heavy weapon is king

Chapter 162 Jedi Counterattack, Occupy Yangzhou (6-character chapter)

Chapter 162 Jedi counterattack, occupying Yangzhou ([-]-character chapter)
Li Yan's warning gunshot suddenly sounded behind him, and suddenly, the whole audience changed color!
Nie Zheng sat on the horse and yelled, "Zhao Hu, hurry up and enter the city..."

After saying that, he whipped his horse and prepared to rush into the city at the fastest speed.

Suddenly, in the dark night sky, there was a strange sound of bamboo flutes.


As soon as the flute sounded, something that surprised Nie Zheng and others happened on the spot. The war horse carrying Nie Zheng seemed to be extremely afraid of the strange sound of the bamboo flute. He let out a long hiss in horror, and then raised his front hooves high, uncontrollably throwing Nie Zheng who was sitting on him off the horse's back.

Encountering this sudden change, several elite dragons and tigers who were guarding beside him rushed forward in a few strides and helped Nie Zheng down steadily.

Zhao Hu, who was walking in front and holding the reins, directly used brute force to hold the frightened horse firmly, but the horse seemed to go crazy suddenly, struggling and kicking on the spot, and then ignored All desires flee to the left.

The frightened horse suddenly burst out with such a huge force that it pulled Zhao Hu, who was holding the rein, to this side, and his legs, which were firmly planted on the ground, kept staggering and slipping.

Nie Zheng had just stood firm on the ground, still in shock, turned his head and saw that Zhao Hu was still wrestling with the frightened horse, and shouted on the spot: "What are you pulling it for, let go of the rein, and let it go!"

Hearing this, Zhao Hu immediately let go of the reins in his hand, and shouted anxiously: "Brothers, hurry up and escort the leader into the city!"

All of a sudden, seven snipers, plus 26 elite dragon and tiger warriors with the strength of fourth-rank warriors, surrounded Nie Zheng one after another, nervously protecting Leader Nie, and quickly rushed towards the city gate.

In the process of running fast, the seven snipers guarding Nie Zheng picked up their sniper rifles from time to time, and fired continuously at the dark night sky.

Seeing this, Nie Zheng's expression darkened.

Although he didn't dare to stop in his footsteps, he had already taken out the thermal imaging telescope and turned his head to look up at the sky from time to time.

Through the thermal imaging telescope in his hand, Nie Zheng clearly saw a huge unknown object appearing hundreds of meters above the sky in front of him.

That thing looks like a bird, but judging from its wide wingspan, it looks like a huge bat.


How can there be such a huge bat in this world?
Nie Zheng was shocked, and his forward pace did not slow down for a moment.

At the same time, Shi Zheng, Niu Meng and others who had entered the city suddenly heard gunshots from outside the city. Immediately, the faces of their leaders changed drastically, and they hurriedly boarded the dilapidated tower and looked out of the city.

Two miles away from the city, leader Nie fled towards the city gate in panic, under a group of elite guards.

Seeing this scene, Niu Meng was extremely anxious, and shouted loudly on the spot: "All bazooka launchers, follow me out of the city!"

After all, he ignored the reactions of others, took a deep breath, and jumped down from the six-foot-high tower. When his huge body was about to fall into the water, his feet suddenly floated on the water. A piece of wood jumped up again and again, like a big bird in flight, it bounced off the water in an instant, and flew towards Nie Zheng and others extremely fast.

Niu Meng took the lead to leave the city, Shi Zheng, Xu Shijie, Xue Changsheng and other leaders and masters, who dared not delay, shouted and ordered: "The heavy machine gun team hurried out of the city to prepare for battle!"

"The grenadier combat team will leave the city immediately to prepare for the battle..."

Under the shouts of the leaders, thousands of military elites who poured into the city rushed out of the city gate anxiously.

However, at this time, the more than 2000 dragon and tiger troops outside with cold weapons had just boarded the suspension bridge, and the road out of the city was congested.

All of a sudden, the people outside were rushing into the city, and the people inside were rushing out of the city to save the Lord.

In desperation, more than 2000 dragon and tiger troops rushed onto the suspension bridge and jumped into the moat from both sides of the suspension bridge one after another. With the fastest speed, they opened a way out of the city for the military elite in the city.

Just as the military elite in the city was rushing out of the city to prepare for the battle, Shi Zheng, Xu Shijie and other dozens of leaders standing on the tower followed the example of Niu Meng and jumped down the tower one after another, rushing out of the city to meet Leader Nie and others who had fled.

Although, until now, no one has figured out what kind of enemy appeared outside the city, but judging from the tense and dignified expressions of Nie Zheng and others, they must have encountered an extremely terrifying master.

