With fast strides, he was talking about Nie Zheng's current situation.

In the past, when he ran at full speed, he could only run five or six meters in one second at most, but today it was extremely abnormal. He stepped out casually, and the distance was two or three meters, hundreds of meters. Breathe and run.

And after running for hundreds of meters, Nie Zheng didn't blush or pant, and he didn't feel exhausted with his heart beating faster at all. Isn't this too weird?
Nie Zheng hurriedly ran under a cracked boulder, unbuttoned his pants, squatted down and pulled them.

After hearing a strange "cracking" sound, Nie Zheng pulled the dark yellow and black filth all over the ground. Suddenly, the stench near the boulder was so bad that Nie Zheng was covered by the excreted excrement just now. The filth was suffocating.

Immediately after he put on his pants, he fled the place in a hurry.

On the way back to last night's camp, Nie Zheng was extremely excited.

Obviously, all of this was caused by the dragon python inner alchemy.

Since he swallowed the inner alchemy yesterday, he woke up this morning and felt that his body had completely changed.

Not to mention the enhancement of vision and hearing, and even the running speed is more than doubled than before.

What surprised Nie Zheng even more was the filth that had just been excreted from his body.

"Could it be that the inner pill of the dragon python has the magical effect of purifying the marrow and refining the body? Now, my senses are much stronger than before. If the current situation continues, won't I be able to change quickly? Become Superman?
But the strange thing is, why apart from these changes, why can't I feel the true energy in my body?The power of the dragon python is so huge, even if I swallow its inner alchemy, as long as I get one percent of its power inheritance, I can easily become the top existence in this world.

But where is the true anger?How can I not feel their existence?My body is still hot and hot, and how could my heartbeat be so fast, more than twice as fast as before.Also, why there seem to be countless ants swimming in the skin pores all over my body, making my whole body itchy and numb, is so strange, this dragon python inner pill won't have any side effects, right? ? "

Nie Zheng's mood, apart from being excited, was faintly worried.

He was even a little scared, afraid that the dragon python inner alchemy that he had swallowed into his stomach would have adverse side effects on his body in the future.

If that was the case, then Nie Zheng would be about to cry.

Full of worries and doubts, Nie Zheng returned to the camp.

At this time, Niu Meng and the others had all woken up. Immediately, everyone came to Nie Zheng and bowed their hands, saying, "Marshal, it's already dawn, shall we start our journey now?"

Nie Zheng nodded thoughtfully, and said casually, "Now that we're all rested, let's go."

"Yes, handsome!"

After receiving Nie Zheng's order, Niu Meng and others immediately packed up their things and left Panlong Valley soon.

In the process of climbing up the mountain from Panlong Valley, everyone except Wu Xuanyin was a little surprised by Nie Zheng's performance.

Because, they clearly remembered that when the commander-in-chief entered the Panlong Valley the afternoon before yesterday, he needed a few people to support him, and he was able to descend into the valley with great difficulty. Climbing all the way up the steep and rugged mountain road, it didn't take long for everyone to reach the top of the mountain one after another.

When everyone climbed up the mountain smoothly, they were dumbfounded by everything in front of them!

The dozens of horses they had parked on the mountain had all broken free from the ropes and disappeared without a trace.

Seeing this scene, Niu Meng said depressedly: "Commander, our horses are all gone."

Nie Zheng frowned, and said, "Go and look around here to see if they are still around Panlongling."

As soon as this remark came out, Wu Xuanyin came to Nie Zheng, and said respectfully: "Commander, the dragon python was born yesterday, there was too much commotion, these horses were probably scared to death by the roar of the dragon python If you have the guts, you probably have escaped hundreds of miles away."

Hearing this, Nie Zheng glanced at him with a half-smile, and said, "This is what you calculated before, right?"

Wu Xuanyin smiled awkwardly, and said: "Commander, I was so ignorant and ignorant that I didn't know Taishan before, so I hope the commander-in-chief Haihan."

Nie Zheng smiled and waved his hands, and said, "Okay, let's let the past go, and start over from now on, let's go, brothers, let's walk down the mountain and see if we can catch a few unlucky bears around here Come as a mount."

As soon as this remark came out, everyone burst into laughter.

"Haha, what the commander-in-chief said is wonderful."

"In my opinion, it's more majestic to catch a few wild boars as mounts!"

"Fuck, riding a pig to the south, thank you for being able to figure it out, if the people of Yangzhou City saw our commander riding a big black and smelly wild boar out of the mountain, wouldn't it make people laugh?"

"Ha ha ha ha……"

(End of this chapter)

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