Niu Meng, Shi Zheng and other dozens of leaders and masters rushed out of the city to meet them even though they had already performed lightness kung fu.But the distance between the two sides is two miles, no matter how fast their qinggong is, it still takes a moment.

However, this moment is enough to put Nie Zheng and others in a desperate situation!
At this moment, Nie Zheng was sullen, panting and running with all his strength under the guard of the crowd.

It's a pity that no matter how fast they run, they can't run faster than the giant bat in the sky.

The giant bat in the night sky is not only huge in size, but also extremely fast in flight.

With a short distance of several hundred meters, it didn't take a few breaths. It came swiftly like lightning, and appeared above everyone's heads in the blink of an eye.

Although Nie Zheng and the others didn't raise their heads, they could clearly hear the sound of wings vibrating in the air in the night sky above their heads.

Ever since the giant bat appeared in the night sky, the seven snipers hadn't stopped shooting.

It's a pity that the bat's speed is too fast, and it is moving rapidly in the sky. For these snipers who are constantly moving at the same time, if they want to hit the bat in the air under such harsh conditions High-speed flying target is very difficult.

After all, night is not as wide as daytime vision.

Although they all have thermal imaging sights on their guns, there are advantages and disadvantages to this.

The advantage is that thermal imaging can be used to find targets hidden in the dark, but the disadvantage is that thermal imaging will limit their field of vision and can only be limited to the observation range of the sight.

At the same time, they had never tried to snipe a target flying at high speed in the night sky before, and they had no such experience at all, so they would inevitably feel a little flustered and flustered.

More importantly, leader Nie is by his side, because he is afraid that something will happen to the leader under the protection of himself and others, and everyone will be under great psychological pressure. Therefore, this will also affect their performance and make them lose their normal performance. Calm and unhurried.

Horizontal line sniping and high-altitude sniping are two completely different concepts.

A sniper who can kill a high-speed moving target on the plain may not be able to hit a high-altitude moving target, and the moving speed of the target is still so fast, as fast as lightning.

The distance of hundreds of meters is only a few breaths at most for that lightning-fast bat.

Sure enough, before Nie Zheng and the others rushed forward 50 meters in a panic, the huge bat spread its huge wings and appeared above everyone's heads like covering the sky and covering the earth.

As the distance got closer and closer, finally, under the continuous attack of seven snipers.

boom! boom! boom!
The bat hovering in the night sky was finally shot several times, and after a shrill hiss in mid-air, it wobbled and fell to the ground.

Suddenly, when the bat was still more than ten meters away from the ground, a slender man in black suddenly jumped down from the back of the giant bat. Nie Zheng, who rushed into the crowd, came to kill him.

"Protect the lord!!"

Seeing this scene, everyone roared angrily, blocking Nie Zheng behind desperately.

At the same time, seven snipers pulled the trigger again.

boom! ...

It's a pity that the black shadow jumping off the back of the giant bat had already calculated this point.

Before they had a chance to shoot, a black cold light suddenly shot out in mid-air, covering all the people surrounding Nie Zheng.

In an instant, everyone felt that there were many places on their bodies, as if they were bitten by mosquitoes, and immediately fell to the ground numb all over.

The seven snipers guarding Nie Zheng also fell in the blink of an eye, six of them.

The only sniper who did not fall down was the crippled Li Yan, because he was located far away, and when he saw the enemy jumping from the air, he quickly backed away and kept a certain distance from the enemy, so Just avoided this catastrophe.

The slender black figure that jumped down from the air was extremely powerful.

Immediately after throwing out a bunch of gadfly needles, he pulled out a sharp scimitar in mid-air, and with a flash of cold light, he swung the scimitar and slashed at Nie Zheng's head with incomparable speed.

Encountering this powerful enemy, Zhao Hu and a dozen other elite dragons and tigers drew out their weapons "Ding Ding Dang Dang" to fight with the slender black shadow.

The strength of the slender black shadow is extremely fierce.

Among the more than a dozen elite dragon and tiger fighters whose strength was at the fourth rank, none of them could survive a single round under his command.

As soon as the two sides fought each other, blood was splashed everywhere in the crowd, and screams were heard endlessly. In the blink of an eye, more than half of the elite dragons and tigers fell down covered in blood.

After injuring more than a dozen people in a row, the slender black shadow eyes showed fierceness, locked on to Nie Zheng who had escaped more than ten meters away, and ran after him with a grinning grin.

Seeing this, Zhao Hu immediately waved the steel knife frantically, and slashed at the enemy's head. The slender black figure didn't even look at him, and kicked up Zhao Hu's muscles and bones directly, causing his body to fly several meters upside down. Far.Immediately afterwards, he flew over with a gloomy expression.

Obviously, the slender black shadow had already noticed that Nie Zheng, who was surrounded by everyone, must be an extremely important leader, so he chased and killed Nie Zheng so desperately.

At this moment, Niu Meng, Shi Zheng and others who came to the savior were still 200 meters away, and another team of snipers led by Chen Shou had just climbed the tower and had not had time to shoot.

On the other hand, the slender black figure chasing after Nie Zheng was less than five meters away from him.

Just a few more steps forward, the slender black shadow can swing the scimitar and chop Nie Zheng under the knife.

At this time, Nie Zheng gritted his teeth and ran forward almost with all his strength. While flustered in his heart, he kept thinking of ways to deal with the enemy.

Tonight, this enemy who suddenly jumped from the air to attack was very powerful and extremely fast.

Although he still has an AWM sniper rifle in the Arms Commercial Street, at such a short distance, the enemy probably won't give him a chance to shoot.

Suddenly, Nie Zheng remembered that he had bought four AA12 shotguns a few months ago. He had kept those guns in the Arms Commercial Street and had almost forgotten them.

Now the enemy that is chasing after him is so fierce, using those AA12s to deal with him should be able to win. You know, under such a close-range attack, once the enemy behind is hit by AA12, it is estimated that with AA12 its terrifying The attack power will blast the enemy to pieces on the spot.

However, the enemy's bite was too close, and the speed was so fast that he had no chance to stop and shoot. Once he stopped for a short time, he would die on the spot.

Niu Meng and the others who came to the rescue now were still a hundred meters away from themselves, and the enemy following them was less than three meters away.

At a distance of three meters, with the enemy's rapid speed, he would catch up to him in no more than a second.

Seeing this scene, Nie Zheng cried out sadly, "Could it be that I am going to die here tonight?..."


Two breaths before.

Just when that ferocious slender black figure waved a scimitar and knocked down all the elite dragons and tigers standing in front of him.

Li Yan, who was located more than ten meters away, lay on the ground at the fastest speed, adjusted the muzzle of the gun, and assumed a shooting position that he was best at.

Just when everyone rushed behind Nie Zheng to stop him, Li Yan did the opposite and quickly left the crowd, keeping a safe distance from the formidable enemy who had killed him.

Li Yan knew very well in his heart that he didn't know martial arts. If Zhao Hu and the others rushed to stop him, it would be of no use at all. He could only be injured and died in vain. Therefore, he calmly made a very bold choice to stay away from the leader. , to give full play to the real advantages of the sniper, and at the most critical moment, use the sniper rifle in your hand to give the sneak attacking enemy a fatal blow.

At this moment, the sniper rifle in Li Yan's hand had locked on to the fast-moving enemy.

Since the enemy was chasing Leader Nie too fast, and they were in a straight line with Leader Nie, Li Yan was worried that after he shot, the bullet would not only hit the enemy, but he was also afraid that Leader Nie in front would also be pierced. Penetrating bullets accidentally wounded.

Therefore, he can only continue to bite the bullet and wait for the opportunity.

The time for one breath is very short, but to Li Yan, it seems like a century.

Suddenly, the enemy who was chasing after Nie Zheng suddenly raised the scimitar in his hand, and just when he was about to strike the back of Nie Zheng's head, finally, the opportunity came!
Li Yan's eyes flashed brightly, and he pulled the trigger without hesitation.

A dull and piercing gunshot sounded suddenly in the silent and empty field.

I saw a thick and long bullet, like a dazzling line of fire, whistling and fired out, and shot straight at the right arm of the slender black figure.


Suddenly, a tearing sound sounded suddenly on the right arm of the slender black figure.

Before Ge Luo's scimitar was swung down, in an instant, he was horrified to find that his right arm broke open in the air with a rain of blood and broken flesh.

Under the sense of imbalance caused by the loss of his right arm, he suddenly swayed, and under the inertia of rushing forward, he fell to the ground fiercely.

When he just fell to the ground and looked up, he found that his broken right arm was still holding a sharp scimitar tightly in mid-air, and fell to the ground in a whirl, just landing near his left face. , the few drops of blood floating in the air just happened to drip on his cheeks.

Seeing this scene, Gero was horrified to the extreme.

Because he had the "Poppy Pill" in his mouth, under the effect of the pill, he couldn't feel any pain, but he couldn't figure it out, how could his arm suddenly break apart?
Looking at the severed arm that fell near his left face, Ge Luo's eyes were full of blood with anger. He jumped up from the ground suddenly, and continued to chase Nie Zheng who was several meters away with a strange scream.

Just after shooting from Li Yan, Gero fell down with a broken arm, and then bounced back up... The whole process seemed to be long, but in fact it was all in the blink of an eye.

However, it was because Li Yan shot and broke Ge Luo's arm swinging the knife. Taking advantage of the short moment when Ge Luo fell, Nie Zheng immediately turned back and had a chance to fight back.

At this moment, when Gero's eyes shot up from the ground with bloodthirsty eyes, Nie Zheng had already ordered Jack to transfer an AA12 shotgun into his hand.

Nie Zheng took aim with his gun, and Ge Luo jumped up.

Even though he lost an arm, Gero's speed was still so fast.

From a distance of several meters, he suddenly stretched out his left hand, his five fingers were like hooks, and his body was like lightning, he went straight to grab Nie Zheng's face.

Where Ge Luo dodged, on the broken arm, blood poured down violently, sprinkling a bright blood-colored rain curtain in mid-air.

The swift claws are as fast as thunder.

From a distance of several meters, Nie Zheng could clearly feel the screaming aura emitted by his claws passing through the air.

In the blink of an eye, that powerful and swift claw was already five inches away from Nie Zheng's face.

As long as he advances another five inches, Nie Zheng's head will definitely be crushed by the opponent's powerful claws.

Unfortunately, the opponent's claws can only stay five inches away.

A muffled thunderous gunshot sounded suddenly.

Nie Zheng looked coldly at the bloodthirsty and vicious eyes that were close at hand, and pulled the trigger fiercely.


A shrill scream resounded through the night sky.

On the spot, Ge Luo, who was hidden under the black robe, his slender body, seemed to have been hit by a heavy hammer suddenly, and his body flew back upside down, dragging blood rain all over the sky.

With a "boom", Ge Luo's body fell heavily on the ground. At this moment, his upper body was bloody.

Ge Luo lay on the ground with gloomy eyes, blood gushing continuously on his body, looking at that young and handsome face, he slowly walked up to him, and then, a black muzzle slowly pressed against his forehead .

At this time, Ge Luo slowly closed his eyes, and sighed secretly: "Just a little bit, just a little bit, I can kill him, what a pity..."

There was another muffled thunderous gunshot.

Nie Zheng held the shotgun against the enemy's head, and slammed the trigger several times in a row, blasting the enemy into a pile of meat, and then slowly stopped.

At this moment, Niu Meng, Shi Zheng and others finally arrived.

"Leader, a large number of enemies have appeared two miles behind!"

"Pass down the order, use full firepower, kill them all, don't leave a single one!"

Nie Zheng turned around with a blank expression, and slowly walked up to the crippled sniper who had just shot, and said flatly, "You fired the shot just now?"

Li Yan nodded nervously, "Yes."

Nie Zheng asked again, "What's your name?"

"Li Yan, Mu Zi Li, Shan Shi Yan."

"Li Yan..."

Nie Zheng took a deep look at him, pondered for a moment, and said, "From now on, you will follow me from now on."

After saying that, Nie Zheng slowly mounted Niu Meng's horse, and under the guard of a group of leaders and experts, he ran towards the north city gate without looking back.

In the distance, Li Yan, who was lying on the ground, was stunned for a while without trying to understand what was going on.

At some point, Chen Shou led a few snipers and appeared in front of him. Everyone looked at him with complicated expressions, and slowly pulled him up.

When Li Yan stood up with difficulty, everyone was surprised to find that the trousers on his left leg were stained red with blood.

Seeing this scene, everyone fell silent.

A moment later, dozens of heavy machine guns, 250 grenade launchers, and dozens of bazookas fired at the same time on the wilderness outside the north city gate, billowing smoke and dust on the plain behind and filling the sky with mud.

That night, the defense of the northern city was breached, and the general of the northern border of Dayue Kingdom, Ba Tuo, died in battle. Two thousand shadow soldiers were killed, and the entire army was wiped out.

The noble officials of Dayue in Yangzhou city all led their families and families to escape from the city in panic. The tens of thousands of Dayue troops stationed in the other three city defenses also rushed out of the city defense and retreated to Zengzhou, which is three hundred miles away. .

With the whole city in chaos, Nie Zheng led an army of four thousand dragons and tigers to take over the entire Yangzhou City...

(PS: This chapter has [-] words, which belongs to the merger of two chapters. I will continue to code words at night to see if I can update another chapter. Finally, thank you for your support.)
(End of this chapter)

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